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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Ludwig Van Beethoven
Words: 564 / Pages: 3

.... in Vienna in 1792 and studied with Haydn for about one year. The arrangement proved to be a dissappointment to Beethoven. C. The relationship Outwardly in public the two were cordial, but there were troubles with the relationship--maybe professional jealousy caused the problems. D. Other teachers Beethoven turned to other teachers when Haydn went to London for the second time. He studied with Albrechtsberger, famous as a choir director at St. Stephens in Vienna and the best-known counterpoint teacher in Vienna. He then studied Salieri, famous in Mozart's biography. Salieri helped Beethoven in setting Italian words to music. IV. Establishment as pian .....

Karl Marx 2
Words: 2646 / Pages: 10

.... portrayed in the manifesto. Before embarking upon these topics, it is necessary to establish a baseline from which to view these ideas. It is important to realize that we as humans view everything from our own cultural perspective. Marx speaks of this saying, "Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of the conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class made into a law for all, a will, whose essential character and direction are determined by the economical conditions of existence of your class" (Marx, p.71). With this in mind, some perspective on the society of that time is .....

Francisco Franco
Words: 707 / Pages: 3

.... in 1910, he rose rapidly in the army, earning the reputation for efficiency, honesty, and complete professional dedication. He was named commander of the Spanish foreign legion in 1923. Franco became a national hero for his role in suppressing revolts in Morocco, and at the age of 33 he was made brigadier general. Having quelled a leftists revolt in Austria in 1934, he became army chief of staff in 1935. In February of 1936 the leftist government of the Spanish republic exiled Franco to an obscure command in the Canary Islands. The following July he joined other right-wing officers in a revolt against the republic. In October they made h .....

Charles Dickens 5
Words: 1218 / Pages: 5

.... means, was finally imprisoned for debt at the Marshalsea debtor's prison in Southwark in 1824. 12 year old Charles was removed from school and sent to work at a boot-blacking factory earning six shillings a week to help support the family. Charles considered this period as the most terrible time in his life and would later write that he wondered 'how I could have been so easily cast away at such an age'. This childhood poverty and adversity contributed greatly to Dickens' later views on social reform in a country in the throes of the Industrial Revolution and his compassion for the lower class, especially the children. Dickens would go on to write .....

Mother Teresa
Words: 794 / Pages: 3

.... with the Sisters in the convent, she left to join another convent in northeast India. On May 24, 1931, she took the name of "Teresa" in honor of St. Teresa of Avila. At first, was assigned to teach a small Geography class at St. Mary’s High School in Calcutta. noticed all the beggars, lepers, and homeless people on the streets of Calcutta. There lives were horrible, living on other peoples scraps and letting babies that they couldn’t support die in trash bins. She decided to ask the archbishop if she could stop her teaching and dedicate her life to helping the "less fortunate." When received a written consent that it was okay, she began her w .....

Alfred Nobel
Words: 1513 / Pages: 6

.... equipment for the Russian army and he also convinced the Tsar and his generals that naval mines could be used to block enemy naval ships from threatening the city. The naval mines designed by Immanuel Nobel were simple devices consisting of submerged wooden casks filled with gun powder. Anchored below the surface of the Gulf of Finland they effectively deterred the British Royal Navy from moving into firing range of St. Petersburg during the Crimean war (1853-1856). Immanuel Nobel was also a pioneer in arms manufacture and in designing steam engines. Successful in his industrial and business ventures, Immanuel Nobel was able, in 1842, to br .....

Clinton Vs. Nixon
Words: 491 / Pages: 2

.... his leaving the office. Even though they caused trouble for themselves and others around them, Clinton and Nixon did influence the American economy to a great degree. Clinton practically saved the economy and lowered the US inflation rate, through gradual and advocated plans of reform. Moreover, Nixon was the first to go into China territory for negotiations. Ultimately, they have attracted the media with their antics, making themselves’ targets of controversy and embarrassment. In fact, President Clinton and Nixon have become the subjects of public mockery and have been an embarrassment to the American people in the office of the President. .....

Herman Melville
Words: 565 / Pages: 3

.... the complexities of human life, so mystery was often a trait of his characters. An example of this would be his character Bartleby. Throughout the story, the reader has no clue what Bartleby is thinking, so Melville creates an air of mystery about this character. Another of Melville’s characters that show this quality is Claggart in the book Billy Budd. Claggart is constantly referred to as being mysterious, "…a nut not to be cracked by the top of a ladies fan (Billy Budd). Besides being mysterious, Melville is stubborn and this comes out through his characters Captain Veere and Bartleby. Like most writers, Melville’s career ha .....

Mantle Vs. Mays
Words: 728 / Pages: 3

.... his father’s favorite player. What made Mantle unique from the beginning was the fact that he was a switch hitter. Mantle broke into the major leagues before he turned twenty. Mantle had a .298 career batting average, and 536 career home runs. He led the American League in home runs for four years. Mantle hit over fifty home runs in two of those four years. Mantle was moved around a lot early in the career from short stop, where he had a short error filled season in minor league ball, to right field where he became the Yankee’s regular starter. Then in the fall of 1951 he was moved again to center field after the retirement of Joe DiMaggio. .....

Neil Armstrong
Words: 674 / Pages: 3

.... he was only sixteen years old he got his pilots license! He graduated high school and went to Perdue University on a US Navy scholarship. He learned everything he could about planes and rockets. After college graduation he was a pilot in the Korean War. After the war he went back to Perdue to learn even more. He became a test pilot for experimental X-15 rocket planes which flew to the end of the earth's atmosphere. He didn't want to stop there, he wanted to just keep on going. So in 1962 when NASA was taking applications for astronauts he applied and was accepted. His first mission was on Gemini 8. He and David Scott orbited the earth three times .....

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