Creative Writing: The Inferno
Beginning of paper
It is the quintessence of monotony: a mountain chain of stucco that lies
atop fallow lots the size of kitchen magnets. Welcome to suburbia. I
effortlessly enter my pervious pastel palace, but the voyage to my room is an
uphill battle; it is quite an insurmountable quest. The trek to my cell
con ....
Middle of paper
.... in
her eyes. Her eyes. They lack the luminescence of the youthful character they
portray. Her glances pierce through my being like light through glass. The
carpet is a sea of scorn. It stabs my feet with its blades of contempt. The
walls of mockery laugh at me as I foolishly try to climb them to rid myself of
its presence. Yet there is no escape. I have inflicted more pain upon myself.
Nothing is soft in here; everything is jagged. My un-sanded wooden dresser
rests on the ri ....
Word count: 523
Page count: 2 (approximately 250 words per page)