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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

The Role Of Fate And Hubris In Oedipus The King
Words: 1505 / Pages: 6

.... plays to be performed at religious festivals such as the Festival of Dionysus. The plays were serious events performed for audiences of all classes. Many audience members couldn't read or write, so Sophocles used well known stories as plots. The audience didn't have to focus on understanding the plot. They already knew the story of Oedipus, which Sophocles used to his advantage. With well known plots the people's minds were open and Sophocles's messages were beaten into them. Almost like subliminal messages. But what messages would Sophocles wish to push on his audiences? Well, at the time, the people of Athens were declining in moral val .....

The Crucible Shows Characterization Through The Experiences Of John Proctor
Words: 458 / Pages: 2

.... shows characterization by his reverends obsession with hell. Another experience of John Proctor occurs in the beginning of Act Two. John Proctor goes through a big argument with his wife Elizabeth Proctor, as she starts to be suspicious with him about sexual relations, she thinks he had with Abigail Williams. Elizabeth says, "John, you are not open with me." John replies with, "I'll plead my honesty no more Elizabeth." In the proceeding words spoken between the two, it showed how John had lied about the affair. It would be impossible to experience what John Proctor did, unless the reader was married. This experience shows the vulnerable side of .....

Words: 563 / Pages: 3

.... all the guilt from killing all these people. I think that the reason Creon is forced to live until the end instead of being killed is because he needs to learn what it is like to suffer. He would have been a much better leader if he would have just kept an open mind and listened to what others, especially his family, told him. He was too concerned with how good he looked and how powerful he seemed. Creon needs to learn how to stop being so arrogant. He also needs to learn how to be wise in many different ways. Ismene seemed to be scared to do things. She didn’t do what she knew was right because she knew she’d be killed. was by far my favorite .....

Transformation Of Macbeth
Words: 576 / Pages: 3

.... curious than anything. His thought was not to do anything drastic to become king. He basically says, whatever happens, happens. When Macbeth arrives home to his wife, Lady Macbeth, she begins to play mind games with him. She does this by trying to convince him to murder Duncan. She tells him things like “If you were a real man you'd do it”. This upsets Macbeth, and he begins to think that he is actually going to do it, and eventually carries it out. What he doesn't realize is that he will later regret his actions, and wish that he could turn back time. As soon as Macbeth has killed Duncan, he seems to start to lose his mind. He just doesn' .....

The Powerful Persuasion Of Plebeians
Words: 643 / Pages: 3

.... Brutus also tries to appeal to the audience's logical sense by describing the conspirators' motives and blaming Caesar for being ambitious. His main reason for the deed committed by his colleagues and him was their pride and duty to his country. Being general in his statements left the crowd to understand more easily Brutus’s side of the story and accept him and what he did. Antony begins his speech with an innocent eulogy, but instead incites his audience into a riot, looking for Brutus's death and wrongfully killing Cinna the Poet. He does this by appealing to their emotions. Bringing Caesar's body for everyone to see made them see for themselves .....

Romeo And Juliet
Words: 482 / Pages: 2

.... continues to carry out the fight even without Romeo. Mercutio, who is Romeo’s best friend sees this and will not stand for it, when he tries to stop Tybalt he was slain himself. Mercutio’s death ignites Romeo’s anger and sent into a rage he seeks revenge on Tybalt. Romeo was desperate for either himself or Tybalt to go with Mercutio in death and successfully slays Tybalt. This results in banishment for Romeo that tears him apart from his beloved Juliet and makes it much harder, even more so than it was before for the two lovers to keep their love for each other strong. If Romeo had not been banished the problem of the letter not getting t .....

King Lear: Consequences Of One's Decisions
Words: 1293 / Pages: 5

.... in this play. By abdicating his throne to fuel his ego he is disrupts the great chain of being which states that the King must not challenge the position that God has given him. This undermining of God's authority results in chaos that tears apart Lear's world. (Williams) Leaving him, in the end, with nothing. Following this Lear begins to banish those around him that genuinely care for him as at this stage he cannot see beyond the mask that the evil wear. He banishes Kent, a loyal servant to Lear, and his youngest and previously most loved daughter Cordelia. (Nixon) This results in Lear surrounding himself with people who only wish to use him whic .....

The Taming Of The Shrew: Summary
Words: 1740 / Pages: 7

.... to be much more intelligent and witty than Bianca, but, ironically, she could not compete with Bianca because of these witty comebacks and caustic remarks she made (Dash 830). All of the men who desired Bianca needed somebody to marry Kate, as it was customary for the older daughter to be married before the young one. Finally, Petruchio came along to court Kate, saying he wanted to marry wealthily in Padua. It appeared, though, as if Petruchio was the kind of man who needed an opposition in life. The shrewish Kate, who was known to have a sharp tongue, very adequately filled his need for another powerful character in a relationship (Kahn .....

The Crucible: John Proctor Is A Tragic Hero
Words: 1446 / Pages: 6

.... tragedy and thus centers around John Proctor's fear and freedom while he exists as a tragic hero. The first stage in the process of establishing the tragic hero for Miller was relaying the characteristics of John Proctor. It was essential that Proctor be viewed as the so called "good guy" in the plot, one who stands out or the audience can relate to. He is described as a "farmer in his middle thirties" with a " powerful body" and a "steady manner", and is already being established as the protagonist in which we sympathize with.(p.19) Miller's choice to describe him in such a fashion is very significant. By describing the tragic hero as a "strong, .....

William Shakespeare: Most Famous Of All English Writers
Words: 886 / Pages: 4

.... speak love." (Shakespeare). Contrary to this, the positive side of love is apparent: "Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate itself And trust no agent." (Shakespeare) So let it be known, Shakespeare obviously learned a great deal about love throughout the course of his life. He learned not only the good, but also the bad, and in this, love plays a major role in Much Ado About Nothing (Wright 10- 13). Another element used in Much Ado About Nothing is deceit. This deceit involves a conflict between t .....

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