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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Hamlet - Ophelia Character Analysis
Words: 667 / Pages: 3

.... Hamlet’s "holy vows" of love were simply designed for her seduction. She was to obey her father’s orders not to permit Hamlet to see her again. Her father also wanted to prove Hamlet’s madness to the king. He used Ophelia as bait so he and the king could listen to Hamlet’s words. Ophelia willingly obliged to her father’s desires. By not thinking for herself and only doing as her father wished, she ruined her chances of love with Hamlet. Hamlet put pressure on Ophelia by expecting her to surpass his mother’s shortcomings and be an epitome of womankind. He searched her innocent face for some sign of loving truth that might restore his fa .....

King Lear
Words: 1412 / Pages: 6

.... into my mouth. I love your Majesty according to my bond, no more no less."(I,i, ln 91-93) Lear becomes enraged and casts her off saying, "Here I disclaim all my paternal care, propinquity and property of blood, and as a stranger to my heart and me hold this from thee for ever."(I,i, ln 113-116). Some think that Cordelia was prideful, or even a fool in her response, but I believe she was simply being honest and true. Another mistake that was made in the course of the play was by the Earl of Gloucester. After being tricked by his bastard son, Edmund, into believing that his other son, Edgar, was plotting to kill him, he put all his faith in Edmund, whi .....

David Williamson's "The Club" And "The Removalists"
Words: 1935 / Pages: 8

.... players." Jock (the vice-president) replies, "We were upholding an old tradition. It was wrong, but we believed in it." Then in the next line, Laurie accuses Jock of supporting the rest of the committee in upholding the tradition not because he believed in it himself, but because he didn't want Laurie to succeed, "They might have believed in it but the reason why you wouldn't let the Club buy players was to stop me winning a flag." However, Jock does support and use tradition when it is in agreement with his goals. For example when trying to avert a players' strike, Jock claims that former Club heroes would be disgusted by the idea, "I want to .....

Devaluation Of The Feminine Principle In Lady Macbeth
Words: 1266 / Pages: 5

.... and authoritative, but seem to have power only to create petty mischeif" Although , unlike the witches, it does not show phisically, perhaps the biggest example of devaluation of the female gender role occurs in Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth showed many features that attributed to her reversed gender role. Her " obdurate strength of will and masculine firmness give her ascendancy over her husband's faltering virtue".3 She was considered great because once she had it in her mind what she wanted her unflinching determination in getting it was superior to all others. "The magnitude of her resolution almost covers the magnitude of her guilt"4 .....

Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire: Tragic And Comic Elements
Words: 1198 / Pages: 5

.... comic incidences or a comedy with weak melodramatic occurrences. It has been said that the “double mask of tragicomedy reveals the polarity of the human condition.” The contrariety of forces in the work serves to enforce a sense of both reality and drama that are present in everyday human life. The comic elements in the play serve as a form of determined self-preservation just as the tragic elements add to the notion of self-destruction. This is the true nature of a tragicomedy. By juxtaposing two irreconcilable positions, ambiguity is produced in the judgement of the main characters, most notably Stanley Kowalski and Blanche Dubois. Ambi .....

Rhetorical Genders: Performances Of A Lifetime In Thelma And Louise
Words: 1305 / Pages: 5

.... Through a carefully crafted tension between realistic narrative and surrealistic image, Thelma and Louise problematizes such oppositional readings as well as such familiar oppositions as masculine and feminine, positive and negative images of women, reinscription and subversion of patriarchal ideologies. The tension between the film’s uses of narrative and image works to interrogate and problematize both feminist and antifeminist assumptions about gender, power, and subjectivity. In Alice Doesn’t Teresa de Lauretis claims that Feminist film theory has gone well beyond the simple opposition of positive and negative images, and has indeed di .....

Attitude Changes In Macbeth
Words: 1208 / Pages: 5

.... finds that he has just been named Thane of Cawdor, he is amazed because the witches had just predicted it. In scene 5 of act 1, however, his "vaulting ambition" is starting to take over, but partly because of his wife's persuasion. He agrees that they must "catch the nearest way", and kill Duncan that night. On the other hand, as the time for murder comes nearer, he begins giving himself reasons not to murder Duncan, this is because as lady Macbeth said "he is to full of the milk of human kindness" and his elaborate imagination causes him to see the crime in all its horror before the deed is actually done. Lady Macbeth uses her cunning rhetoric and .....

Donnie Brasco
Words: 630 / Pages: 3

.... job of presenting this character. Lefty runs into Donnie and gets excited at the possibility of taking this young, vibrant kid under hi s wings. Donnie is soon introduced to all the key players of the Mafia as Lefty vouches his life on Donnie being a true mob player. Donnie picks up a lot about the routines of this crime organization and is on his way to the top. As all of these Mafia ties are being made, Brasco is faced with the troubling situation brewing with his family. He has to spend so much time with the mob that his family is left behind. His wife Maggie, played by Anne Heche, is struggling each day trying to take care of the house, .....

Movie: The Firm
Words: 1501 / Pages: 6

.... Mitch forms a plan to indite the partners of the firm by gathering information on overbilling of the firms clients. The firms clients files contained information that could destroy both the firm and most of their mob clients. Berndini, Lambert, and Lock had a past history of spending large sums of money on their new lawyers then once they got used to the good life the firm would let them in on the corruption that when on. The firm had a tight control over their partners. They knew everything about their personal life as well as their work life. All their homes were wired and their phones tapped. They also had access to information on their p .....

Advertiser Influence On The Media: Censorship And The Media
Words: 3448 / Pages: 13

.... fewer than a dozen companies, with major categories like paperback and trade books dominated by still fewer firms . In this environment the usual democratic expectation for the media -- diversity of ownership and ideas -- has disappeared as the goal of official policy and, worse, as a daily experience of a generation of American readers and viewers. Narrowing the diversity of news coverage even further is the ever-looming presence of the advertiser or corporate supporter. Advertisers have pressured more than 90 percent of U.S. newspapers to change or kill stories, reported a recent study by Marquette University's Department of Journalism . The same .....

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