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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Karl Gauss: Biography
Words: 622 / Pages: 3

.... to study at the Collegium Carolinum in 1792. He went on to the University of Gottingen, and by 1799 was awarded his doctorate from the University. However, by that time most of his significant mathematical discoveries had been made, and he took up his interest in astronomy in 1801. By about 1807, Gauss began to gain recognition from countries all over the world. He was invited to work in Leningrad, was made a member of the Royal Society in London, and was invited membership to the Russian and French Academies of Sciences. However, he remained in his hometown in Germany until his death in 1855. Acomplishments During his Teen years, Karl Gauss d .....

Beethoven 2
Words: 576 / Pages: 3

.... sought help from Hadyn, another German composer. He became Beethoven’s second mentor and taught him new styles of music. Beethoven did his first shows in Vienna in 1795. He was the first composer that was not supported by wealthy persons; instead Beethoven supported himself with money from selling his music. By 1778, Beethoven started hearing humming and whistling sound in his ears, and it got worse. A few years later, he became completely deaf. Although he was deaf he could still write music. He finished his first symphony in 1800. In 1802, Beethoven became depressed and thought a lot about suicide. He went to a small village in .....

Jimi Hendrix
Words: 3550 / Pages: 13

.... 101st Airborne (Murray 36). Jimi’s parents were of mixed descent, with Jimi’s family tree had whites, blacks, and Cherokee Indians. Jimi never denied his ethnic diversity, but rather accepted his diversity and publicly allowed it to show through in his music. Jimi said it best in "If 6 was 9" on Axis: Bold As Love when he said "I’m gonna wave my freak flag high." Hendrix’ first forays into professional music came after he received his honorable discharge from service in the summer of 1962 (Murray 36). His background in R&B, a type of music dominated by black artists at that time, led him to play with many R&B singe .....

W.E.B Du Bois
Words: 1007 / Pages: 4

.... of slaves who fought in the Civil War. William' father died when he was a child and was reared by his mother, and judgmental aunts. Massachusetts was predominately white and so were Du Bois friends. As William grew he realized some people thought that his black skin was a disadvantage. In high school, his teachers encouraged him as a student and school work always came easy to him. Du Bois excelled in Latin and Greek and participated in active discussions about the meaning of Love and Life. At the age of 15, William began to write weekly columns in the New York Globe and Springfield Republican. Attending Harvard was W.E.B.'s longtime d .....

Martin Luther King's Life
Words: 1596 / Pages: 6

.... Morehouse College at the age of 15 and was ordained a Baptist minister at the age of 17. Graduating from Crozer Theological Seminary as class president in 1951, he then did postgraduate work at Boston University. King's studies at Crozer and Boston led him to explore the works of the Indian nationalist Mohandas K. Gandhi, whose ideas became the core of his own philosophy of nonviolent protest. While in Boston, he met Coretta Scott of Marion, Alabama. They were married in June 1953, and the following year an appointment as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was only 26 years when he led his fi .....

Terry Fox
Words: 2106 / Pages: 8

.... father to Terry and always sought the best for his son, as well did his mother, Betty. Little did his parent's know their son was a true hero (Brown 12). One March morning in 1977, Terry awoke with a striking pain in his right knee. Terry had no idea that what he had thought to be a cartilage problem from playing sports was actually a fatal tumor. Terry received the test results, and sadly, he was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma: a rare bone cancer. With his parents by his side, Terry cried. This marked the beginning of the battle for his life, yet the start of a new hope. Eventually, since the cancer had spread, Terry was forced to have h .....

Charles Darwin
Words: 527 / Pages: 2

.... requiring thousands to millions of years; three, the primary mechanism for evolution was natural selection; and four, the millions of species alive today arose from a single original life form through a branching process called "specialization." (Which seems like a very shifty idea.) He set these his theories forth in his book called, "On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life" or "The Origin of the Species" for short. After publication of Origin of Species, Darwin continued to write about botany, geology, biology and zoology until his death. Darwin's work had a tremendo .....

Frederic Douglass
Words: 1314 / Pages: 5

.... to give its citizens these freedoms and rights. The country was founded with a main focus on freedom from Tyranny. This is shown by the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence: "The history of the present King of Great Britian is a history of repeated injuries and ununsurpations, all having direct object the establishment of Tyranny over these states." When the Constitution was written the first ten amendments were a bill of rights. The amendement the was most powerful was the ninth. "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." This amendm .....

John Trumbull
Words: 426 / Pages: 2

.... people with a different and sometimes controversial view of American history, especially the Revolutionary War period. John’s works include paintings of the “Battle of Bunker Hill”, “The Surrender of General Burgoyne”, and “The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia”. In addition, John was commissioned to execute monumental replicas of some of his Revolutionary War scenes for the Rotunda of the Capitol in Washington D.C. These glorious paintings are but a small part of John Trumbull’s contribution to American Society. John has added to our society as an architect, a painter, a writer, and most importantly as a man who .....

Words: 3008 / Pages: 11

.... employed. was forced to consolidate his power through harsh means to better rule the Soviet Union. He ordered the five year plans to industrialize the nation and ordered one of the largest military build up plans ever. attempted many times to reach a diplomatic solution and ways to delay war with the Axis powers while at the same time trying to guarantee security from the West. wanted nothing less than to rule the Soviet Union and make her the greatest country in the world and he would stop at nothing to reach those goals. In his quest for leadership wished to consolidate his power in only himself, thus enabling him to better rule the Soviet Uni .....

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