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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Dylan Thomas
Words: 1164 / Pages: 5

.... Films, Inc. He remained with Strand through the conclusion of the Second World War. His second child Aeronwy, Byrn Thomas was born in March of 1943. Deaths and Entrances was released in 1946. Three years later his child, Colm Garan Hart Thomas, was born. In 1952 his final volume, Collected Poems, was published. In addition to the work previously mentioned, he also published many short stories, wrote filmscripts, broadcast stories, did a series lecture tours in the United States and wrote Under Milkwood, his famous play for voices.(Bookshelf ’98) During his fourth lecture tour of the United States in 1953, he collapsed in his New York ho .....

Laura Secord
Words: 1072 / Pages: 4

.... Laura had moved there she met a young man named James Secord. After dating for a long period of time, James asked Laura to marry him. They married in 1797 at the Church of England. They were very wealthy. Laura was a big help to James in his business since she came from such an affluent family. By 1812, the Secord's had five children, two servants, a small pleasant house and a wealthy store. When they first got married, they lived in St. Davids and after being married for a while they moved to Queenston. Laura did not work but James was a Merchant. Life was good for Laura, James and their family, and it seemed the future held nothing but ha .....

Words: 403 / Pages: 2

.... is worthless and will be overcome. One must have support of the people, while constantly keeping them in check with the rules and regulations that he has set. These thoughts today would be looked at as dictatorial and likened with the beliefs and felling of such hated groups as the Nazis. In today's system, societies that have been lead by rulers with such a mentality have not lasted very long. It seems that these days the general populace have much less tolerance for those rulers that believe in doing anything for the sake of themselves and supposedly the society at large. I believe that such rulers today are not tolerated (and should not .....

Richard Joseph Daley
Words: 1263 / Pages: 5

.... positions, Daley gained a keen understanding of government and a mastery of budgets and revenue sources. Cook County Democratic party chairman Richard J. Daley, 53, wins the Chicago mayoralty race and begins a 21-year career as mayor of the second largest U.S. city. Daley, the archetypal city "boss," served as mayor from 1955 to 1976. He was one of the last big city bosses. As a Democrat, Daley wielded a great deal of power in this largely Democratic city. He headed a powerful political machine that effectively dominated much of Chicago. He governed by the spoils system, and he delivered many local votes for Democratic presidential candidate .....

Charlie Chaplin
Words: 502 / Pages: 2

.... Soon after the two boys were sent to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. Two years later after Charlies mother had a breakdown he and Sydney went to live with their father and his mistress. In the same year Charlie joined the dancing troupe, the Eight Lancashire Lads. Which eventually led to his parts in Sherlock Holmes and a few other parts. At the same time his brother Sydney had joined the famous Fred Karno Company and there he quickly became a leading player and writer. Late in the year 1900 Charlie is cast as a cat in a production of Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. Less than a month later his father died from Alcoholism. S .....

Autobiography Of Albert Einstein
Words: 877 / Pages: 4

.... his father’s compass, and he often listened to his uncle’s explanations of algebra. Although young Albert was intrigued by science, he was considered a slow learner. But despite his curiosity toward math, neither his parents, nor his school teachers thought much of his mental abilities. His uncle often joked that not everyone was born to become a professor. He also was interested in music, so his mother taught him how to play a violin that would help him to relax, and think more carefully on problems. When he was ten, he made a decision that he changed his life. He decided that he would not be as other students and go along with wha .....

Abraham Lincoln 4
Words: 2402 / Pages: 9

.... and settled in New Salem, a short-lived community on the Sangamon River, where he split rails and clerked in a store. He gained the respect of his fellow townspeople, including the so-called Clary Grove boys, who had challenged him to physical combat, and was elected captain of his company in the Black Hawk War (1832). Returning from the war, he began an unsuccessful venture in shopkeeping that ended when his partner died. In 1833 he was appointed postmaster but had to supplement his income with surveying and various other jobs. At the same time he began to study law. That he gradually paid off his and his deceased partner's debts firmly established .....

Joseph Stalin
Words: 724 / Pages: 3

.... became leader of the Soviet Union where he made many changes to agriculture and industry. He believed that the Soviet Union was one hundred years behind the West and that they had to catch up as quickly as possible. This is where the idea of his "Five Year Plan," came about. The five-year plan basically got the people involved and motivated them into a modern life. From the 5-year plan, 25 million farms were produced which were only big enough to feed the families that were harvesting them. The more successful peasants were called the Kulaks. Along with the five-year plan, Stalin launched a campaign for the "collectivization of agricult .....

History Of Marilyn Manson
Words: 550 / Pages: 2

.... all over the locals. They even won two straight Band of Year honors at a local music award thing. Singles such as "Dope Hat", "Lunchbox", "My Monkey" had already won the support of the people. 1993 was a very busy year. They got a contract from Trent Reznor's new own label Nothing and got a spot on NIN's 94 tour. The making of their first album, "Portrait of an American Family", was underway. Trent Reznor was the producer of the album. At the end of 93, Gidget Gein, bass, was no more a part of the band. His is drug problems had apparently gone out of hand. Twiggy Ramirez, from Amboog-A-Lard, became the new bassist. 1994 was the major breakthro .....

Words: 2176 / Pages: 8

.... should be reformed and reorganized under the Pope, which helped their rise to power as the Carolingian Dynasty. (Holmes 74) Upon Pepin's death in 768, Charlemagne and his brother, Carloman, each inherited half of the Frankish kingdom. Pepin, in the Merovingian tradition of the time, split his kingdom between his two sons. Three years later Carloman died and Charlemagne took control of the entire kingdom. He inherited great wealth and a powerful army, built by his father and grandfather. Charlemagne used the army and his own skillful planning to more than double the size of the Frankish Kingdom. (Halsall 15) The world of Charlemagne was a heathe .....

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