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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Sir Thomas More - A Unique Her
Words: 466 / Pages: 2

.... combat. Thomas More on the other hand, was none of the above. His strength was not in his arms, but in his mind, his wit was his agility, and his words were his sword. Thus More’s knowledge and moral self are the only things that distinguish him as a hero. More’s own opinion in fact, was valued so much, it was the reason of his death; he died because he stood by it. King Henry VIII who, unless with More’s blessing, could not divorce, and at the same time wed a new wife. The King knew and respected More’s honesty on all matters. Though, because More disagreed with the issue, the King could not in his own mind justify his actions, without elim .....

Thomas Jefferson
Words: 3867 / Pages: 15

.... science. He associated intimately with the liberal-minded Lt. Gov. Francis Fauquier, and read law (1762-1767) with George Wythe, the greatest law teacher of his generation in Virginia. Jefferson became unusually good at law. He was admitted to the bar in 1767 and practiced until 1774, when the courts were closed by the American Revolution. He was a successful lawyer, though professional income was only a supplement. He had inherited a considerable landed estate from his father, and doubled it by a happy marriage on Jan. 1, 1772, to Martha Wayles Skelton However, his father-in-law's estate imposed a burdensome debt on Jefferson. He began building Mon .....

George Frideric Handel
Words: 577 / Pages: 3

.... tried to master the Italian style of music. In Italy he met the leading composers and musicians and worked on pieces together which gave him more insight on music. In 1712, he moved to England where he wrote most of his music. Handel composed music for George I of England including "Water Music." Handel composed the first London Italian opera ,"Rinaldo". He also developed a new form of opera called English oratorio. It combined the gaiety of Italian opera with an increased amount of chorus, usually in English and religious text. His most famous oratorio is the Messiah. It dealt with the birth, passion, and resurrection of Christ using text derived .....

Karl Marx
Words: 1206 / Pages: 5

.... from Bonn to Cologne. As the paper became more and more revolutionary and widely read, the government decided to censor, and eventually suppress it. The paper was banned in March of 1843. At this time, it had more than 3,400 subscribers from all over Germany. was married to his childhood friend Jenny von Westphalen, in 1843. Later in the fall of that year Marx along with another Left Hegelian, Arnold Ruge, moved to Paris and began publication of a radical journal entitled Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher. However due to the problems in publishing such a radical paper, only one issue appeared. Karl met his closest friend in September of 1844, when .....

Robert Fulton
Words: 446 / Pages: 2

.... with boats and had a liking for them. He worked with inventions for propelling boats. He felt that several revolving paddles and stern would be most effective. After this, Fulton permanently changed his career towards canal engineering. He worked on extending the canal system by his Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation. This dealt with the system of inland water transportation based on a small canals extending throughout the countryside. He thought of things such as aqueducts for valley crossings, boats for specialized cargo, and bridge designs featuring bowstring beams to transmit only vertical loads to the piers. Although some .....

Johannes Brahms
Words: 489 / Pages: 2

.... his wife, Clara. In a famous article, “Neue Bahnen”(New Paths), Schumann saluted the twenty year old Brahms as “The coming genius of German music.” Schumann also arranged for the publication of Brahms’ three piano sonatas and three sets of songs. In 1862, Brahms traveled to Vienna, where he conducted the concerts of Singakademie. The next five years he spent travelling to various towns, such as Hamburg, Baden Baden, and Zurich. In 1868 he was back in Vienna and he spent three years conducting orchestral concerts of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. . After more travel in Germany, Brahms again made his home in Vienna in 1878. Meanwh .....

Saint Francis Of Assissi
Words: 3721 / Pages: 14

.... to be both daring and prudent, he constantly embarked upon the most hazardous undertakings and his career was likely to be a succession of ups and downs. Moreover, business activities, which today tend more and more to assert their independence of any ethical code, were then strictly subordinated to accepted moral standards, as is clearly shown in the writings of Leo Battista Alberti, a century and a half later, or in the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas. Bernardone was not in Assisi when his son was born. At first the child was called John but upon his father's return he was christened Francis, in memory of France, whence Pietro di Bern .....

Charles Darwin
Words: 589 / Pages: 3

.... of Darwins old college professors, he was offered the position aboard the Beagle. The Beagle sailed to South America, making many stops along the coast. Here Darwin observed the plants and animals of the tropics and was stunned by the diversity of species compared with Europe. The most significant stop the Beagle made was the Galapagos Islands off the northwestern coast of South America. It was here that Darwin found huge populations of Tortoises; and he found out that diffrent islands were home to diffrent types of tortoises. He found that islands without tortoises, pricky pear cactus plants grew with their fruits spread all over the ground. And on I .....

Tiger Woods
Words: 630 / Pages: 3

.... always flying and time zone changes tired him out as he alway lost time when having to fly back to California. Tiger's Ethnicity: African, Thai, Chinese, American Indian, and European. Tiger's Religion: Tiger believes in Buddism. Not every aspect, but most of it. Tiger was 11-months old when he first started swinging a sawed off golf club in his garage. Some sources say he was actually 10-months old. Tiger's Education: In the 7th grade Tiger had a GPA of 3.86! (Now there's the real important stuff.) Tiger spent 2 years at Stanford University in California majoring in Business. Tiger has 2 half brothers and 1 half sister from his fathers first .....

Words: 652 / Pages: 3

.... Archimedes. Growing up with curiosity and determination integrated in his mind, Galileo was unsatisfied with the boring views of philosophers like Aristotle. MacLachlan gives an example. Natural philosophers taught a set of precepts about the causes of all earthly actions and the nature of the whole universe. They did no measuring, performed no experiments, and made few calculations. Galileo found their explanations of motion unconvincing. He was particularly dissatisfied because Aristotle had concentrated on why objects move. Galileo wanted to know how they move (9). As one could see then, how keen this savant individual could work his min .....

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