The Public Broadcasting System: Digital Technology And HDTV
Beginning of paper
Digital technology is not a passing whim, but an inescapable
technological advancement. By the year 2006, The Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) will have ordered all analog transmitters off the air.
Before long, all broadcasters will commence with the employment of a
revolutionary technology ....
Middle of paper
.... television
(HDTV) will
significantly enhance the beauty and complexity of all PBS's programming.
Founded in 1969, The Public Broadcasting System is America's sole
television network of public stations. Collectively, educational
establishments, community organizations or state and municipal groups,
operate approximately 350 member stations. All public television stations
highlight the importance of illuminating cultural and educational
programming, as well as distinguished progra ....
Word count: 1618
Page count: 6 (approximately 250 words per page)