To Kill A Mocking Bird Atticus
Beginning of paper
Atticus Finch is a widower or 50 and the father or two children. His character can best be summed up as a man whose character is nearly the complete opposite of the general population of the town and indeed, many white people who lived in the southern states of America. He is a man without prejudic ....
Middle of paper
.... most of his neighbours and his family.
Which shows that Atticus is a man of strong morals and principles and a man who will stand up for what he believes is right. When asked by his children why he chose to defend Tom Robinson when he knew he would most likely not win he replied to them that is he hadn’t, he wouldn’t be able to believe in himself anymore. He chose to defend Tom Robinson because to choose not to would be going against all his personal morals and principles.
Because ....
Word count: 490
Page count: 2 (approximately 250 words per page)