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Biographies Essay Writing Help

St. Francis Of Assisi
Words: 2968 / Pages: 11

.... experienced defeat. Taken prisoner of war, he was held captive for several months, then released and sent home. His parents were joyful and made up to him for the long months of suffering by showering him with affection. Francis probably enjoyed receiving extra money the most from this. Being a prisoner of war did take a toll on Francis. His body became so sick that he almost died and it took over a year to recover. It was during this year that for the first time in his young life, he did some serious pondering. He explored the age old problems, "What am I?", "Where do I come from?", "Where am I going", "What is this .....

Frederick Douglass' Life And His Work
Words: 418 / Pages: 2

.... met with American abolitionist, John Brown. He learned of John's strategy of destroying" the money value of slave property" by training a group of men to help large numbers of slaves escape to freedom in the North via the Underground Railroad. When Douglass learned on the eve of the raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859, that Brown planned to seize the federal arsenal and armory there. He objected. Warning Brown that an attack on federal property would be equal to an assault on the U.S. government, and would prove disastrous. Douglass withdrew from further participation. He campaigned for Abraham Lincoln during the presidential election of 1860, and helped .....

Thomas Paine
Words: 950 / Pages: 4

.... and cleaned up his act. Paine, who had been a heavy drinker had stopped drinking for a while, too. The Battle at Lexington and Concorde soon came about and nobody was too happy about it. The next day after they heard this news, a huge mob assembled outside of the state house. Thomas Paine was one of the speakers trying to calm down all of the eight-thousand people that were in front of the building. Paine soon went to a ball to represent the Pennsylvania Magazine in which he represented. He had a lot of answers to questions people kept asking him. Paine was finally fired when he argued with Aitkin because he wanted to put an ar .....

Words: 1263 / Pages: 5

.... Nigel Davies in a salon, while working as a shampoo girl. He saw her potential and immediately took her to get a haircut at a Mr. Leonard’s trendy salon in London. Mr. Leonard put her picture in his shop window, and a short time later that picture was featured in the London Daily Express with a caption that read “This is the face of 1966” (Wilson). Davies, who preferred to be called Justin De Villeneuve, was quite an interesting character with his past resume containing ex-model, ex-antique dealer, and ex-hairdresser. After he discovered her, he (age 25) became ’s (age 15) agent and boyfriend. He took her to Paris and a short while after her p .....

H.R. Gieger
Words: 740 / Pages: 3

.... the School of Applied Arts, Zurich, in the department of Interior and Industrial Design. As Giger went through college, he produced many drawings, with ink and other mediums like glue and chalk, and ink paintings with such a large amount of ink that a razor was used to scrape out the details. Underground magazines and the occassional reputational art magazines published many of his work, and eventually one of Giger's freinds helped him create posters. He even had a 10 minute interview done on him by a freind who was a movie director. Soon, Giger began getting work on movies, in creating the monsters and sometimes environments. His reside .....

Jim Thorpe
Words: 1501 / Pages: 6

.... at all. School was unbearable for Jim. He wanted to be outside. Jim went to Carlisle school. Carlisle school was set up by Lt. Richard Henry Pratt of the U.S. Army as a way to help Indians integrate into the American culture. They hired Glenn S. "Pop" Warner as a football coach. When Jim went there, in 1904, he was learning a trade as an electrician. One day in the spring of 1907 Jim walks by the athletic fields and watches the track team practicing the high jump. Jim's only 5'9" and 144lbs. He asks if he can try. So wearing a pair of overalls he clears the jump. The boys run and tell Pop Warner that Jim just broke the school record. Soon .....

Prophet Muhammad
Words: 5285 / Pages: 20

.... The word Amin means honest, reliable, and trustworthy. It signified the highest standard of moral and public life. Abu Daud writes that a merchant promised to meet him at a place to discuss something concerning trade. The merchant forgot to keep his promise and could not reach the place at the time agreed upon. When three days later the merchant passed from the place of their meeting he found the Prophet (s) standing there to fulfill his part of the promise. When Muhammad (s) was twenty-five years old, a rich merchant widow asked him to take a caravan of merchandise for trade to Syria. Soon after this trip, she proposed to Muhammad (s) through .....

Sir Robert Laird Borden
Words: 1253 / Pages: 5

.... firm of Graham, Tupper and Borden. He was involved in cases that brought him before the Supreme Court of Canada and the Judicial Committee of he Privy Council in England. On September 25, 1889, Robert married Laura Bond with whom he had no children. Growing up, Robert was a Liberal, but he left the party in 1886 to become a Conservative after the Liberal leader in Nova Scotia wanted he province to retire from he Canadian federation. In 1896, the Conservative party was in extreme need for new people and the Halifax Conservatives thought Robert to be a good candidate. In the beginning, Robert was hesitant to enter into the world of politics, but finally .....

Words: 897 / Pages: 4

.... United States entered World War I, he was promoted to captain, and he was assigned to training duty at Fort Oglethorpe and also Fort Leavenworth as an instructor in officer courses. In 1918 he commanded 6,000 men at Tank Training Center at Camp Colt, near Getttysburg, Pennsylvania and was promoted to temporary major and then lieutenant colonel when he commanded the Tank Brigade at Camp Meade. Even though he never went overseas, he was given the Distinguished Service Medal for his work. After the war he was reverted to rank of captain and soon after, he advanced to major and commanded the 301st Tank Battalion. In 1922 he was again reverted to ra .....

Lines - William Wordsworth
Words: 836 / Pages: 4

.... wants him to go sit in his own grove and actually see what is living and breathing and whether or not he enjoys it. Wordsworth makes it seem appealing to want to go and do this through his descriptions and thoughts, so that you get a feeling of what is there and what is being lost. He makes the reader want to go and see if those things, the budding twigs, the hopping birds, and the trailing periwinkle, really do exist and if they really are as alive as he says. Wordsworth’s line “What man has made of man” (7) refers to what human men are doing to the other man on Earth, Nature, whom man is fighting for the top spot. To Wordswor .....

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