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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Falstaff And King Henry: Similar Characters
Words: 456 / Pages: 2

.... of dealing with people, especially under uncomfortable circumstances, the two also behave in like ways. It is well known that Falstaff often works his way out of unpleasant situations using only his wit. The King is continuously modifying his behavior to suit the occasion, such as when he is dealing with Hotspur and the opposing Vassals and when he deals with Hal at the royal court. Both Falstaff and the King live,to a great extent, by the sharpness of their minds: Falstaff as a criminal, and the King as a politician. Another similar facet of these two characters is their view of bravery. Both the King and Falstaff subscribe to the theory that it is .....

Hamlet: Contrast Plays A Major Role
Words: 690 / Pages: 3

.... the effect. The clowns chatter about their work in a carefree manner, even going so far as to play with a riddle ( " What is he that builds stronger ... carpenter" V,1,41-42). Shakespeare even went so far as to include his puns in this grave scene (V,1,120). Hamlet himself experiences a temporary lightening of mood from listening to the gravediggers' conversation. Their carefree treatment of death singing while digging graves, not to mention tossing skulls in the air) is a parallel to Hamlet's newfound attitude. After having committed himself to his cause in Act IV, he is no longer bothered by the paradox of good and evil, and (seemingly) is u .....

Death Of A Salesman: Willy's Suicide Is His Downfall
Words: 478 / Pages: 2

.... to those who are liked by everyone not the studious people who others disliked. Willy is also disillusional in his American dream. He asks Bernard in Act 2, “What-what’s the secret”(1391). Willy wants to know the “key” to being successful. He does not understand that the “key” is to work hard to get what you want in life. His false values showed again when Biff stole a football from school and a whole case of them at the sporting goods store were he worked. Willy’s motto was that biff didn’t mean any harm. Willy even laughed when the boys stole lumber from a construction sight nearby. This proves that Willy is passing his false .....

The Cause Of Macbeth's Ruin
Words: 1933 / Pages: 8

.... with the witches he is told that he is to be the Thane of Cawdor and king. Soon after he was told these prophesies he already becomes eager to learn more; his eagerness is shown when he tells the witches, "Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more" (Act.1,Sc.3,Ln.70). Later in the same scene Ross, a Scottish noble, presents Macbeth with the title Thane of Cawdor and here he realized that the prophesies are true. The veracity of these prophesies disturb Macbeth because at this point he is already filled with the notion of being king and murder as the way of attaining that title. Macbeth even asks himself; "why do I yield to that suggestion, .....

Hamlet Revenge
Words: 1141 / Pages: 5

.... play. Fortinbras, King of Norway, was killed by King Hamlet; slain by sword during a man to man battle. "àour valiant Hamlet-for so this side of our known world esteem'd him-did slay this Fortinbras." This entitled King Hamlet to the land that was possessed by Fortinbras because it was written in a seal'd compact. Polonius was an advisor to the King, and father to Laertes and Ophelia. He was nosy and arrogant, and he did not trust his children. He was killed by Young Hamlet while he was eves dropping on a conversation between Hamlet and his mother. "How now! A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead!" King Hamlet was the King of Denmark, and .....

The Crucible: John Proctor And John Hale - Good Citizen Vs. Good Person
Words: 993 / Pages: 4

.... that John Proctor was a good person was his honesty. In every scene in the play that John Proctor is in, his commendable honesty stands out. It didn't matter how much trouble he would bring himself into, his philosophy was “I may speak my heart” (Miller, p.30). Proctor's honesty eventually lead to his downfall and death. The first incident in the play where we see Proctor's honesty is after the affair he had with Abigail. He realized his mistake and was honest and admitted it to his wife Elizabeth. In the next situation where Proctor is involved he tells the Reverend Parris why he does not like him, and it also gets him into trouble. He tells .....

Movie: The Paper Chase
Words: 267 / Pages: 1

.... a high school student that going to college demands a lot more than the "easy street" they've been riding in high school. The movie teaches that you need to be able to put up with the arrogance of the rich and uppity people that attend an Ivy League school. They are very expensive and most students come from wealthy families. "The Paper Chase" teaches the viewer that law school is very stressful; it is a way of life not just going to school; and you must have what it takes just to survive law school. The things I liked most about Mr. Kingsfield was well organized, and that he was a difficult teacher. Difficult teachers usually make you learn for .....

The Use Of Symbols In Macbeth
Words: 451 / Pages: 2

.... then surely water symbolized cleansing and peace, and is used in this regard in many literary pieces. In fact, even in the bible, Pontious Pilate washed his hands in water after sentencing Jesus to be crucified. However, Macbeth mentions that all of the water in the sea would turn red from the blood on his hands; which leads me to the conclusion that blood was a much more powerful symbol than water in this play. In Macbeth, light and dark was used in a classic sense. Light symbolized all that is good, and it is no coincidence that when a scene included Banquo or another of the innocent victims in this play, the setting was bright. On the other han .....

Movie: Stand And Deliver - Mr. Escalante Should Be An Inspiration To Everyone
Words: 483 / Pages: 2

.... struggles, Mr. Escalante endures hardships and insults to try and save the students and the school. Finally, he finds a handhold and clings to it as if his life depended upon it. In the end, Angel, as well as the other students, makes a huge stride by studying and passing the AP Calculus exam. In yet another interpretation of this seemingly meaningless statement, Mr. Escalante could be referring to the hole caused by discrimination. Jaime knows that because of their ethnic origin, they will have a constant struggle to overcome the hurdles life has already set for them. ETS questioning of the results of the first AP exam is just one of the many ob .....

Othello: The Theme Of Right Judgement
Words: 938 / Pages: 4

.... not immediately act on the information he receives, instead, he thinks out the steps logically. When he states, "I do not so secure me in the error, but the main article I do approve in the fearful sense (I 3 12-14)," he is showing that he will not rely solely on the information he is receiving, but also use common sense, memory, and understanding, and therefore judge rightly. Only after right judgement was used did he take action, and therefore avoid disaster. The Duke is a model of right judgement who can be compared to other characters in the play to show their weaknesses and shortcomings. In the same scene, right judgement is demonstrated agai .....

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