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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

The Merchant Of Venice
Words: 516 / Pages: 2

.... is now together with Lorenzo. She is a Jew and he's a Christian. Jessica is embarrassed to be a Jew is planning to change religion for Lorenzo. Shylock is still looking for them and is very mad when he finds out that she has sold a ring, that was given to Shylock by his wife, for a monkey. Meanwhile Bassanio is picking one of the caskets and takes the correct one; the leaden casket. He may now marry Portia. Because Antonio hasn't paid back the 3000 ducats he had lend from Shylock, Shylock may have one pound of his fair flesh. Shylock takes it to court... Act 4 Still in the court of law, Portia and Nerissa have disguised themselves as doctor a .....

Antigone: Changing Views Of The Chorus
Words: 807 / Pages: 3

.... new plan will he launch?” and “Why this sudden call to the old men summoned at one command?” (Lines 175-178) These lines are utilized by Sophocles as a suspenseful introduction to Creon's orders concerning the body of Polynices. The chorus's next appearance blatantly shows their biased attitudes against Antigone and her exiled father Oedipus. At this point they still sing praise for King Creon and his unwavering decisions concerning the law which was placed upon the city regarding the body of Polynices: “When he weaves in the laws of the land, and the justice of the gods that binds his oaths together, he and his city rise high--but .....

Julius Caesar: Roman Life During The First Triumvirate
Words: 743 / Pages: 3

.... the power to predict the future. Dictating what is to come through terse tidbits, these people may also be looked upon as superstitious. In the opening scene, one sooth-sayer, old in his years, warns Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March," an admonition of Caesar's impending death. Although sooth-sayers are looked upon by many as insane out of touch lower-classmen, a good deal of them, obviously including the sayer Caesar encountered, are indeed right on the mark. Since they lack any formal office or shop, and they predict forthcomings without fee, one can see quite easily why citizens would distrust their predictions. Superstition, in general elemen .....

Death In Hamlet
Words: 945 / Pages: 4

.... King Hamlet returned from his grave as a ghost to tell Hamlet that he was "Doomed for a certain term to walk the night…Till the foul crimes done in (his) day of nature were burnt and purged away". In order for King Hamlet to leave purgatory, Hamlet was required to seek "revenge (for) his (father's) foul and most unnatural murder" through killing Claudius, the murderer "with traitorous gifts" who killed King Hamlet. Claudius became aware that Hamlet knew the truth and that he was conspiring against him. As a result, he devised a fight in which Hamlet was slain by Laertes. However, before Hamlet died he managed to kill Claudius. Hamlet's .....

MacBeth: Everyone Who Is Moral Has At Least One Flaw
Words: 815 / Pages: 3

.... greedy, and wanted the throne of England for himself, and as a result was murdered. But his murder wasn't really disheartening, because the Thane of Cawdor, deserved his fate. He was leading a battle, in which many lost their lives, for the sake of greed, and deserved to die because of his flaw. Duncan was the King of England, and was murdered by MacBeth. He was murdered, because in order for MacBeth to fulfill his plan and become king, Duncan would have to die. Duncan's fatal flaw was that he was too trusting. For example, he thought that none of his friends could really be enemies. If Duncan was more careful about his safety at MacBeth's castle, he .....

Movie Analysis: Species And Species II
Words: 389 / Pages: 2

.... pretty good, especially at the death scenes. The scenery looks like a real city, but it was shot in the country of Montana. (Country meaning no cities, not a whole new country.) The camera panning and zooming is very good, and the sound effects are right on cue. Species set the standard for movies like SPECIES II, and it is a really good movie. It actually gets funny, and except for one guy, the acting is very well done. The only problem is that somewhere in the Chicago city (where it was supposed to be based) they found a cave, complete with stalectytes. It also contained a pool of acid, that caught on fire for no reason. Other than that, thi .....

What Was The Witches' Role In Macbeth?
Words: 1043 / Pages: 4

.... namely his kingship, must come true. Banquo notes the danger inherent in believing (and subsequently acting on) the witches' predictions; he says, "Were such things here as we do speak about?/Or have we eaten on the insane root/That takes the reason prisoner?" Act I, scene 3, ll.83-85. MacBeth is quite overwhelmed when he hears that he is now the Thane of Cawdor. However, almost immediately, he starts thinking about how to bring about his rule as king. "{Aside} Two truths are told, As happy prologues to the swelling act Of the imperial theme.—I thank you, gentlemen. {Aside} This supernatural solicitin .....

The Modern World Needs A Don Quixote
Words: 1375 / Pages: 5

.... and roam through the world with his horse and armor in quest of adventures" (Starkle 17). In Part I Don Quixote of La Mancha (added the name of his kingdom like Amadius) equips himself with arms and armor and rides forth on Rosinante, a broken-down horse, to challenge evil wherever he may find it. A peasant, named Sancho Panza serves him as squire. In his deranged state, Don Quixote sets himself the task of defending orphans, protecting maidens and widows, befriending the helpless, serving the causes of truth and beauty, and reestablishing justice. His adventures and journey's are often inappropriate to the situation; for example, he attacks .....

Hamlet: Character Traits
Words: 948 / Pages: 4

.... try to get over it. Another example of Hamlet's emotions getting the better of him can be seen when he is reminiscing his father's death. Hamlet says, "...How stand I then,/That have father killed, a mother stained,...2". He is asking himself what kind of a person he is if he can allow his father to be murdered and his mother to be married so soon after his father's death to his uncle. This shows us that he is pitying himself and is putting himself down. Yet another example of his emotions running wild are seen in his first soliloquy: ...She married. O, most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It .....

Dear Richard III Society
Words: 313 / Pages: 2

.... murdered! It also seems as along with being involved with the murders of many people, Richard III was also a coward. It appears that Richard III always had his dirty work done for him by his henchmen because he was to much of a coward to do it himself. Last but no least, Richard III has to be one of the most selfish men to walk the face of this earth. Being royalty just wasn’t enough to Richard III, for most all people being a Duke would be more than they could ever dream for, but not for Richard, he wanted the throne, and to do so had many people murdered along the way . He even started rumors about the illegitimacy of his young nephew and .....

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