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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Alexandre Dumas
Words: 252 / Pages: 1

.... of the 200 films based on Dumas's works. Few people know, however, that the author was the grandson of a Haitian slave, or that Dumas's mulatto father rose rapidly through the ranks of the French Army to become a legendary general by the age of 31. His father died when Dumas was only four. General Dumas, having fallen out of favor with Napoleon, not being sympathetic with Bonaparte's imperial ambitions. Though the general died young, leaving his son without an inheritance, Dumas overcame poverty, the lack of formal education, and the constant wear and tear of 19th-century racism to become one of the world's most popular writers. Fortunately, consi .....

Essay On Christopher Columbus
Words: 447 / Pages: 2

.... from where they had came from. The 19th century, was a period whereby soceity of the Europeans altered the Western culture of the Native Americans. The Europeans had brought many new changes to the "New World", such as pigs, horses. Columbus had opened the seeds of change. The European society as a whole, had thought that the Europeans were doing a favor, by changing their primitive ways, when in fact, some of the Native American customs were far more superior to what the Europeans had in their own. The obstinate Europeans, did not want to make concessions because they had an assumed air of superiority. Columbus has been the all-time heroic .....

John Maynard Keynes
Words: 1397 / Pages: 6

.... economic terms of the Treaty of Versailles. After resigning Keynes wrote another book called “The Economic Consequences of the Peace” in 1919. In this book he predicted that the staggering reparations levied against Germany would goad that country into economic nationalism and resurgence of militarism. Keynes being a well-educated man, made some great investments in a decades time. Within that decade he made his two million fortune by speculating in international currencies, stocks and commodities. In addition to his newly made fortune Keynes served as a trustee of King's College and built it's endowment from 30,000 to 380,000 pounds. Key .....

Ira Remsen: A Scientist Unknown His Work
Words: 915 / Pages: 4

.... Journal. Also in that same year, he made a remarkable, accidental discovery with a fellow researcher Constantine Fahlberg when they were working on a derivative of coal tar. One night, after a long day in his laboratory He we was having dinner with wife. When he was eating a regular roll. Remsen noticed that it was quite sweet at first, but it left a bitter after-taste. He made his wife taste the bread and he found nothing wrong or something unusual about the taste. So Remsen decided to taste his fingers and there he found that same sweet then bitter taste despite washing his hands thoroughly after working in his lab. After dinner, he retur .....

Kelly Flinn Biography
Words: 1445 / Pages: 6

.... school, she tried to be the cute little girl she was supposed to be but on the playground, she was a terror. At the age of 5, she joined her first soccer league, which happened to be a boys’ team. Things stayed the same way until she got to high school. She began to notice boys and began to date. No one in her family had ever talked to her about the “birds and the bees,” or even about dating. Instead, independence, self-reliance, and strength were the most important things. If they had problems, they worked it out on their own. This served her poorly when she found herself in trouble with the Air Force years later. (pg. 9) When Kelly wa .....

William Wallace
Words: 1794 / Pages: 7

.... elimination of English tyranny in Scotland, and the roles Wallace played in battles with the English. In this paper I am going to show the conflicting views about William Wallace’s life. I will use a wide variety of sources including the movie Braveheart’s script, Internet web pages, and written history in order to support my thesis. I will conclude with the fact that William Wallace was truly a worthy patriot of his native country Scotland. He fearlessly led his fellow patriots into battle, and gained freedom for Scotland from the tyrannical rule of the English King, Edward I. In May of 1995 the film Braveheart came out in .....

Eliot Ness
Words: 2931 / Pages: 11

.... He was a lucky boy born into an almost storybook type of American family. His parents, Peter and Emma Ness, were Norwegian immigrants who had earned a comfortable middle class life for their family by very hard work and practical living. Over the years, Peter had made his wholesale bakery into a thriving business. It is supposed that Ness gained his father’s work-aholic traits that drove him so hard later in life. Eliot was the youngest of the five Ness children. There was a huge age difference between Eliot and his siblings. His brother whom was closest to Eliot in age was none the less thirteen years older. Hence Eliot received a great dea .....

Charles Shultz
Words: 1572 / Pages: 6

.... about to share with you along with a brief description of each. First off, of course, is Charlie Brown. He wins your heart with his losing ways. It always rains on his parade, his baseball game, and his life. He’s an stong willed boy who is afraid of arguments. Although he is concerned with the true meaning of life, his friends sometimes call him “blockhead.” Other than his knack for putting himself down, there are few sharp edges of wit in that head of his; usually he’s the butt of a joke, not the joker. He can be spotted a mile away in his sweater with the zig zag trim, head down, hands in pockets, headed for Lucy̵ .....

Richard Nixon
Words: 564 / Pages: 3

.... lieutenant commander in the Pacific. On leaving the service, he was elected to Congress from his California district. In 1950, he won a Senate seat. Two years later, General Eisenhower selected Nixon, age 39, to be his running mate. As Vice President, Nixon took on major duties in the Eisenhower Administration. Nominated for President by acclamation in 1960, he lost by a narrow margin to John F. Kennedy. In 1968, he again won his party's nomination, and went on to defeat Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and third-party candidate George C. Wallace. His accomplishments while in office included revenue sharing, the end of the draft, new anticrim .....

Andrew Carnegie: "Capt. Of Industry" Or "Robber Baron"?
Words: 536 / Pages: 2

.... made a bigger and bigger profit by cutting his workers' salaries and forcing his partners to return their company stock if they resigned or retired; and that is mostly true. His workers had a lot of potential injuries waiting to happen… and they had to work twelve hours a day, 7 days a week. When they started to form a labor union, he tried to stop it. He had to go to Scotland for a couple of days and told his partner to stop the strike by any means. Whether it was a misunderstanding or not, but his partner called for armed forces. The former workers were imprisoned, injured or killed, and definitely fired. Though after the unsuccessful strike, Ca .....

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