Lepus Americanus
Beginning of paper
(snowshoe hare) belongs to the Phylum: Chordata, Class: Vertebrata, and Order: Mammalia. is common to the northern boreal forests of North America extending south into higher elevations of the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains. It's main diet consists of plant shrubs in summer and in winter forage ....
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.... Between critical winters of 1981-1982 the experimental grid area lost 77% of its population as compared to 79% and 96% loss for the control grids. Determining the survival rates, the authors used mark-recapture techniques, it was found that probabilities for survivorship in experimental grid (0.79+0.10) were similar to that of control grids (0.71+0.07; 0.56+0.07). Results yielded that extra food intake and cover provided from branches may have not been helpful in increasing survivorship. No ....
Word count: 381
Page count: 2 (approximately 250 words per page)