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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Macbeth: His Trust In The Witches
Words: 1103 / Pages: 5

.... Macbeth! He believed them. Right after their encounter with the witches, Macbeth and Banquo discuss what they have just seen. "(Macbeth)Your children shall be kings. (Banquo)You shall be king. (Macbeth)And thane of Cawdor, too" (I. iii, 86-88). Here we can see for ourselves that Macbeth has trusted the witches from word one and does not even think to question what they have told him. Not too much later, Macbeth discovers that the thane of Cawdor has been killed for crimes against Duncan and he is named thane of Cawdor. "Glamis, and thane of Cawdor! The greatest is behind!" (I. iii,116-117). This fulfillment of the first part of the witches p .....

The Crucible: The Characters In The Crucible
Words: 1366 / Pages: 5

.... town would have on Proctor's "white and pure" name. Much can be said about Proctor's giving and understanding, but I don't want to waste that line. Proctor's carring and willing to give people thinks was not his best feature. Proctor was always thing about him, himself and no one else, except the final outcome of the whole situation. Take for exaple the fellow that wanted to get some tree off Proctor's land. Even though Proctor had probably no knowlage of the trees on his land, he still wanted a peice of the pie. Proctor wanted always money. He was money hungry and cheap. Basicly Proctor was a would be if he could be. Proctor was always .....

Captain's Letter Regarding Macbeth
Words: 218 / Pages: 1

.... I enjoy the opportunity to tell you what I am thinking. I hope I can write again very soon. I want you to know that I am in good health. I feel this is a good opportunity to tell the tale of our great victory over the Thane of Cawdor and evil MacDonwald. Things were looking very horrible, it seemed like all my troops had perished. Our brave general MacBeth came from nowhere to the center of the battle and slayed MacDonwald like the dragon he truly is. MacBeth took a spear and forced MacDonwald's head onto it and rejuvenated our troops while striking fear into the hearts of the enemy, Before the smoke cleared another blaze had started. .....

Words: 636 / Pages: 3

.... life of misery after the death of his wife and son. Both of these characters experienced an epiphany, a point in their lives when they realized that things have changed for the worse. They both had hubris, and both suffered for it. Hence, my confusion. Can there be more than one hero in a Greek tragedy, or is there something that I am missing. A comparison of these two characters, in an attempt to clarify this perplexing idea has only caused a heightening to my bewilderment. Both were noble characters. , a princess and Creon, the King. Both had strong ideals and morals. felt that the laws of the Gods and family were paramount, and .....

Barbara Walters' Interview With Christopher Reeves
Words: 443 / Pages: 2

.... and know without a doubt that what you did was right, then it was." Now old Irish sayings might not hold true to every person. However that could be a universal truth among those that are essentially ethical. There is no doubt in my mind that Barbara Walters is an ethical journalist, MOST of the time. However, in today's highly competitive world, where Nielson ratings are god, there is no longer a place for journalistic integrity in a profit based field. It is up to the journalist to determine whether or not they are comfortable with what they are doing and how they do it. Yet the question still remains, was everything that Barbara Walters did .....

Hamlet's Soliloquy
Words: 1369 / Pages: 5

.... The word “revenge” describes strong, powerful and intense feelings while the word “dull” describes weak and boring feelings. The contradiction of words is used to describe what Hamlet thinks about his own vengeance of his father’s death with Claudius. He feels that he hasn’t given his best effort to revenge his uncle and therefore calls his revenge “dull” which is a powerful way to describe his feelings. We get another look into the mind of Hamlet when he is talking about his thoughts that have “one part wisdom and ever three parts coward”. The word choice here shows another contradiction between the words “wisdom” and “c .....

Madness In Hamlet
Words: 2453 / Pages: 9

.... his attitude becomes destitute. He begins to withdraw himself from everyone in the castle, and spends most of his time in solitude; he is often seen walking alone, talking to himself. Upon deeper investigation, it is discovered that Hamlet is seeing the ghost of the ex-King of Denmark, Hamlet’s father. The ghost becomes Hamlet’s counselor, guiding him through his everyday maze of depression and confusion. It is through the ghost of his father that he learns that Claudius, the new King of Denmark, is solely responsible for his father’s “foul and most unnatural murder” (I.v.26). He claims that he is told to seek revenge on his father .....

Television Censorship
Words: 1589 / Pages: 6

.... play, dress, religious observance, and sexual expression were regulated(Microsoft Encarta 95)." CENSORSHIP OF OBSCENITY "The beginning of a new legal approach may be traced to the action of the federal courts in the 1930s, when they held that Irish author James Joyce's Ulysses was not obscene and could be freely passed through customs. The courts ruled that the use of "dirty words" in "a sincere and honest book" did not make the book "dirty." Since the 1950s many obscenity cases involving books, magazines, and film have been brought before the Supreme Court. In the cases during the 1970s the court ruled that laws against obscenity must be .....

Hamlet: Vengeance Is . . . Everybody's
Words: 302 / Pages: 2

.... his father Polonius's murder, the rampageous son rushes back to Denmark and, with a crowd of followers, burst into the castle prepared to kill his father's murderer. Laertes, in great contrast to Hamlet, takes immediate action. Finally, Fortinbras represents the middle path of revenge. He does not miss the knock of opportunity because of over analysis, nor does he act too swiftly to realize whom he should attack. In the end of the play, Fortinbras arrives just as everyone is dying and does not have to exert a great deal of strength to accomplish his task because the others have killed one another. Each character has a different approach to get to .....

Oedpius: Justice...
Words: 327 / Pages: 2

.... does not know he has killed the former King nor do the people. He marries the queen which just happens to be his biological mother and has children by her. " ...child of impurity, begetter in the same seed that created my wretched self." Oedipus does not try to defend his actions. In fact he blames himself as quoted from the story "Light of the sun, let me look upon you no more after today! I who first saw you the light bred of a match accursed, and accursed ." The consequences of his actions are harsh. He stabs his own eyes out and his wife/mother took her own life. Justice is defined as "the abstract principle by which right and wr .....

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