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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Oedipus: Sometimes Things Are Better Left Unknown
Words: 380 / Pages: 2

.... likely would never have found out the horrific details of his life. It would not have changed the fact that he killed his father, and married his mother, but he never had to find that out. If Oedipus would not have gone to the oracle in search of his fate, he would have lived a life without the fear of knowing what lay ahead for him. Instead, he finds out his fate, and tries to avoid his destiny by doing things to decrease his chances of the prophecy being fulfilled. In the end, however, the prophecy is ultimately fulfilled, and Oedipus must live with the harsh reality of the knowledge he had discovered. If people knew what was going to happen .....

Julius Caesar: Difference Techniques Caesar Was Eulogized
Words: 856 / Pages: 4

.... knows how to lure the crowd, appealing to their better judgement as Romans. He declares that he is an honorable man, and tells them that he will let them judge the validity of his claims. That is, he will allow the truth to speak for itself. This encourages the crowd to believe him, as an honorable man. He says that he wants them to know the facts; "Censure me in your wisdom, and awake your senses that you may the better judge." Sharing information with the people is flattering and it almost guarantees acceptance. He gets their sympathy by saying that he loved Caesar, daring the people to find anyone who loved Caesar more. Brutus de .....

Good Will Hunting: Review
Words: 676 / Pages: 3

.... by scores of poets and writers throughout history, Will is able to understand love only in the abstract sense. His psychologist, Shawn, says that we all need a soulmate -- someone who touches us and opens our minds in ways we never thought possible. Will undoubtedly challenges others day after day, and that is why so many people were drawn to him out of sheer amazement. But, they weren't afraid to get to know him, and they all chose to let him into their lives in hopes that he would do the same. The problem is that he never knew how to do this. In turn, he couldn't fully enjoy life because he had no one to share it with. Like many oth .....

Words: 778 / Pages: 3

.... from Scotland went to battle. One in which was William's father. They gained nothing from the fight, and now William no longer had a father.William now went to live with his uncle Argile. There he lived for a long term of his life. He was educated and learned to speak Latin with his uncle who he also took him on a pilgrimage to Rome. He returned home to Scotland while in his late twenties to raise crops and a family. He soon was married to a girl he knew as a kid in secret so that none of the guards could enforce the law of Primal Nuctar, which is to bless the marriage by sleeping with the bride. He tried to dodge the law but failed. He fought off th .....

King Lear: Consequences Of One Man's Decisions
Words: 2000 / Pages: 8

.... the map there. Know that we have divided In three our kingdom, and 'tis our fast intent To shake all cares and business from our age, Conferring them on younger strengths while we Unburdened crawl to death..." (Act I, Sc i, Ln 38-41) This gives the reader the first indication of Lear's intent to abdicate his throne. He goes on further to offer pieces of his kingdom to his daughters as a form of reward to his test of love. "Great rivals in our youngest daughter's love, Long in our court have made their amorous sojourn, And here are to be answered. Tell me, my daughters (Since now we wil .....

Macbeth: Macbeth's Decent Into Hell
Words: 609 / Pages: 3

.... Duncan has been murdered his two sons split up so they wouldn't be killed. Then Macbeth becomes king. Later in the play Macbeth gets worried about Banquo because he thinks that Banquo might figure out what Macbeth is doing and get Macbeth murdered for treason so Macbeth hires three hitmen to kill Banquo which they did successfully also at the same time the third assassin killed the other two assassin's. Macbeth's conscience then got the best of him because he saw the 'ghost' of Banquo. It wasn't really a ghost because everyone can see ghosts and Macbeth was the only one who really saw Banquo. This shows that his mind was playing tricks on him becau .....

Greek Architecture
Words: 1024 / Pages: 4

.... altar was much older than the temple, and some sanctuaries had only an altar. The temple designed simply as a shelter or home for the cult statue and as a storehouse for offerings. This shelter consisted of a cella (back wall), a pronaos (columned porch), an opisthodomus (enclosure), an antae (bronze grills securing the porches), and a colonnade that provided shelter for visitors. The earliest monumental buildings in Greek architecture were the temples. Since these were solidly built and carefully maintained, they had to be replaced only if destroyed. The architectural orders, Doric on the mainland and Ionic in the eastern Aegean, were develop .....

Jacob's Ladder
Words: 2312 / Pages: 9

.... cultural attitudes toward death and afterlife in this film can be summed up by a quotation from Jake's chiropractor (who can also be seen as his guardian angel), who said, "The only thing that burns in hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life, your memories, your attachments, they burn it all away. But they aren't punishing you, they're freeing your soul." The chiropractor also says that the way he sees it, "If you're frightened of dieing and you keep trying to hold on you'll see devils tearing your life away. If you've made your peace then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the earth." The film Jacob's Ladder uses the ch .....

Banning Of The Book/Play Romeo And Juliet
Words: 588 / Pages: 3

.... and Juliet, who is supposed to marry Paris by her father demand. The friar makes a potion who will cause Juliet a temporary death-alike situation, and she will not have to marry Paris. Juliet agrees, drinks the portion and apparently die, and the Friar sends a messenger to inform Romeo, but the messenger fail to reach Romeo, and instead a friend of Romeo reaches him and tells him that Juliet is dead because he didn't knew that Juliet is only apparently dead because of the potion. Romeo buys a poison, comes back to Verona and enters Juliet tomb. He kisses her, and suicide. A little after, Juliet wake up, find her Romeo dead, and use Romeo's dagger to .....

Analysis Of The Final Scene Of Braveheart
Words: 414 / Pages: 2

.... shots of the people at first giving you a sort of pissed off emotion when the laugh and spit at him. Then when they see his devotion to being free they were begging him to plead mercy to the King of England to see him suffer no more. When you see the close ups of William Wallace you can actually see the devotion he gave to his wife and to his country of Scotland. He holds his wife’s marriage cloth to him in his hands at all times to show it to her. He shows his devotion to his country by standing up taking the worst punishment and the scream of FREEDOM… The Queen in this scene, in the king’s chambers, is imagining the pain Willia .....

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