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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Othello: Reasons For Iago's Hatred Of Othello
Words: 1571 / Pages: 6

.... Othello unfolds. One of the most compelling reasons for Iago's hatred of Othello is depicted in the first scene of the play, when Iago expresses his jealousy of Cassio. Iago is a non-commissioned officer who is experienced and ambitious. Instead of appointing Iago who had plenty of experience on the battlefield, Othello appoints "a great arithmetician, one Michael Cassio, a Florentine . . . that never set a squadron on the field" (1.1.19-22). Michael Cassio was more of an intellectual type, a book learner, and a student of military science. Iago only proves good at fighting, whereas Cassio has the tactical knowledge to effectively lead and win i .....

Shawshank Redemption
Words: 475 / Pages: 2

.... the personal cost of adapting to prison life and how some convicts, once they conform, lose the ability to survive beyond the barbed wire and iron bars. As one of the characters puts it: "These [prison] walls are funny. First you hate them, then you get used to them, then you start to depend on them." Filmed on location in a disused Ohio prison, The is set in a place of perpetual dreariness. What little color there is, is drab and lifeless (lots of grays and muted greens and blues), and there are times when the film is a shade away from black-and-white (give credit to cinematographer Roger Deakins, a longtime Cohen brothers collaborator). It's iron .....

Macbeth's Tragic Flaw
Words: 843 / Pages: 4

.... Macbeth's great courage, he is awarded the title "Thane of Cawdor" by king Duncan. The darker side of Macbeth is also shown in his brutal way of killing his enemy in the battle, Macbeth's cold and violent side. We see here that Macbeth has no problem brutally killing someone in cold blood. Another aspect of Macbeth's darker side is shown in scene 3 of Act I when Macbeth believes the witches' prophesies and is determined to see them come true, while Banquo is somewhat skeptical of the three witches. The outside pressures Macbeth faces, stemming from the witches, and Lady Macbeth, sets off his tragic flaw ambition. The prophecies made by the witche .....

Words: 357 / Pages: 2

.... At this time the average person's life changed radically. People now became "factory workers," clocking in and leaving their brains at the door. The glamour offered by these stories gave the majority of people a short escape from the everyday "grind." People were able to ride off into the sunset for a few hours becoming a rugged individual who makes a difference as opposed to the faceless body that may turn one screw hour after hour. Storylines variety was endless for the west's story tellers. Any story could be written and placed as a western. The love interest, hated villian and old enemy all fit in a western. If a writer did not want to take .....

The Boys From Brazil: Evil Will Never Die
Words: 832 / Pages: 4

.... to the time of the Nazi camps. His main goal was to clone the genes of Hitler and implant them in newborns. He performed many types of crude experiments on the prisoners to test how much pain one could endure and what would improve the human race. Hitler believed that a perfect human race consisted of humans with blonde hair and blue eyes. Since the doctor believed in the ideas of Hitler, he genetically engineered prisoners to have these qualities, along with the people that worked at the doctor's home. In order for the children to grow up looking, thinking, and acting like Hitler, the doctor's planning necessitated precise planning. Along wit .....

Chinese Arts And Crafts
Words: 721 / Pages: 3

.... The roofs are built out beyond the walls to keep the sunlight off the windows when the sun is high in summer, and to let it shine in when it is low in the winter. Chinese music is used in theaters as part of plays. It is also sung by the Chinese in their own folk tunes and popular songs. Instruments and voices follow the same notes in unison, instead of blending in harmony, and the rhythms are typically Chinese. Chinese melodies are very different from American tunes. Chinese scales are extremely different from American ones. Chinese music is built on five or seven notes. American music is built on the eight-note octave, with five hal .....

King Lear: The Quest For Power
Words: 489 / Pages: 2

.... pursuit of power that he will stop at nothing to gain more. He writes another letter. This one is similar to the first, except instead of implicating his brother to his father, it implicates his father in a plot with France to kill The Duke of Cornwall. The King decides that Gloucester’s supposed treachery cannot be tolerated and orders that his eyes be torn out. At this point, Edmund seems to be unequivocally evil. This is undoubtedly false. Two of the other characters of the play, Goneril and Regan surely equal Edmund’s ferocity in their quest for power. Our first glimpse at the two surely begins to prove that fact. In this scene, the King as .....

Macbeth: Macbeth's Conduct And Personality
Words: 1826 / Pages: 7

.... in Duncan's service is magnificent and courageous, and his evident joy in it is traceable in art to the natural pleasure which accompanies the explosive expenditure of prodigious physical energy and the euphoria which follows. He also rejoices no doubt in the success which crowns his efforts in battle - and so on. He may even conceived of the proper motive which should energize back of his great deed: The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself. But while he destroys the king's enemies, such motives work but dimly at best and are obscured in his consciousness by more vigorous urges. In the main, as we have said, his nature violen .....

Hamlet: Hamlet's Sanity
Words: 665 / Pages: 3

.... that Claudius killed his father. Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius and finally, the ghost of his father visits him. Though at this point these situations create plenty of reasons for Hamlet to be insane, he remains sharp and credible. “[Hamlet] concocts this state of madness...his intellect remains clear, his discourse sound and comprehensive,” (Harris, p. 129). Hamlet reveals to his friends and his mother of his plans to pretend act insane. He tells Horatio that he is going to "feign madness," and that if Horatio notices any strange behavior from Hamlet, it is because he is putting on an act. (I, v). Hamlet also tells his mother that he is n .....

The Merchant Of Venice: Shylock - Victim Or Villain
Words: 2695 / Pages: 10

.... time where "anti-Semitism was in fashion" (Palmer 113), and both thrown into court where they would be tried unjustly. The story of Roderigo Lopez sets the tone for The Merchant of Venice. Lopez' incident occurred in 1594, The Merchant of Venice was written only two years later. Anti-Semitism was prevalent during Shakespeares' time, and therefore we must understand that it was as easy for him to make a Jewish man the villain as it would be for us to make a Nazi the villain. According to Sylvan Barnet "The Merchant of Venice [shows] the broad outline of a comedy (not merely a play with jests, but a play that ends happily). . . the villain in the c .....

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