Steam Turbines
Beginning of paper
The invention of the water turbine was so successful that eventually,
the idea came about for extracting power from steam. Steam has one great
advantage over water-it expands in volume with tremendous velocity. To be the
most effective, a steam turbine must run at a very high speed. No wheel mad ....
Middle of paper
.... provides a large amount of available work energy.
The essential parts of all steam turbines consist of nozzles or jets
through which the steam can flow and expand. Thus, the temperature drops, and
kinetic energy is gained. In addition, there are blades, on which high pressure
steam is exerted. Stationary blades shift the steam onto rotating blades, which
provide power. Also, turbines are equipped with wheels or drums where the
blades are mounted. A shaft for these wheels or drums is ....
Word count: 452
Page count: 2 (approximately 250 words per page)