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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Movie: Last Of The Mohicans
Words: 1139 / Pages: 5

.... is not the way to win. "…the soldiers' uniforms splendid – though (and that's a historic fact) idiotically ornate and impractical for warfare. It wasn't until about 1916 that the British and the French saw the light and stopped wearing all that Day-Glo, easy target colors" (Prof. Jahiel). For example, at the beginning of the movie, Magua killed one soldier marching in the line, and the guy next to him didn't even do anything until the commander said to attack. They would also fire at the same time, leaving the whole squad vulnerable to attack while they reloaded. By fighting in this manner, it allowed the Indians to fight much more strateg .....

Hamlet: Shakespeare Tragic Hero
Words: 529 / Pages: 2

.... or not to act on something, and by the time he decides to act, it is too late. When Hamlet finally decides to kill Claudius, he sees him praying and decides to wait longer. The next time he gets a chance to kill Claudius he takes it, but by then it was too late. Hamlet was killed as well. He could have prevented his downfall if it wasn't for his tragic flaw. Another reason Hamlet is a classic example of Shakespearean tragedy is because it incorporates the idea of catharsis. Aristotle defined catharsis as the purging of the emotions of fear and pity. In the play, Claudius has the emotion of fear because he is afraid of Hamlet knowing that he .....

Oedipus Rex: Figurative Blindness
Words: 964 / Pages: 4

.... vision – the truth. Oedipus was born into the prophecy that he would murder his father and wed his mother. In an attempt to avoid this fate, his parents, Laius and Jocasta, sent him into the mountains to die. However, a shepherd saved and gave him to Polybus and Merope. When he learned of his prophecy, he fled, under the assumption that they were his real parents. While fleeing, he encountered Laius and killed him. He correctly answered the riddle of the Sphinx, finally became the king of Thebes, and later married Jocasta. Oedipus fulfilled the prophecy without even knowing it. Thebes now had to endure a plague, and a prophet put the blame o .....

The Taming Of The Shrew: Katherine
Words: 779 / Pages: 3

.... arrives in Padua to find a wife. “I come to wives it wealthy in Padua; If wealthy, then happily in Padua” (ShakespeareIii76-77). He and one of Bianca's suitors, Luciento had a conversation. As a joke, Luciento mentioned to Petruchio marry Katherine. Petruchio though of the profit and thought it could be great. “Petruchio can have no illusions about the fabled shrew, Katherine, for others are quick to tell him quite frankly what to expect”(Vaughn27). Petruchio and Katherine's father meet and decide that Petruchio will get twenty-thousand crowns if he weds Katherine. Petruchio and Katherine meet and they do not start off on the best of terms. Bu .....

Rogers And Hammerstein's South Pacific
Words: 905 / Pages: 4

.... in describing what she feels, but he offers no help. Emile tells her that it is not born in her, that it cannot be born in her. Nellie, who is crying, runs off. Emile is left with Joe, who is thinking over his own relationship with Liat. Emile asks him why he and Nellie think that these prejudices are born in them. Joe, giving him the product of his thoughts, tell him "It's not born in you." It is at this point that Joe Cable begins singing "Carefully Taught," a character song in which Joe is able to vent his frustrations and anger about his own prejudices. The music is slightly upbeat, which helps to illustrate that by singing this song, he is b .....

Movie: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Words: 1038 / Pages: 4

.... like a circus'. Salieri prayed to God and what he considered a miracle happened: his father dies and he was able to pursue his musical studies. He eventually became a popular musician and teacher in the Emperor's court. When he heard Mozart was coming to Vienna from Salzburg, he eagerly sought him out. He finally found him at a party, way from the other guests, acting like a silly animal, chasing a young woman. However, as soon as he heard his music starting without him, he changed into a serious musician, rushing to take his place as conductor. Salieri noticed that Mozart conducted without notes. Although he recognized that Mozart was a ‘giggl .....

The Godfather: Gangster Genre
Words: 1833 / Pages: 7

.... are portrayed as the victims of circumstance, because the stories are told from their point of view - all other "normal" roots to the top are unavailable to them. Film gangsters are usually materialistic, street-smart, immoral, and self-destructive.They rise to power with a tough cruel facade while showing an ambitious desire for success and recognition, but underneath they can express sensitivity and gentleness. The Public Enemy (1931) is one of the earliest gangster films - the second one from Warner Bros. in the thirties. Director William Wellman's. The Public Enemy is toughe, violent and realistic (released before the censorship codes we .....

Death Of A Salesman: Society's Alienation Of Willy Loman
Words: 888 / Pages: 4

.... with Howard, he had his hopes up. Willy had regained his confidence in himself and was ready to take control of his life at a very crucial time. However, Howard crushed all of that by firing Willy, simply because he thought Willy, "needed some rest." Actually, Howard never intended to give Willy his job back. He was merely trying to take Willy's position because he didn't believe Willy could hack it anymore. This is a reflection of society's present day treatment of the elderly. Younger generations now, move older people into rest homes and try to keep them out of public view, for risk of embarassment. This is reflected by Howard's statement, " .....

Words: 906 / Pages: 4

.... the Chaser's can make it work is if they put it in the damage path of the tornado. Joe is going to surprise Bill with Dorothy because he is the one who actually thought up the design, and at the same time has purposely not signed one of the papers. Bill finally arrives and asks Joe for the papers. Joe hands Bill the papers and acts like everything is okay. Bill looks through the papers and finds the paper not signed, and Joe acts as if she never say the paper and begins to read it. Bill becomes frustrated and just as She is about to sign one of the chaser's yells out " there is a tornado about thirty miles away". Joe and her team suddenly run to t .....

Native American Art
Words: 496 / Pages: 2

.... house front poles, and totem poles. The crests were drawn with controlled and modulating lines, and were often found on the exterior of their cedar dwellings, as well as blankets and skirts. The Northwest people made masks for their ceremonies, many of which had moveable facial features. They also made wooden effigy helmets and clan hats that represented the groups crest animal. In California, basketry was a distinguishing feature. The baskets had natural and geometric designs, and frequently incorporated feathers and abalone in them. The Chumash cave paintings are unique to California. Some were painted only in red, and others included whit .....

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