Journalism On The Internet
Beginning of paper
The common forms of media in today's world each have both advantages and
disadvantages. The Internet has been around for an almost equal amount of time
as most of them, but only recently has it become a popular way of retrieving
information. The Internet takes the best of all other medium and combi ....
Middle of paper
.... is. The simple answer is that it is computers all over the
globe connected together by telephone wires. It was first made by the military,
"No one owns the Internet", to have a network with no centre. That way it could
never be destroyed by nuclear war. Since then, universities have used it and it
has evolved into what it is today. It is a library that contains mail, stories,
news advertising, and just about everything else. "In a sense, freenets are a
literacy movement for computer mediated ....
Word count: 1582
Page count: 6 (approximately 250 words per page)