Gulf War 2
Beginning of paper
In the early morning of August the second 1990, Saddam Hussein and a fleet of tanks as well as 100,000 thousand troops invaded neighboring Kuwait with out provocation or warning. Iraq also had surface-to-surface missiles to take complete control of Kuwait; this all took place just hours after Sadda ....
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.... of the Iraqi troops and tanks would result in immediate action by the U.S troops in his address to the people. Bush also demanded that full restoration of the Kuwaiti government must also take place rather than the puppet regime that was established by Saddam Hussein after his take over. This was one of the many incidents that lead President George Bush to take action against the Iraqi’s due to their involvement in the Persian Gulf crisis.
The United Nations placed sanctions upon Iraq, whi ....
Word count: 1114
Page count: 5 (approximately 250 words per page)