Censorship And The Internet
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Freedom of speech has been one of the most important and fought over freedoms that this country has ever known. Since its commercial inception in 1992, the Internet, has been a topic of debate for the past six years. The wide spread argument has to do with the content that the Internet provides. ....
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.... to protect children by prohibiting "indecent" speech or images from being sent through cyberspace."(Quittner) This law seems somewhat harmless at a first glance until you begin to read some of its clauses. One of the biggest groups that combated this issue was the CIEC, or Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition. The CIEC soon began to find problems with this bill as the so maticulously stated on their web site "It is also important to note that the CDA is not about child pornography, obsce ....
Word count: 2785
Page count: 11 (approximately 250 words per page)