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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Macbeth: Letter From Lady Macbeth To Macbeth
Words: 625 / Pages: 3

.... that my persistence was not in our best interests, and I'm sorry for it. Perhaps if I had left the decision to your judgement we would have been better off. What I did I only did for you. For you to be king, how could I for see that we would be worse off. Just the idea that you would be king "would cheer me ever", but I knew I had to push you to fulfill your potential. But doubt crept into my mind on the fateful night of Duncans murder. I would have done it myself if he had not looked like my father. He was resting so peacefully in the innocence of sleep, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. So you had to. Who could have imagined the old man w .....

Othello: Reputation And Honesty
Words: 1436 / Pages: 6

.... knew that an important man like Othello couldn’t ignore the possibility that his wife was cheating on him. Nobody suspects that Iago is a deceitful man and would plot and plan to destroy Othello, Cassio and Desdemona in such a cunning way. Iago used his reputation, and the insecurities of Othello being a Moor, to allow him to manipulate Othello. Othello had a reputation of being a military man, and a courageous leader. “Valiant Othello, We must straight employ you...” “Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor.” Othello has been a soldier since he was seven years of age, and has experience on the battle field. Othello was chosen when they we .....

The Mikado: Criticism The English Society And Beliefs
Words: 554 / Pages: 3

.... This declaration of execution represents English acquiescence of brutality and the unreasonable laws and culture. William Schwenck Gilbert plays wording nicely on making jokes to the Japanese, but indeed to the English people. In The Mikado, the sparking lyrics and the vagaries of love set in a fanciful Japanese society. For example: KO-KO (Lord High Executioner of Titipu) is engaged to YUM-YUM (Ward of KO-KO). Even YUM-YUM doesn't like KO-KO, she can't refuse him because of in Japan girls do not arrive at years of discretion until they are fifty- from seventeen to forty-nine are considered years of indiscretion (Gilbert, 1885). Usually, people don .....

Macbeth: Lady Macbeth Uses Others As A Shield For Guilt
Words: 452 / Pages: 2

.... desire? Wouldst thou have that Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life And live a coward in thine own esteem, Letting 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would,' Like the poor cat I' th' adage?" (I, vii, 39-49) By doing this, she manages to get Macbeth to kill King Duncan, however, in the end, she knows she is just as guilty as he is. Her guilt emerges in her visions of blood remaining on her hands, "The Thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now? What, will these hands ne'er be clean? No more o' that, my lord, no more o' that. You mar all with this starting." (V, I, 44-47) Another less obvious place where Lady Macbeth uses others to s .....

A Review On The Prince Of Egypt
Words: 1643 / Pages: 6

.... safety. His sister follows the basket floating down the river and sees that it floats up to the palace of Egypt where the Pharaoh’s wife finds him and decides to keep him as her own son. Moses’s sister sees that he has reached safety and prays that one day they will be reunited. During the next scene Moses is playing with his brother, Rameses, riding all over the kingdom in chariots. They eventually destroy some of the construction and the Pharaoh reprimanded them both for their behavior. Moses knows that the Pharaoh usually puts dishonor on Rameses when he is troublesome, so Moses takes the blame to protect his brother from the shame. This .....

Hamlet: The Cause Of Ophelia's Insanity
Words: 838 / Pages: 4

.... prelude, composed of warnings from Polonius and Laertes, is tactfully set up by Shakespeare during Ophelia's initial appearances in the play, aiding in the preparation for her subsequent mental deterioration. Pol. What is between you? Give me up the truth. Oph. He hath, ny lord, of late made many tenders Of his affection to me. Pol. Affection, puh! You speak like a green girl Unsifted in such perilous circumstance. Do you believe his "tenders" as you call them? Oph. I do not know, my lord, what I should think. (I, iii, ln.107-113) Ophelia openly professes her confusion. Polonius' response is presented in a manner whic .....

Words: 1178 / Pages: 5

.... France in an area stretching from the royal domain around Paris, including Saint-Denis and Chartres, to the region of the Champagne in the east and southward to Bourges. Within this restricted area, in the series of cathedrals built in the course of the 12th and 13th centuries, the major innovations of Gothic architecture took place.2 The supernatural character of medieval religious architecture was given a special form in the Gothic church. "Medieval man considered himself but an imperfect refraction of Divine Light of God, Whose Temple stood on earth, according to the text of the dedication ritual, stood for the Heavenly City of Jerusalem." .....

Review Of Ballet Gran Folklorico De Mexico
Words: 343 / Pages: 2

.... I just had to pinch myself to keep from falling asleep. The performers looked good but the way I see it is anyone who does not have a good meaning of Mexican history is lost. I mean there were elementary schools there, do you think they knew what was going on? All the performances consisted of 1: Azteca - Ceremony of the lighting of fire, 2: Ladanza De Los Queteales- dedicated to multicolor bird named Quetzal, 3: Festompanortena- series of dances brought by French and Spaniards, 4: Yucaton- dances of Mayan culture, Ana Murry a.k.a. "The dances of Ribbons." 5: Danzas Chiapanaces- dances deal with love, suffering, and joy, 6: Fandango- performed dur .....

Shakespeare's Hamlet
Words: 583 / Pages: 3

.... army, while Hamlet can barely control himself. Fortinbras holds a position that Hamlet was destined for, yet Claudius intervened and took Hamlet’s rightful position. This fact may imply that Hamlet sees his father’s actions personified in Fortinbras. Although Hamlet seems to admire the dominance and will power that Fortinbras displays, he also criticizes him and his unattainable dream. “ The imminent death of twenty thousand men that for fantasy and trick of fame.” In this statement Hamlet is declaring that he thinks Fortinbras quest is meaningless and therefore deems it foolish. He is also compromising Fortinbras basic ability to reaso .....

Movie: Pretty Woman
Words: 911 / Pages: 4

.... the film isnothing but a 1990 version of Cinderella, but it's very close. The characters in Pretty Woman pretty much resembles those in Cinderella. Vivian Ward, the poor hooker, who untilnow, have lived a life as a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard,where she earned just enough money to pay her bills if itwasn't for her roommate Kit. Kit is also a prostitute. She usually buys dope for the rent money, which leaves Vivian towork extra. To draw parralels to Cinderella, Vivian would (off course) be Cinderella, and Kit would be the exploiting stepsister. They have lived like this for a long time, andcontinues living like that, until one day, whe .....

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