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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Charles Dickens
Words: 2045 / Pages: 8

.... doing labour, he gained a sympathetic knowledge into the life of the labour class. He also brings forth the images of prison and of the lost and oppressed child in many novels. His schooling ended at 15, and he became a clerk in a solicitor's office, then a short hand reporter in the lawcourts (where he gained much knowledge of legalities which he used in his novels), and finally like other members of his family, a newspaper reporter. Here, he got his first taste of journalism and fell in love with it immediately. Drawn to the theatre, Charles Dickens almost pursued the career of an actor In 1833, he began sending short stories and descrip .....

Richard Nixon's Presidency
Words: 1481 / Pages: 6

.... tabbed the liberal Voorhis as a dangerous left-winger, and won by 16,000 votes. In 1948 and 1949 Nixon achieved a national reputation in the U.S. House of Representatives as a member of the Committee on Un-American Activities during its investigation of what became known as the Hiss case. In 1950 Nixon ran for the U.S. Senate against Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas (1900-80), whom he labeled th e for what he alleged to be her pro-Communist sympathies. He won the election, but his campaign tactics were widely criticized. Vice-President In 1952 the Republicans nominated Nixon to be the running mate of presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenh .....

The Ambitions Of Napoleon
Words: 1140 / Pages: 5

.... out to be a military leader. At the Academy of Brienne, when the other students played soldier, he usually became the commander. Tragically in 1784, his father died, leaving Napoleon at the age of fifteen without a role model and a guide. But Napoleon was a hard worker and he became self-motivated. After only of one year in the Military School of Paris he graduated instead of the normal two or three years. Napoleon was then assigned as a second lieutenant to an artillery regiment. A year later he returned home for the first time in eight years. His visit would last two years, leaving him from his regiment in France. While home in Corsica he wrote .....

Bill Gate's Biography
Words: 690 / Pages: 3

.... While at Harvard, Gates developed the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer -- the MITS Altair. In his junior year, Gates dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies to Microsoft, a company he had begun in 1975 with Paul Allen. Guided by a belief that the personal computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers. Gates' foresight and vision regarding personal computing have been central to the success of Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively involved in key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft, and plays an important .....

Biography Of Robert Frost
Words: 889 / Pages: 4

.... entered Dartmouth College, but remained less than one semester. Returning to Massachusetts, he taught school and worked in a mill and as a newspaper reporter. In 1894 he sold "My Butterfly: An Elegy" to The Independent, a New York literary journal. A year later he married Elinor White, with whom he had shared valedictorian honors at Lawrence (Mass.) High School. From 1897 to 1899 he attended Harvard College as a special student but left without a degree. Over the next ten years he wrote (but rarely published) poems, operated a farm in Derry, New Hampshire (purchased for him by his paternal grandfather), and supplemented his income by teaching at .....

Howard Hughes-A Flying Life
Words: 958 / Pages: 4

.... $2,000,000 and Hughes Tool Company. His uncle was Hollywood writer Rupert Hughes. Howard took his first airplane ride when he was fourteen years old. Howard Hughes attended private elementary and high school in California and Massachusetts. He attended the Rice Institute in Houston, Texas. He also attended the California Institute of Technology. Howard had a fine education because he attended highly educational schools. His father’s great fortune left Howard very wealthy. After his father’s death he was left an estate worth $871,000, and a patent for a drill. The drill was for oil drilling which made much money. In 1925 Howard got .....

Words: 591 / Pages: 3

.... on again and began to walk quickly and impatiently, no longer homeward, no longer to his father, no longer looking backwards” (42). Once is rid of his past, he continues the lifelong journey of samasarah, in which he eventually discovers himself. Subsequently, he ventures out into the world and explores his senses in a desperate attempt to investigate his spiritual needs. He greets love openly and rests satisfied by the splendors his lover Kamalah. ’s contentment is terminated as he is presented with a controversial dream. He dreams that Kamala’s beloved bird is found dead: “ The bird, which usually sang in the morning, became mute and as .....

Joan Of Arc 3
Words: 1047 / Pages: 4

.... was born a peasant, however, she was to bring the French new inspiration and succeed in driving out the English. Joan was like any other peasant girl in the 15th century. She could not read or write, but she worked hard on her father's farm and acquired her faith and prayers from her mother. In the village she was remembered as a good and simple girl. She had three brothers and a sister who died young. As a peasant, she always remained close to home and didn't even consider leaving the village until she was thirteen and had begun hearing voices. She identified the voice as that of God, telling her that she would have to perform a great task. By age .....

Joan Of Arc As A Leader
Words: 3119 / Pages: 12

.... Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), was one of the truly greatest leaders of all time. He led the United States to victory during the civil war (1861-1865), which was the greatest crisis in U.S. history. Lincoln helped end slavery in the nation and helped keep the American Union from splitting apart during the war. (Rolka,1994,213) An excellent example of bad leadership would be the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Iraq and Iran were at war from 1980 to 1988 the battle ended on an agreement of a cease-fire between the two nations. This war is where Saddam was recognized for his ruthless actions, he used chemical weapons against the Kurdish peop .....

Louis Pasteur 3
Words: 1185 / Pages: 5

.... Paradoxically it incited him to abandon the field. But it won the acclaim of the French Academy and Britain's Royal Society. Thus Pasteur became famous at the age of 26. Pasteur soon began researching the complexities of bacteriology. The prevalent theory of life at the time was spontaneous generation which states that certain forms of life such as flies, worms, and mice can develop from non-living matter such as mud and decaying fish. Pasteur disproved this theory with a simple experiment. He showed that microorganisms would grow in sterilized broth only if the broth was first exposed to air containing spores, or reproductive cell .....

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