Beginning of paper
The history of is embeded with revolution and tension dating back
to the feudal periods and the " first unified Chinese empire under Qi Shi Huang
Di in 221 B.C. " The Confucianism ideology entrenched in the minds of the
Chinese people with its conservative base and the need to achieve harmony in
Middle of paper
.... while given a form of leadership of its own for the
first time. The dictatorship of the proletariat in communist China called the "
peoples democratic dictatorship " is considered by the Chinese Communist Party
to be truly democratic, since it is the dictatorship of the vast majority, the ‘
people' over a tiny minority of reactionaries. The Chinese Communist Party
formed in 1921 is founded upon strict Marxist beliefs that coincide with ideas
expressed in the Communist Manifesto.
" Th ....
Word count: 1391
Page count: 6 (approximately 250 words per page)