Beginning of paper
is the world's smallest continent and sixth-largest country. With
proportionately more desert land than any other continent, has a low
population density. Lying completely in the Southern Hemisphere, is
bounded by the Indian Ocean on the west and south and by the Pacific Ocean on
the east. Th ....
Middle of paper
.... The country's name derives from the Latin terra australis
incognita, meaning "unknown southern land," which resulted from a confusion
between Australia and Antarctica on early world maps.
In many ways Australia is unusual among continents. It lacks major relief
features and has a high proportion of dry land. The continent's isolation from
other landmasses accounts for its unique varieties of vegetation and animal life,
and for the existence of a Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) culture a ....
Word count: 374
Page count: 2 (approximately 250 words per page)