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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Tiger Woods
Words: 955 / Pages: 4

.... He won the 1997 Masters, which secured him a place in history as the youngest Masters champion ever. His twelve-stroke win at the Masters was the biggest margin of victory ever in the history the Masters. It all started when at the age of 6 months, when Tiger watched his father hit golf balls into a net and began imitating his swing. His golfing talent took off from there. At age 2, he appeared on the “Mike Douglas show” putting with Bob hope. At age 3, he shot a 48 for 9 holes (Amazing for a 3 year old). The first time I played on the golf course at age 19, I shot a 96 for eighteen holes (which is just as good as Tiger at the age of 3). Golf is .....

The Grotesque In Flannery O’Connor
Words: 906 / Pages: 4

.... figures in her stories, particularly in “Good Country People,” “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” and “The Life You Save May Be Your Own.” Flannery O’Connor often used grotesque images in her writings to portray the fundamental struggles of human beings. However, she did not limit herself to the simple questions of right and wrong, good vs. evil. O’Connor’s characters struggle in their daily lives to overcome their violent inner conflicts. In “Good Country People,” O’Connor begins with the grotesque description of Joy, also known as Hulga, and her missing leg. Her leg was shot off in an unfortunate hunting accident when sh .....

Frederick Douglass
Words: 483 / Pages: 2

.... exchange for lessons in reading and writing. At approximately the age of fifteen, Douglass became a field hand, and experienced most of the horrifying conditions that slaves faced. At the age of twenty, Douglass succeeded in escaping from slavery by impersonating a sailor. After Douglass escaped, he started to show people the evils of slavery. He became an orator and a writer. Whenever he could he attended abolitionist meetings. In October, 1841, after attending an anti-slavery convention on Nantucket Island, Douglass became a lecturer for the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society and a colleague of William Lloyd Garrison. He published his own new .....

The Life Of Aristotle
Words: 2310 / Pages: 9

.... to a family estate in Euboea. He died there the following year. Works Aristotle, like Plato, made regular use of the dialogue in his earliest years at the Academy, but lacking Plato's imaginative gifts, he probably never found the form congenial. Apart from a few fragments in the works of later writers, his dialogues have been wholly lost. Aristotle also wrote some short technical notes, such as a dictionary of philosophic terms and a summary of the doctrines of Pythagoras. Of these, only a few brief excerpts have survived. Still extant, however, are Aristotle's lecture notes for carefully outlined courses treating almost every branch of knowledge a .....

Alexander The Great
Words: 1381 / Pages: 6

.... The whole family had a lot of very important background. It was a fact that Alexander and Cleopatra’s parents did not get along. At this time it was a Macedonian tradition to have many wives. Philip had several and Olympia’s hated them all. She felt much hate towards them. When one of her rivals gave birth to a retarded son Arridaeus, there were many rumors that Olympia’s poisoned him. Olympia’s told Alexander that Philip wasn't his real father although he was. He made sure the boy was well educated, even the great philosopher Aristotle was one of Alexander's tutors. Even thought he though him well Philip wasn’t a very good father. He .....

Edgar Allan Poe
Words: 1463 / Pages: 6

.... mother, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, was a widow at the age of eighteen. Two years after his birth, she died of tuberculosis (Asselineau 409). When his mother died, Poe was adopted by John Allan (Perry XI) at the urging of Mr. Allan's wife. In 1815, John Allan moved his family to England. While there, Poe was sent to private schools (Asselineau 410). In the spring of 1826, Poe entered the University of Virginia. There he studied Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin. He had an excellent scholastic record. He got into difficulties almost at once. Mr. Allan did not provide him with the money to pay for his fees and other necessities. Poe was .....

Tom Clancy
Words: 841 / Pages: 4

.... This book was noticed by President Reagan, who praised the book and helped boost it to bestseller lists. Clancy continued to use plots based on political issues of the world. All of his novels were on bestseller lists. Clear and Present Danger sold more copies than any other novel that was published in the 1980’s. Clancy has been called the creator of the "techno-thriller" genre. He uses extremely detailed descriptions of military technology and weapons to create realism. Occasionally, his descriptions, which were derived from declassified information and interviews, were so accurate that military officials disapproved of them be .....

Words: 1279 / Pages: 5

.... This distinction between action and production, is based upon the understanding that 'production' is a course in which a result is desired beyond the immediate act of doing. Where as, the simple act of completing a task is identified as 'action'. Aristotle, who believed that life was action and not production theorized that slaves were instruments of life and were therefore needed to form a complete household. In fact Aristotle went as far as to say that a slave was comparable to a tame animal, with their only divergence in the fact that a slave could apprehend reason. For he concluded that a slave and animals only use was to supply their ow .....

Paul Laurence Dunbar
Words: 619 / Pages: 3

.... poem at age six and made his first oratorical performance at age nine. Dunbar began to bloom in high school. Although he was the only black in his class, he became class president, editor of The High School Times, and wrote the class song. He graduated with honors in 1891. He wrote a poem of eight stanzas which was sung at the commencement ceremonies. On December 13, 1890, Dunbar and an associate, Preston Finley, published the first issue of Dayton Tattler, a black-oriented weekly newspaper. He was chosen president of the "Philomathean Society," a literary organization. (Austin) Paul Dunbar wanted to study law. He was financially unable to at .....

Cyrano De Bergerac
Words: 603 / Pages: 3

.... she didn't find me pleasant to look at. I had no sister. Later, I dreaded the thought of seeing mockery in the eyes of a mistress. Thanks to you I've at least had a woman's friendship, a gracious presence to soften the harsh loneliness of my life. " When Cyrano admits, "My heart always timidly hides its self behind my mind," the reader can instantly relate to this dilemma but it is the fact that Cyrano is able to overcome it that makes him a hero. Not only is Cyrano filled with emotion, but he also goes out of his way to live life to the fullest. Cyrano's introduction to the reader definitely leaves a lasting impression. Not only does he banish a .....

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