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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Woodrow Wilson
Words: 316 / Pages: 2

.... point on Wilson's life was when he made the decision to give up being things he wasn't; a lawyer, a historian, a novelist, and peruse what he was destined to do. Wilson felt his obligation was to humanize "every process of our human life." This dream however was shattered by war. The greatest achievement Wilson ever made was his cooperation with other nations to form the League of Nations and ultimately form the United Nations. For Wilson's efforts, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919. Wilson was greatly responsible for increasing US participation in world affairs. Wilson was a great president and a great public servant. He was a bril .....

Ann Frank
Words: 493 / Pages: 2

.... so full of energy. She talked a lot and always stated her opioion about things even when her opinion was not asked for. Sometimes Ann would hurt her mothers feelings because she did not listen. Ann said she didn’t mean to be bad or hurt her mother. She felt like the good Ann was inside her. Ann was compassionate she cared about other people’s feelings. She wanted to make Hanukkah special during their time in the annex. Ann had no money so she had to use her imagination to come up with special gifts. She thought about each person individually and made a personal gift for each one in her family and the Van Dann’s family. They w .....

Kublai Khan
Words: 381 / Pages: 2

.... Chinese history a “ barbarian” people had conquered. His name was known all over Asia and also in Europe. The court at Cambulac attracted an international group of courageous men. One of these men included the famous Venetian Marco Polo. Kublai Khan did much to encourage the advancement of literature and arts as well. He was a devout Buddhist. Kublai also made Buddhism the state religion during his dynasty. Although Buddhism was the main religion, during his reign many other religions evolved and were tolerated. Kublai moved the Mongol capital from Cambulac to the place closer to Beijing. From then on he ruled and empire .....

Robert Hunter
Words: 2443 / Pages: 9

.... into three main categories. First are themes used in a traditional vein, written about classical ideas and told in a folkloric fashion. Second are themes employed in a contemporary tone, about modern concepts and written in a more current style. Last are themes that are either used frequently in both contemporary and traditional ways, or transcend the division of contemporary/traditional and form their own categories. One of the main traditional themes that Hunter uses is the gambling theme. The poems "Candyman" and "Loser" exemplify this motif the best: Come on boys and gamble Roll those laughing bones. Seven come eleven, boys I' .....

Ansel Adams
Words: 1006 / Pages: 4

.... that took Ansel's interest. Ansel took his first photograph in 1916 at age 19, when he and his parents went on a trip to Yosemite National Park. He took his picture with a Kodak Box Brownie camera. His images were of the park, and nature, but his major interest were the High Sierra Mountains. From that time on, Ansel returned to Yosemite National Park every summer. While he was there in 1919, he joined the Sierra Club. The purpose of this club was to explore and protect the wilderness areas of the Sierra Nevada. Ansel eventually worked in the park for four summers as the caretaker of the club's headquarters. While his time there, Ans .....

JFK: His Life And Legacy
Words: 2062 / Pages: 8

.... many political connections. Appointed by President Roosevelt, Joe, Sr., was given the chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission and later the prestigious position of United States ambassador to Great Britain(Anderson 98). His mother, Rose, was a loving housewife and took young John on frequent trips around historic Boston learning about American revolutionary history. Both parents impressed on their children that their country had been good to the Kennedys. Whatever benefits the family received from the country they were told, must be returned by performing some service for the country(Anderson 12). The Kennedy clan included Joe, Jr., Bobby, .....

Duke Ellington
Words: 572 / Pages: 3

.... of a brass instrument, therefore, muffling or muting the notes played out. The result sounded like a person wailing, giving the piece a voice-like quality. In "Concerto for Cootie," Cootie Williams does a solo using the jungle effect, making it sound like a voice is singing along. His opening solo is repetitive, going over the same set of notes over and over again. The overall feeling is as if the music is wooing the listener. Ellington's other innovations include the use of the human voice as an instrument, such as in "Creole Love Call" (1927). He also placed instruments in unusual combinations, illustrated in the piece &quo .....

Bob Dylan
Words: 735 / Pages: 3

.... Golden Chords, The Shadow Blasters, and Elston Gunn & The Rock Boppers. His fellow students were shocked to hear such a voice come from the small kid, when he sang at a high school talent show. After high school graduation in 1959, Dylan enrolled in the University of Minnesota, but never graduated. Instead, he started playing in nearby coffeehouses, and was quickly taken in by the artistic community. There he was introduced to rural folk music of artist like Big Bill Broonzy, Leadbelly, Roscoe Holocomb, and the great Woody Guthrie. Throughout his life, Dylan will blend these three (blues, rock 'n' roll, and folk) musical styles together. Dylan s .....

Louis XIV
Words: 1021 / Pages: 4

.... was sacrificing his love for Mazarin's niece for politics. In 1660 he married the daughter of the king of Spain to bring peace between the two countries. Mazarin died March 9, 1661. On March 10, Louis claimed supreme authority in France. Not since Henry IV had such a claim been made. Louis saw himself as God's representative on earth, therefore, infallible. He oversaw roadbuilding, court decorum, defense, and disputes within the church. He had the support initially of his ministers, then that of the French people. He had given France the image it desired-youth and vitality surrounded by magnificence. Louis won the favor of the nobles by making it .....

Abraham Lincoln 3
Words: 7791 / Pages: 29

.... of the Union. Lincoln was perhaps the most esteemed and maligned of the American presidents. Generally admired and loved by the public, he was attacked on a partisan basis as the man responsible for and in the middle of every major issue facing the nation during his administration. Although his reputation has fluctuated with changing times, he was clearly a great man and a great president. He firmly and fairly guided the nation through its most perilous period and made a lasting impact in shaping the office of chief executive. Once regarded as the "Great Emancipator" for his forward strides in freeing the slaves, he was criticized a century later, .....

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