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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Antigone: Who Is The Strongest Tragic Figure?
Words: 773 / Pages: 3

.... starts off in the story with the right intentions by wanting to bury the body of Polyneices, her arrogance rapidly builds, after committing the crime, to a point where she finds it a privilege to die. Antigone even begins to enjoy the fact that she went against Creon’s decree and wants all the glory to herself. She demonstrates her indulgence in glory best in the scene where she and Ismene are sentenced to death but Antigone will not let her sister die. We can see Antigone has hubris but her character is not developed enough to see her display of arrogance steadily throughout the play as we can see in Creon. With Creon, all the characte .....

Words: 863 / Pages: 4

.... sit and watch a play being performed. The idea of a play within a play just adds more to the overall effect of the play, and makes the events seem more real and believable. Also by having the characters of the play watch a play, it makes them seem more real with characteristics like actual people instead of just actors. This however is not the only time that Shakespeare uses such a smart and original technique, although the second one is a little different than the first. At the end of the play one of the main characters, Horatio, begins to tell the story of to a group of soldiers. The audience can also be considered part of the group who he is .....

King Lear: Sequences Which Display The Varying Perceptions Of Different Characters
Words: 1844 / Pages: 7

.... most beloved daughter Cordelia. When asked how much she loves her father, Cordelia replies that she loves him according to her bond, no more nor less . This response angers Lear and causes him to ban her for her refusal to comply. Lear is held to the belief that she does not love him. He believes that the daughter which had loved him the most (and who he loved the most) has broken his heart. He is suspicious and bans her because he thinks that she is the only daughter who doesn't love him. It is Lear's rashness which prevents him from seeing that she is speaking the truth. It is the same rashness which leads him to believe that Goneril and Re .....

The Chocolate War: Comparison Between Book And Movie
Words: 311 / Pages: 2

.... differences between the book and the movie were substantial. In the movie there was a fight at the end, and Jerry beat Archie up. And in the book there was no two person fight. At the end of the movie Obie becomes head of the Vigils and Archie is reduced in rank. Archie get the marble in the movie but not in the book. There is no music in the book, but there is in the movie. I liked the movie better than the book. It was better because Jerry got even with Archie for once. And that in my opinion, is a better way to end a movie like the Chocolate War. I just feel that movies are more helpful. And in this case I just feel that i .....

Analysis Of Witches In Macbeth
Words: 364 / Pages: 2

.... But with the witches help this idea was thrust to the front of his mind and he thinks that he should kill Duncan because the witches say that it is his destiny. I am sure that Macbeth would not be as hesitant if the idea to kill Duncan came from his head without the witches help. I say this because when you reason things out by yourself you tend to now what is right and what is wrong, a conscience. But with the outside influence from the witches he thinks that that is his destiny and he must do everything to fulfill it. What the witches say in the beginning is what influences the entire plot. Macbeth hears these words and then tries to make th .....

Art Making And European Influence
Words: 635 / Pages: 3

.... cattle" was collected and displayed in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. To European Americans they were honoring the Native American culture. According to the book In Her Own Image, "women artists have been silenced, lost hidden, or neglected through the centuries, that is in large part because they have lacked an audience aware of their existence or willing to consider their work". (page xxv) Although that statement is true, I don't think it ever occurred to the author that maybe Native Americans do not want nor do they feel the need an for audience in order for their art to be of value. To Native Americans their art is spiritual, meaningful and ma .....

Words: 330 / Pages: 2

.... would be hard for other cultures to understand because the parents act as if nothing happened. Other cultures would not except their children to do that. Also the style in which dresses would not be clear to other cultures. She dresses like a boy which reflects on her acting like a boy. For someone not knowing the present culture this would have no effect on the story. At one point in this scene tells her parents that they are out of milk. To a person who isn’t familiar with the culture this would seem out of line. She comes off in a rude way which would make her seem like the one at fault to an outsider. The way this scene is perceived c .....

Macbeth: Supernatural Influences
Words: 1161 / Pages: 5

.... stretch of land where the witches will conduct their sorcery and witchcraft. During the meeting on the heath, one of the witches is conversing how she is going to “tempest-tossed”(I,iii,26) a ship and make the captain ill. “I’ll give thee a wind” and “drain him dry as hay sleep shall neither night nor day.”(I,iii,12). This spell is cast due to the fact that the captain’s wife would not give the witch a chestnut. Another hag is bragging about a thumb she has acquired “Here I have a pilot’s thumb”(I,iii,29). These are the first actions that are observed of the witches and the menacing force that is at work. When the witches .....

Movie: The Caine Mutiny - Evaluating The Performance Of A Government
Words: 776 / Pages: 3

.... of government and their leader. The constitution for many countries, hold the rules (may be written, or not written) to which a government must obey. In this scenario, the Naval Regulations were intended to be followed upon and consented to. If a government is fulfilling its basic functions, then it is properly following the constitution, but if it isn't ensuing the constitution, then the fundamental purposes aren't being achieved. Within the constitution, there is power granted to impeach the leader if he/she is not implementing their primary services. In the movie, we see captain Queeg as one who is incompetent of achieving his job as the leade .....

Othello As A Tragedy
Words: 821 / Pages: 3

.... scene three, he identifies himself with the "great ones" of the world. However, he does not portray any sign of haughtiness or arrogance. He has the reputation to be brave and courtly when he is introduced to a crowd with, "Here comes Brobantio and the valiant Moor." From the beginning to the end of the novel, he is aware of his high position. In the first act, Othello refuses to be aroused by Iago's account of the anger of Brabantio. He knows where he stands and later on refuses to retreat before Brabantio's men: "My parts, my title, and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly" (31-32). His acceptance of his rank makes everyone appear beneath .....

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