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Julius Caesar By Shakespeare

Beginning of paper
In Act III, Scene 2, Antony begins his speech right after Brutus at the forum. In the beginning, he is booed by the people of Rome, but his manipulative words soon capture the minds of the Romans and bring them to attention. Antony¡¯s speech is wholly directed upon persuading the Roman plebeian ....

Middle of paper
.... on that very inability as he manipulates their emotions, concentrating increasingly on their mounting passion. In the beginning, Antony was barely heard for the crowd was cheering so loud in appreciation of Brutus. Antony realizes that Brutus has the upperhand during the specific time phase, so he begins humbly, acknowledging that he speaks with Brutus¡¯s permission. But with his shrewd skill, he slyly disqualifies Brutus¡¯s claim of Caesar¡¯s excessive ambition with the innoc ....

Word count: 720
Page count: 3 (approximately 250 words per page)

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