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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

“The Role Of Symbolism In A Streetcar Named Desire”
Words: 492 / Pages: 2

.... though Stella did not accuse her of it. This quote demonstrates that Blanche is a liar, lying to her own sister. Blanche is described as wearing “her silk brassiere and white skirt”(50) symbolizing peace and her moth-like appearance, although everywhere she goes, she causes problems. Blanche describes to Stanley that her astrological sign is “Virgo the Virgin”(77), meaning that she is chaste, despite the fact that she seduced her seventeen year-old student. Although Blanche “is about five years older than Stella”(15), she lies about her age because she does not want anyone to know the truth about her. In contrast to Stella Kowalski, S .....

Last Of The Mohicans: Contrast And Comparison Of The Book And Movie
Words: 434 / Pages: 2

.... to sing "in full sweet melodious tones". Gamut is a tall ungainly singing master described as ridiculously dressed and carrying a pitch pipe while riding a horse, and pulling along a pony. At a muttered comment from Magua, Major Duncan orders Gamut to be quiet for safety. This scene was not only not in the movie, but neither was the character of Gamut. The movie not only left out a character, it left out other scenes. One such scene would be when Uncas Chickengook and Hawkeye join Cora, Alice, Duncan, Maugua, and Gamut.* When these characters join the party, they tell Duncan that Maugua is a Huron spy. Duncan decides to question Maugua, but when he d .....

The Preponderant Lysistrata
Words: 1195 / Pages: 5

.... entire operation, to find a common ground between all men to unite them in peace to end the war. All of the Spartan and Athenian men do have one strong tie in common that is highly important to them in this time period. This commonality is their sexual relationship with their wives. Lysistrata knows how important sex is to the men of all city-states. Without the women, the men “walk around the city bent over like men lighting matches in a wind” (726, 1028-9). Lysistrata uses her knowledge to gain power over them by summoning all of the women together and calling for “a sex-strike against war” (701). This “sex-strike” puts the men in “a .....

Breaker Morant
Words: 1538 / Pages: 6

.... the turn of the twentieth century, but they generally wanted to make gains politically and economically. Great Britain primarily wanted resources that weren’t found in Europe. Gold and diamond mines were all over South Africa, and Great Britain knew that if they had possession of them that their economy would profit greatly. Also, South Africa had many strategic points for ports to be built. Ships traveling to India and Asia could stop at these ports. It was a perfect place for British ships because it was like a mid-point between the two places in which it was traveling. Ships could also replenish supplies such as food, clothes, men, etc. The .....

Of Mice And Men: A Comprehensive Comparison Of Novel And Movie
Words: 1328 / Pages: 5

.... in the 1930s, is a story of friendship of migrant workers George Milton and Lennie Smalls. The pair travels from ranch to ranch, dreaming of someday making enough money so they can buy their own plot of land and a stake in their future. George is a father figure and protector of the strong simple- minded Lennie. Lennie's strength is his gift and his curse. Like the child he is mentally, he loves animals, but he inadvertently crushes them to death. Women, to him, are rather like animals, -- soft, small, and gentle. And there lies the tension that powers this narrative to its tragic conclusion. The film version and the novel are very similar. .....

The Godfather: Michael Vs. Sonny
Words: 606 / Pages: 3

.... manner. Near the end when he “takes care of all the family business” on the day of the Baptism is a prime example of this. Because he was this way, the objects of his violence had no idea that it was coming. Their values are another way that they differ. Michael is a man of honor. He doesn't run around having affairs with different women. He only marries twice because his first wife was killed in the explosion. Sonny is an adulterer. He is with another women during his sisters wedding, along with a few other times throughout the movie. Their tempers were not nearly the same. Sonny had a bad temper, while Michael did not. Sonny's temp .....

"Goin’ To Chicago."
Words: 569 / Pages: 3

.... of earnings. Many sharecroppers discovered that they owed the landlord money. They would falling deeper into debt, and they had to pledge the next year’s crop as payment. Sharecropping soon became a thing of the past. Mechanical cotton pickers were invented, which worried sharecroppers. These machines could greatly do more work than by hand, and would be cheaper than to pay field hands to work for them. So the sharecropping was obsolete, and African Americans were driven out of their jobs and even homes. This lead to the migration of African Americans. It was hard for them, because they did not want to leave their families and communities .....

Movie: The Last Supper
Words: 1582 / Pages: 6

.... types of topics. Their first guest that we see, ends up being a trucker who gives one of the five students a lift home because his car broke down. They invite the trucker in to eat, because they had an extra seat at the table and their originally invited guest could not make it for dinner. The trucker ends up being an anti-Semite and he is also an ex-marine. Immediately after the trucker sits down at the table to eat he starts pointing out to the five students that he hates Jews and that they always try to bargain down anything that they buy. All five of the students are stunned by the remarks that the trucker is making, especially one of the st .....

The Merchant Of Venice: A Tragic Play
Words: 793 / Pages: 3

.... to be so in both comic and tragic. In depth looking and observing The Merchant of Venice I have seen a small equivalency in the amount of comicness and tragedy in the play. I have come up with the conclusion that William Shakespeare was a great playwright and must have been an absolute genius to compose the great and wonderful things that he did. The Merchant of Venice is excellent in it's way of describing the characters. The emotion is spread out thoroughly like warm butter on hot toast. The tragedy in The Merchant of Venice is believable and almost true in a sense of my opinion in relating to greed, human desire, and most impo .....

Romeo And Juliet: Prejudice Between Families
Words: 541 / Pages: 2

.... kills Mercutio. Also, in Act five Scene three, Tybalt challenges Romeo to fight and Romeo kills him. Which lead to prejudice between the families. The street in Verona, a public place, is where the prejudice starts between the two families. In Act one Scene one, Sampson and Gregory servants for the Capulets, insulted the Montagues servants Balthasar and Abraham by biting his thumb at him. This leads to a fight, which involves the Lords of both families and the Prince. No death occurred, but the families attitudes against each other were worse then before. Which caused a lot of prejudice against the families that lead to violence. In .....

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