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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Abraham Lincoln
Words: 420 / Pages: 2

.... but managed to educate himself by studying and reading books on his own. He believed that slavery and democracy were fundamentally incompatible. In an 1858 speech, he said: What constitutes the bulwark of our own liberty and independance? It is not our frowning battlements, our bristling sea coats, our army and our navy . . . Our defense is in the spirit which prized liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism at your own doors. Familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage and you prepare your own limbs to wear them (World Book Encyclopedia). He lost his cam .....

Malcolm X
Words: 774 / Pages: 3

.... kitchen crew. In 1942 he moved to a section in New York called Harlem. Where he lived as a hustler, cheating people to make money for himself. He also sold drugs and became a drug addict himself. A rival drug dealer named “West Indian Archie” ran him out of New York. And he ended up back in Boston. Where he started a burglary ring, which consisted of friend named Shorty, a pretty boy type of fellow named Rudy, a woman that Malcolm dealt with named Sophia and one of her friends (Alex Haley 168). He soon found out that crime does not pay, when he soon got arrested and stolen items were found in his possession. The Negroes of that group was sentenced .....

Karl Marx 5
Words: 585 / Pages: 3

.... were also influenced by other sources such as French socialist thought, particularly the work of Saint-Simon, concerned with social progress as a result of workers leading the country. The political economy of Britain was another as was his friendship with Engels, both of which had an effect on Marx's transformation from a radical democrat to a communist revolutionary. Marx's theory of society originates from the simple observation that humans must produce food and material goods in order to survive. As a result of this they must enter into social relationships with others, and production becomes a social enterprise. Alongside this exists the 'fo .....

John Dalton 4
Words: 638 / Pages: 3

.... school had sixty pupils. After twelve years at Kendall John started doing lectures and answering questions for mens magazines. John found a mentor in John Gough,who was the blind son of a wealthy tradesman. John Gough taught Dalton languages,mathematics,and optics. In 1973 John moved to Manchester as a tutor at New College. He immediately joined the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society and in the same year he published his first book: Meteorological Observations and Essays. In his book Dalton stated that gas exits and acts independantly and purely physically not chemically. After six years of tutoring, John resigned to conduct private re .....

Jackie Robinson
Words: 1051 / Pages: 4

.... born in Cairo, Georgia on January 31, 1919 and was raised by his mother in Pasadena, California. He attended UCLA, where he was a baseball, basketball, football and track star. He played semi-professional football for a short time in an integrated league with the Honolulu Bears before being drafted into the army. He was honorably discharged in 1945 with the rank of second lieutenant. Robinson then started to play in the Negro National League and was eventually seen by a scout for the Brooklyn Dodgers. The scout brought Robinson to the attention of team president Branch Rickey, who wanted to try out his “noble experiment” of integra .....

Lyndon B. Johnson
Words: 1457 / Pages: 6

.... he married Claudia Alta Taylor, known as "Lady Bird." A warm, intelligent, ambitious woman, she was a great asset to Johnson's career. They had two daughters, Lynda Byrd, born in 1944, and Luci Baines, born in 1947. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt entered the White House. Johnson greatly admired the president, who named him, at age 27, to head the National Youth Administration in Texas. This job, which Johnson held from 1935 to 1937, entailed helping young people obtain employment and schooling. It confirmed Johnson's faith in the positive potential of government and won for him a group of supporters in Texas. In 1937, Johnson sought and won a Te .....

Walt Whitman 3
Words: 1019 / Pages: 4

.... and personality; he wanted to explain the democracy of America, and its achievements, while giving poetical thought to the great mysteries that plagued mankind of his generation. The human self was comprised of physical and spiritual annex which both contained a self and soul as was characterized by Whitman. The self that Whitman spoke of was a man’s own individual identity, which has a distinct quality and being, different from the selves of other men, but could be utilized to identify other men. The soul is another type of identity of mankind, which finds its niche in a human, and begins to amplify its personality. This self and soul .....

Christopher Columbus
Words: 1227 / Pages: 5

.... for centuries before arrival. But Columbus, and those who followed him, recognized the significance of the New World; in this sense they certainly deserve credit for having "discovered" America. Over five hundred years ago he landed in the Americas and now we are starting to question weather or not he should be given credit for discovering America. This doesn’t seem fare. After so many years without controversy it’s just been recently that we have started to question the lagitamitity of his discovery. What brought on this sudden change? Perhaps is was the coming of the five hundred year celebration of our c .....

Billy Sunday
Words: 2343 / Pages: 9

.... was so extraordinarily popular, opinionated, and vocal that indifference was the last thing that he would get from people. His most loyal admirers were confident that this rural-breed preacher was God’s mouthpiece, calling Americans to repentance. Sunday’s critics said that at best he was a well-meaning buffoon whose sermons vulgarized and trivialized the Christian message and at worst he was a disgrace to the name of Christ (Dorsett 2). There are elements of truth in both of these views. He was often guilty of oversimplifying biblical truths, and at times he spoke more out of ignorance than a heavenly viewpoint. He was also a man .....

Ludwig Van Beethoven
Words: 524 / Pages: 2

.... to have special significance for Beethoven were still to come: he completed his first symphony in 1800 and his first set of string quartets in 1801. Beethoven was Vienna's first successful freelance musician: he never again held a court position after leaving Bonn. Instead he had wealthy aristocratic friends, patrons and perhaps loves, to whom he dedicated his early compositions in return for payment. Begining in 1798, Beethoven experienced a continual humming and whistling in his ears that gradually grew stronger, eventually prompting the agonizing realization that he was going deaf. In 1802, in a state of desperation in which he contemplated suicide .....

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