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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

An Analysis Of Hamlet
Words: 1356 / Pages: 5

.... tragedy, let's first delve into what is putatively Shakespeare's most complex tragedy, King Lear. Lear has three daughters: Cordelia, who is faithful and unappreciated by Lear, and Regan and Goneril who receive everything at his hands and betray him. These themes of misplaced love and filial betrayal are mirrored in the subplot of the play, the relationship between the Earl of Gloster and his two sons, Edmund, who is supported and approved by Gloster and betrays him, and Edgar, who unjustly becomes a fugitive from his father's wrath. The mirror is whole. In it we view Cordelia's reflection and see Edgar, while Regan's and Goneril's reflections, whi .....

The Changing Role In Viola/Cesario In The Twelfth Night
Words: 1033 / Pages: 4

.... just starting out in the world, much like himself as a young, spry lad, so he has a tendency to be more willing to unload onto her with his troubles and sorrows, seeking a companion with which to share and to teach. Thus, Viola grows in her male disguise to get a better feeling for his inner self, not the self that he shows to the public, or would reveal and share with Viola in her true female self, but rather his secret self, as he believes he shares with a peer. So, she grows to love him. But, Orsino's motivation is actually not love for Viola, but rather he seems to be in love with love itself. His entire world is filled with love but he kno .....

Shakespeare's The Comedy Of Errors
Words: 382 / Pages: 2

.... Shakespeare was able to make the dialogue fit in with the scenarios made the action even more comic. The idea of the plot, although not completely original is still unique and is still used in modern work, such as the TV sitcoms like "Sister, Sister." Something that surprised me in the play was Adriana's character. She was insecure and portrayed the typical damsel in distress. She was completely dependent on her husband and this fact alone made the play somewhat out of date. Shakespeare is said to be "not of an age, but for all times," but Adriana's character, in my opinion, would not fit in to the modern world. I feel the most important part of .....

The Crucible: John Proctor's Decision To Die; Is The Right One?
Words: 605 / Pages: 3

.... they should stand up for what they believe in and not give in to unjust courts and/or other examples in life. By dying he taught his kids that not only he is not a sell out but he also taught them that he stood up for what he believed in. John Proctor is not a man known to go to church often, but he must of remember this quote from the bible: "No one has love greater than this that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends"(John 15:13). This quote means that someone should surrender his or her soul for their friends, and by dying and standing up for what he believed in he taught his kids a valuable lesson. Proctors decision to die .....

Elements Of A Shakespeariean Tragedy
Words: 593 / Pages: 3

.... is in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Some scholars say that the tragic hero is Julius Caesar, while others say it is Marcus Brutus. A case can be made for both of the characters. Both Brutus and Caesar are of high social and political status. Caesar was the dictator for life of Rome and Brutus was an honorable Senator. Julius Caesar had two tragic flaws. Caesar was said by Brutus to be ambitious, which led directly to his downfall - “ But as he was ambitious, I slew him.” (Act 3. Scene 2. Line 28) Caesar was also arrogant, he believed that he was too great to be harmed, Caesar said “ Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant n .....

The Nature Of Art
Words: 1880 / Pages: 7

.... architecture, like the Parthenon, was created for political reasons. Like most Greek architecture, it has very delicately shaped stone columns in the style of Doric, which are plain and simple, Ionic, which have some details, and Corinthian, which have lots of details and design. The buildings of the time also were shaped in interesting forms like circles, ovals, or squares. Religion was also an important on Greek art. They gave many tributes to their gods and goddesses, which controlled many aspects of their lives. A strong example is the massive sculpture of the goddess, Athena, located in the Parthenon. Statues were made of bronze and sometimes mar .....

Tracking TV Programs
Words: 349 / Pages: 2

.... home from work, so news programs are a staple of these early time slots. Following this is a barrage of comedy sitcoms, movies, and dramas, such as "Home Improvement" and "Melrose Place". Their viewers include children, families, and single adults. Therefore, these time slots draw larger audiences than any other. As the evening dwells on, one can start to see a gradual change in program content as they begin to lose the younger viewers and start focusing on more mature audiences. The content becomes more violent and sexually explicit. The comedy also follows this pattern and becomes more adult oriented, such as HBO's "Def Comedy Jam". .....

Movie Review: Yentl
Words: 1022 / Pages: 4

.... that women have their place in the home, cooking and raising children, and serving their husbands. Education remains the man's duty. The movie Yentl starring Barbara Streisand, shows this traditional belief through its plot, characterization, music, lights, camera angles, and symbolism. Set in Eastern Europe in 1904, Yentl captures the essence of the Jewish woman's eternal struggle. It is the story of a young girl, in love with learning but forbidden to do so by Jewish tradition. Upon her father's death, Yentl disguises herself as a boy to attend a yeshiva (religious school) and continue her studies. She befriends Avigdor, a male schola .....

Macbeth Is A Tragic Hero
Words: 464 / Pages: 2

.... evil until he is convinced to act on the prophecy by Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is the evil one who poisons Macbeth's mind; although, she is only encouraging her husband to do what she feels is in his best interest. The hero's downfall is his own fault, the result of his own free choice, not the result of an accident or fate. An accident and/or fate may be a contributing factor in the hero's downfall, but are not alone responsible. Macbeth's downfall is entirely his fault. He chose to listen to the witches' prophecy. Banquo heard the same prophecy, but chose not to allow himself to be duped. Macbeth could have done the same thing. He, inste .....

Hamlet's Character
Words: 429 / Pages: 2

.... says "Why, this is hire and salary, not revenge". He knows that he must kill Claudius but he postpones it. This almost suggests that Hamlet does not really want to kill Claudius, but feels obligated to do so. Through his over-analysis he seems to be almost talking himself out of doing his job. One of Hamlet's most renown traits is his over-analysis of conversational topics and situations in which action must be taken. An example of his over-analytical nature is apparent in his speech in act one, scene four, line 13. He begins his speech quite normally, replying with a simple answer to Horatio's inquiry but then his thoughts begin to wander an .....

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