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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Sonnet 64
Words: 1185 / Pages: 5

.... "love away." To reveal the passage of time Shakespeare divides his sonnet into three quatrains with each quatrain creating a specific thought. The opening quatrain begins with the forceful image of the personification of time, with the use of a capital; "Time." Like one's "hand," time is capable of destroying the seemingly indestructible "lofty towers" and "brass". Man is an "eternal slave" to time. In these opening lines Shakespeare is revealing that our ambitions drive the building of higher "towers" and stronger "brass," however, even as we strive to create monuments of greater magnitude and fortitude, time will always be the victor and man's empi .....

Poppy Field And The Ravine
Words: 961 / Pages: 4

.... us to further investigate the two artists’ stylistic orientation. Both paintings are dealing with similar subjects and have comparable compositions. As impressionists, Monet and Van Gogh brought great attention to the surface of the landscape as well as to the surface of the canvas. The viewer is completely aware that the images of are illusions. Both paintings are about impression and color sensation. However, the approaches behind these paintings are quite distinctive. As a result, the contexts of the impressions portrayed are different also. Compositionally, Monet and Van Gogh spread their landscape onto the entire page and centralized the p .....

George Lucas And Movies: No Future?
Words: 1475 / Pages: 6

.... as a danger to society that could ultimately lead to its downfall. George Lucas made THX 1138 long before he became famous in his later movies. He based the film on his movie that he used as his graduate project and thesis. It was his first attempt at directing and producing a Hollywood film. His goal was to create a film that would show the future state of the world if it was to continue on its path of the search for perfection of everything. He shows the future as a place that many people would probably not want to live or to be associated with. Lucas shows that everyone will be the same. People will wear the same clothes and have the s .....

Macbeth: Macbeth's Personality
Words: 1825 / Pages: 7

.... in Duncan's service is magnificent and courageous, and his evident joy in it is traceable in art to the natural pleasure which accompanies the explosive expenditure of prodigious physical energy and the euphoria which follows. He also rejoices no doubt in the success which crowns his efforts in battle - and so on. He may even conceived of the proper motive which should energize back of his great deed: The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself. But while he destroys the king's enemies, such motives work but dimly at best and are obscured in his consciousness by more vigorous urges. In the main, as we have said, his nature violently .....

David Selznick And Since You Went Away
Words: 2374 / Pages: 9

.... the movie audience at the time, positively responded for this reason. The producer and screenwriter of the film knew America craved this portrayal. Critics of the film from this period, applauded it's "realism", but in hindsight studies of the film in the seventies and eighties were a little more critical of the film. David O. Selznick was the man behind the vision of this film and Selznick is best known for film classic's like; Gone With the Wind, (from which the formula of this movie draws heavily from) Rebecca, and King Kong. This film was a special project for Selznick at the time, and it was seen as his contribution to the war effort. .....

Basketball Diaries: Movie Summary
Words: 409 / Pages: 2

.... Partly, because of his experiences with his teachers. He did not have a personal relationship with the priests. He felt that they were trying to control him. Jim was not very receptive to authority. He hated it. Whenever, someone tries to force him to do something he turns his back on them. This lack of respect of authority could because of lack of male influence in his life. Jim looked at the church as an institution rather than a home. No, I do not hold this view on the church. I was raised in environment with personable priests. This helped me grow with the church rather than against it. A very controversial issue is whether drugs and alcoho .....

Hamlet Was Weak And Diminutive
Words: 2009 / Pages: 8

.... and the suits of woe,” is used by Hamlet to mock his mother for her lack of grief for his father, her dead husband. At this point in the speech, Hamlet may merely mean that his grief for his father is genuine, but “passeth show” may also mean that he has some sort of feeling that can’t be shown by “the trappings and suits of woe” --his black clothing and cloudy face. These feelings that may very well be hidden from his own conscious are - what I believe - a truth to his indecisiveness on anything he attempts. Indecision in a man, or woman, for that matter, is a strong symbol of his/her lack of perception. Hamlet says that the .....

Oedipus Rex: Self Discovery
Words: 1328 / Pages: 5

.... He solved the riddle of the sphinx and is the ruler of Thebes. "I have myself come hither, Oedipus, known far and wide by name." (Oedipus p1) He thinks he knows who is parents are and where he came from; "I am the son of Polybus of Corinth, and of a Dorian mother, Merope." (Oedipus p28) It is only after the townspeople of THebes start to get sick,and they discover the murder of Laius,that Oedipus begins his great search. Oedipus vows to his subjects that he will find the contaminator of Thebes, not knowing that he has brought on the sickness of the people; "So shall you see me, as of right, with you, venging this country and the God together .....

The Need For Horror And Thrill And The Movies
Words: 995 / Pages: 4

.... of mass murder and destruction because it seems to protect us from having to deal with the shock of death and recognizing it. In Psycho, Hitchcock revealed out “shock of recognition” by not letting us see the cutting and death in the shower scene. Films made after Psycho usually refer back to this scene, either working with or against the unseen cuts of the knife. An example of a film that works with the shower scene in Psycho is obviously displayed in de Palma’s Dressed to Kill. The scene that correlates is when Peter’s mother is killed the elevator by Liz. This scene is similar to Psycho because as in Psycho when Kate has her reve .....

Othello: Iago As A "Type" Of Satan?
Words: 753 / Pages: 3

.... devices on Cassio to get him to drink so that he can use it against him; Cassio becomes drunk and loses his position with Othello. Iago enlists the help of Roderigo-a foolish, impetuous, former suitor of Desdemona. He convinces Roderigo to make as much money as possible so Roderigo can win over Desdemona when she tires of Othello. He also tells Roderigo that Cassio is in love with Desdemona and convinces Roderigo to murder Cassio (Iago later murders Roderigo). Iago even deceives his own wife, Emilia, convincing her to "find" Desdemona's handkerchief, given to her by Othello as a gift. He then drops it in Cassio's room and uses that as proof of .....

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