Roe V. Wade
Beginning of paper
January 23, 2000 marked the twenty-seventh anniversary of the case. It all started out in a small town in Texas where a woman under the alias Jane Roe filed a case in district court for a woman’s right to choose abortion. At this time law in Texas prohibited abortion. Eventually the case moved t ....
Middle of paper
.... Wade strongly opposed abortion he believed abortion was murder. Wade made the point that Fetus is human being and has right to life under the law. He also argues that the fetus is life upon conception. He said that abortion hurts women not only physically but psychologically. Abortion can result pain, discomfort, and unstable metal conditions. According to the fourteenth amendment a person has an undeniable right to freedom. They stated that the fetus has a right to freedom guaranteed by th ....
Word count: 986
Page count: 4 (approximately 250 words per page)