The Internet
Beginning of paper
This is a nice invention. And considering the www alone, the main thing is
that it is flashy, colorful, icons are blinking and it can talk to you.
Besides that, it is fast and easy, of course. It claims to be a powerful
tool for exchanging and gathering information which will change the world
in th ....
Middle of paper
.... information stored here is useless, as if it wasn't
there. Secondly, to get anything interesting or informative from the web,
no matter what the subject, one must know its exact location, else one is
compelled to dive into a muddy flood of shit. This leads me to the point of
clarifying the term "information":
This word usually has two meanings, a fact that contributes to
misunderstandings. It can mean a piece of wanted, useful and understandable
data or it can also mean any piece of data. When ....
Word count: 1203
Page count: 5 (approximately 250 words per page)