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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Billy Sunday
Words: 1565 / Pages: 6

.... and received a positive response. He was telling everyone about Jesus. He took some classes at the local YMCA and shared his witness with the boys. By 1890, Billy wanted to go into full-time Christian work. He had played for different baseball teams and was sold to play for the Philadelphia Phillies. After being sold to the Phillies for a three year contract he prayed this prayer, "Lord, if I don't get my release by March twenty-fifth, I will take that as assurance you want me to continue to play ball; if I get it before that date I will accept that as evidence you want me to quit playing ball and go into Christian work." Billy received his .....

St. John The Evangelist
Words: 1204 / Pages: 5

.... details, all the challenges that St. John faced. His challenges were truly followed by God’s will and helped many people. St. John was one of the first ones who understood and studied how a person should live, how should he behave, and how moral his life should be. He was one of the first to follow those holy principles, and show them to others. One of his greatest challenges was writing a gospel. is mostly known for writing a fourth Gospel. If you would ask any person to list his challenges almost everybody would tell you that he wrote a gospel. It is believed that he wrote a Gospel at the year of 96, after the death of Domitian. His object in wr .....

Karl Marx
Words: 1172 / Pages: 5

.... Bonin, After graduating from university; Marx moved to Bonn, hoping to later become a professor. However, the reactionary policy of the government made Marx abandon the idea of an academic career, but his dad made him transfer to the University of Berlin. The transfer was do to Marx earlier possession of alcohol and imprisonment for drunkenness. At Berlin Marx interests changed from law to philosophy. "Degeneration in a learned dressing gown with uncombed hair had replaced degeneration with a beer glass." (1 p2) Marx father obviously disapproved greatly. Marx attached to the philosophy of G.W.F Hegel. He referred to the Phenomenology of mind as the .....

John Paul Jones
Words: 1489 / Pages: 6

.... up others often found him teaching his playmates to maneuver their little boats to mimic a naval battle, while he, taking his stand on the tiny cliff overlooking the small river, shouted shrill commands at his imaginary fleet. At the age of thirteen he boarded a ship to Whitehaven, which was a large port across the Solway Firth. There he signed up for a seven year seaman's apprenticeship on The Friendship of Whitehaven, whose captain was James Younger, a prosperous merchant and ship owner. His first voyage took him across the Atlantic Ocean to Barbados and Fredericksburg, Virginia at which he stayed with his older brother William, a tailor, who .....

Thomas Edison
Words: 2111 / Pages: 8

.... Michigan. He was a very curious child who asked a lot of questions. "Edison began school in Port Huron, Michigan when he was seven. His teacher, the Reverend G. B. Engle considered Thomas to be a dull student."(Allen pg. 22) Thomas especially did not like math. And he asked too many questions. The story goes that the teacher whipped students who asked questions. After three months of school, the teacher called Thomas, "addled". Thomas was pissed. The next day, Nancy Edison brought Thomas back to school to talk with Reverend Engle. The teacher told his mother that Thomas couldn't learn. Nancy also became angry at the teacher's strict ways .....

Maurice Sendak
Words: 2104 / Pages: 8

.... he was left alone with his imagination. He enjoyed drawing and reading from an early age, but was often dissatisfied with the children books that were available to him. He attempted to read what he called "real books" even when he was a young child; he felt it was an embarrassment even to enter the childrens' section of the library. Sendak writes the type of books he wished he had as a child; entertaining stories which are not limited by any effort to make things so simple for children that they become mundane. Sendak's greatest influence as a writer was his father. Phillip Sendak was a wonderfully creative storyteller who amazed Maurice an .....

Nelson Mandela
Words: 2925 / Pages: 11

.... salt for all. Let each know that for each the body, the mind and the soul have been freed to fulfill themselves. Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the world. The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement! Let freedom reign. God bless Africa! MANDELA 1994 When elected, Nelson Mandela spoke words the entire country had been longing to hear. He spoke of freedoms and luxuries that many Black South Africans had never been given the privilege to experience. Beginning with colonization and through to th .....

Emily Dickenson
Words: 725 / Pages: 3

.... church. Emily saw herself as a woman who had her own way of thinking, a way of thinking shaped neither by the church or society. By the time she was twelve, her family moved to a house on Pleasant Street where they lived from 1840 to 1855. Emily was already writing letters, but composed most of her poetry in this home. Emily only left home to attend Mount Holyoke Female Seminary for two semesters. Though her stay there was brief, she impressed her teachers with her courage and directness. They felt her writing was sensational. At the age of twenty-one, Emily and her family moved to the Dickinson Homestead on Main Street. This move proved to be .....

Octavian Augustus
Words: 2253 / Pages: 9

.... state officials, usually patricians, who acted as advisors, controlled public finances and handled all diplomatic dealings with other states. The assemblies were the various public meetings where citizens voted on laws and public office (Hanes 1997). Magistrates were the elected officials who put the laws into practice. The most important of these magistrates were the consuls. The two consuls, each elected for one year, acted as the chief executives of the state. Censors were also very important magistrates. Censors were elected every five years to take a census and record the wealth of the people. Censors also had two other very important jobs. The .....

William Lyon Mackenzie
Words: 1495 / Pages: 6

.... with Upper Canada. Before the end of the year, Mackenzie was writing for the York Observer under the name of “Mercator” In 1824, Mackenzie started his most famous newspaper, the Colonial Advocate. The first edition appeared on May 18, 1824. The sole purpose of this paper was to sway the opinions of the voters in the next election. On June 8, 1826, a group of fifteen, young, well connected Tories disguised themselves as Indians, and broke into Mackenzie’s York office in broad daylight. They smashed his printing press, then threw it into the bay. The Tories did nothing to compensate him, so it was clear that they were involv .....

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