Alexander The Great
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is one of the very few generals in
history who never lost. His unbroken success is all the more amazing
because the circumstances he faced varied widely and he often exposed
himself recklessly in battle.
Alexander won his first victory when he was just 16 against hill tribes on
the borders of Mac ....
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.... defeated the much larger
armies of Persian King Darius. He also destroyed the fortified island city
of Tyre on the Mediterranean Sea, founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt,
conquered hill tribes the Persians had never been able to subdue, and
defeated a well-trained Indian army equipped with elephants.
After defeating Porus, an Indian ruler, he wanted to continue his conquests
into India, but his weary, homesick army refused. Reluctantly, Alexander
turned around and led his army b ....
Word count: 316
Page count: 2 (approximately 250 words per page)