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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Hello, My Name Is Orson Welles
Words: 1601 / Pages: 6

.... the viewer can not hear the booming instruction of an announcer, nor is the primary character revealed or the plot introduced by a Wellesian voice over. In Touch of Evil, Welles parts with his usual opening style in favor of a much more dramatic method of introduction; this creates a less obvious, yet more intimate initial interaction between the characters on the screen and the viewer in the seat. Foremost, Welles's legendary long shot opens the film. These three minutes and twenty seconds have many effects upon the viewer in introducing this movie. The primary purpose of this shot is to slowly draw the viewer in to the story by limiting the vie .....

Death Of A Salesman: The Tragedy Of One Man
Words: 3541 / Pages: 13

.... man. Many people wonder if Willy is really responsible for his own death, or is he, as Luke Carrol put it in the Herald Tribune, " a pathetic little man caught in an undertow that's too strong for him." Willy Loman is bewildered by a capitalist system which drives it's men into frantic, all consuming dreams of success, doomed not only by their grandiosity but also their inherent contradictoriness. Willy's dreams of success are rooted in the concept of the "American Dream", which is the idea that this is a land of unlimited opportunity in which any ragamuffin can attain riches and any mother's son can become president (Hadomi 159). This concept .....

Evil In Macbeth
Words: 865 / Pages: 4

.... of Glamis All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter."(I, III, l. 50-53) Soon after the meeting with the witches Macbeth realises that he is the thane of Glamis and the thane of Cawdor. He realises that the only way for the 3rd prophecy to come true is to kill Duncan the king of Scotland. So Macbeth and his wife decide to kill Duncan and Macbeth becomes the king. He then decides he should kill Banquo because he could betray him, the witches said that Banquo would be the father to the line of kings and that means Macbeth will not be king for a long time. The murder of Banquo lead to Macbeth's dow .....

The Merchant Of Venice: Summary
Words: 971 / Pages: 4

.... pageants and shows. One of the plays was about the legendary Robin Hood and his marry men. In November 1582, he received a license to marry Anne Hathaway. At the time of there marriage, Shakespeare was 18 and Anne was 26. Their first child, Susanna, was baptized on May 26, 1583. In 1585 Anne Shakespeare gave birth to twins. A boy named Hamnet and a girl named Judith. Hamnet did not survive. Shakespeare arrived in London about 1588 and by 1592 and had success as an actor and playwright. He secured the patronage of Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton. William Shakespeare’s professional life in London was marked by a number of financi .....

Oedipus: Villain He Is
Words: 825 / Pages: 3

.... office which the city once put in my hands unsought-if for this power Creon desires in secret to destroy me" (1245)! Oedipus is now accusing Creon to be plotting to kill him. These illustrations surely demonstrate how quick Oedipus comes to judging and accusing others of very major and treacherous crimes. Oedipus repeatedly and falsely accused others of the crime that he committed, even though unknowing at the time. Even Creon tells him, "You cannot judge unless you know the facts" (1248). Creon tries to tell Oedipus to quit judging him because the facts, to Oedipus, were yet unknown. Another example of Oedipus habit of falsely accusing is a qu .....

Fate A Factor In Oedipus' Life
Words: 736 / Pages: 3

.... Another part of the heroic journey involves "dying as an adolescent and being reborn as a man. (Campbell)" This happens to Oedipus when he leaves Corinth and runs to Thebes. He goes from boy to king. Oedipus intended on avoiding letting the prophecy come true so he escaped from what he thought was his mother and father because he cared. In doing this he kills his father of birth, and then he frees the people of Thebes from the plague of the Sphinx and inherits the throne. It is no surprise Oedipus didn’t go insane. I guess to the result of this he gouged his eyes out. He did so many good things for his people and when it came time to find t .....

Dramatic Irony In Romeo And Juliet
Words: 712 / Pages: 3

.... but they do not. Tybalt letting them be, as told by Capulet, lets the two lovers fall in love instantly, which later leads up to the death of the lovers because there would have never been a catastrophe, if the lovers never met. Like in the first example, the dramatic irony in Act II, scene ii also involves the two lovers. While standing outside of Juliet’s window, without her knowing, Romeo overhears her. He overhears her say, “O Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?/ Deny thy father and refuse thy name!/ Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,/ And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” Basically, what Juliet says that she wants to marry Rome .....

Hamlet Essay
Words: 957 / Pages: 4

.... the right; And so, without more circumstance at all, I hold it fit that we shake hands and part_ [Act I, scene V, lines 127-134]. It seems as if there are two Hamlets in the play, one that is sensitive and an ideal prince, and the insane barbaric Hamlet who from an outburst of passion and rage slays Polonius with no feeling of remorse, Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell! / I took thee for thy better. Take thy fortune;/ Thou find'st to be too busy is some danger.- [Act III. scene IV, lines 31-33] and then talks about lugging his guts into another room. After Hamlet kills Polonius he will not tell anyone where the body is. Instead he assu .....

Predestined Fate Of Oedipus
Words: 1151 / Pages: 5

.... would one day kill his father and then marry his mother. With this in mind they tried to have Oedipus killed to avoid this horrible fate. However they couldn't kill him themselves because murder of their own son would get the gods angry all over again. So they tried to get some one to take Oedipus out to the mountains and let him die of natural causes. Some people might argue that they are still indirectly responsible for the death but apparently the Greeks only considered it bad if you were directly responsible for the act of murder. The problem is that this person never left Oedipus on the mountains as he was instructed to and therefore Oedipus ne .....

Movie: Dead Poet's Society - The Dead Poet That Killed Himself
Words: 361 / Pages: 2

.... of the world's calculators, not one is used in the classroom. One really begins to understand math when taught by route memorization and physical punishment for incorrect answers. Anyone who has been "rapped on the knuckles" by a nun with a ruler can attest to this fact. The one thing that a student needs in life is structure. Without this, he or she cannot function in a school environment. When a bell rings, you must go to class. When a teacher assigns homework, you do it. No questions asked. No individual thought. The only marrow that should be sucked out of a students life is that of education. That, after all, is why they are in school. To learn .....

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