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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Billy The Kid: The True Story
Words: 642 / Pages: 3

.... the birth of Billy. Sometime between 1862 & 1864, Billy’s father, William H. McCarty died. No one seems to be sure of the exact date since no death certificate or obituary has been located yet. Soon after the death, his mother married a man named William Antrim in 1873. Up until the age of twelve Billy showed no signs prophesying his desperate and disastrous future ahead. He was a favorite with all classes and ages, especially the old and the young. And he most loved his mother. He loved and honored her more than anything else on earth. But what was to come in the next few years were not for the best. Billy had been known to say that h .....

Words: 651 / Pages: 3

.... Liberated by the Soviets in January 1945 returned in Turin, after an eight-month odyssey. took up his work as a chemist, living in a stately old building that his family had occupied for three generations. In 1961 became the general manager of a factory producing paints. He retired in 1977 to become a full-time writer. His prison recollections wrote in the form of memoir, Se questo è un uomo. It was reprinted in an enlarged edition ten years later. The book sold over half a million copies in Italy, was translated into eight languages and adapted for the theater and radio. It documented how the camp deprived each individual of his and her identi .....

Andrew Jackson
Words: 1805 / Pages: 7

.... his office that made his years of presidency to be known as the "Age of Jackson." was born on March 15, 1767, in a settlement on the border of North and South Carolina. He was orphaned at age 14. After studying law and becoming a member of the Bar in North Carolina later he moved to Nashville Tennessee. Their he became a member of a powerful political faction led by William Blount. He was married in 1791 to Rachel Donelson Robards, and later remarried to him due to a legal mistake in her prior divorce in 1794. Jackson served as delegate to Tenn. in the 1796 Constitutional convention and a congressman for a year (from 1796-97). He was elected senat .....

Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X
Words: 2089 / Pages: 8

.... early nightmare for most of his life. From then on, he was driven by hatred and a desire for revenge. The early backgrounds of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were largely responsible for the distinct different responses to American racism. Both men ultimately became towering icons of contemporary African-American culture and had a great influence on black Americans. However, King had a more positive attitude than Malcolm X, believing that through peaceful demonstrations and arguments, blacks will be able to someday achieve full equality with whites. Malcolm X’s despair about life was reflected in his angry, pessimistic belief that equality .....

Obituary On George Washington
Words: 1095 / Pages: 4

.... became very close to his older half brother, Lawrence. George liked to visit Lawrence, who was living in a small house their father built on the Potomac River. Lawrence named the house and its farm, Mount Vernon, after his commanding officer, Admiral Edward Vernon of the British Navy. George enjoyed listening to Lawrence talk about the time he served in the military with the British. He also liked to hear Lawrence and his friends talk about the Virginia frontier. George learned that Lawrence's friend, George William Fairfax, was going to the frontier to survey land. George wanted to go. He had learned a little about surveying and had practiced b .....

Neve Campbell
Words: 627 / Pages: 3

.... for two months but found that modeling had no satisfaction and very low. After this she turned towards the theatre for a career, since she wanted to be a performer. Another contribution to her career was when Neve was involved in the theatre. After her quitting dancing, she had turned out to be the Degas girl in “The Phantom of the Opera”. She preformed at the Pantages theatre in Toronto. Neve had preformed in over 800 shows when she was done in “The Phantom of the Opera” Neve says she likes the theatre because she gets an automatic response from the audience. It was this part of her career that Neve found the love of acting, not only on a st .....

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Words: 927 / Pages: 4

.... know what’s going on, you can tell you are listening to an extended piece of music in which the dramatic incidents form a part of a perfectly coherent whole. Mozart wrote from some excellent libretti, yet the music is always the dominant element, giving the action inflections of meaning the words alone couldn’t reflect. Furthermore, until Mozart’s emergence, operatic characters where generalized and typical. Mozart was the first to put real people up on the stage, people who had real emotions that were inconsistent and whose personalities were evolutionary. In 1767, the Mozarts went to Vienna where Wolfgang was commissioned to compose hi .....

Simone Martini
Words: 746 / Pages: 3

.... (Kren). The Maesta, one of Simone’s first commissioned works for the Palazzo Pubblico’s Council Chamber in Siena, successfully solved the techniques for indicating three-dimensional space. “ Simone unites the composition through the subtle relation of interweaving diagonals, and diagonally directed curves; these are carried out with remarkable consistency in the figures and drapery patterns, from the base line up to the off-center placing of the angels who hold a heavenly crown above the enthroned saint” (Hartt, 109). Also in the “Palazzo Pubblico one of his most celebrated works, the fresco of Guidoriccio da Fogliano, a commemoration .....

The Romanovs
Words: 1770 / Pages: 7

.... Grand-Duchess Tatiana was born on May 29, 1897, and then Maria on June 26, 1899. Nicholas was upset and with his wife searched for a solution. A son was necessary to take over Nicholas's throne when the time came. I do not know why but for some reason Russians during that time preferred male as a ruler of the country, even though there were successful female-emperors before. Katherine the Great is one of them. Russians are very religious people. However, they also have faith in magicians. As a Russian citizen I have to admit that many Russians do believe in these people who supposedly have healing powers and can treat any disease with out surgic .....

Richard Rodriguez
Words: 721 / Pages: 3

.... not too hard you think I might like." Carefully I chose one, Willa Cather’s My ‘Antonia. But when, several weeks later, I happened to see it next to her bed unread except for the first few pages, I was furious and suddenly wanted to cry. I grabbed up the book and took it back to my room and placed it in its place, alphabetically on my shelf." (p.626-627) As seen in this paragraph of ’s autobiographical essay "Achievement of Desire", he looks back on his childhood remembering his family, friends, and himself. Although, he can only recall feeling anger and sadness at the fact that his parents were poorly educated. Hi .....

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