Apostle Paul
Beginning of paper
The was born around the year of 3 A.D. in the Jewish community of Tarsus. When he was born, his strict Pharisee parents dedicated him to the service of God and did all they could to bring him up as good Jew. From age five to ten he studied under his father, a Jewish Pharisee. His father taugh ....
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.... did not believe Jesus was the Messiah because Jesus often denounced the Pharisees and seemed to oppose all their rules. He had once heard that Jesus taught the people to disobey the rabbis and had caused chaos in the synagogues. All true Jews accused Him as enemy of Israel. Saul believed that anyone who followed Jesus should be put to death. With this thought in mind he returned to Jerusalem and offered his service to the high priest to persecute anyone who is opposed to the way of th ....
Word count: 998
Page count: 4 (approximately 250 words per page)