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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Words: 2975 / Pages: 11

.... those who listened and Beethoven wanted it so. It is said that Beethoven “wrote for the public.”(Marek, 413) Those that knew him spoke of his “lion’s voice,” “broad shoulders,” “jaws that could crack nuts,” “square nose like a lions,” “strong frame,” and “carriage proudly erect.”(Cooper, 383) Beethoven lived an interesting and exciting life filled with drama, revolution and innovation. His composition ability was partially influenced by his upbringing; his father’s push to become a musician and his above average education. Beethoven, however .....

Jack Kevorkian
Words: 1717 / Pages: 7

.... ³Suicide in America² 247). The background, process, and effects of Dr. Kevorkian¹s questionable first patient, Janet Adkins, have a very detailed story in them. Janet Adkins led a very productive life up to and even after she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer¹s, but she couldn¹t handle losing control of her brain (Filene 188). She was 54 years old and lived in a wealthy Oregon suburb with her stock broker husband, Ron. She was also the mother of three sons, taught English and piano, went hang gliding, trekked in Nepal, climbed Mount Hood, and generally behaved with a lot of energy (Gutmann 20). She and her husband were longtime He .....

Chronicle - Life And Times Of Sula And Nel
Words: 1465 / Pages: 6

.... herself and Sula. The two girls met each other at Garfield Primary School after knowing each other at a distance for over five years. Nel’s mother had told her that she could not interact with Sula because of Sula’s mother sooty ways. The intense and sudden friendship between them which was to last many years was originally cultivated my Nel. The period in history and the mentality of the people in their immediate surroundings played an impressive part in the formulation of the friendship between Sula and Nel. When they first met at school, it was as if they were always destined to be friends. Each one complimented the other and it w .....

Johann Sebastian Bach
Words: 263 / Pages: 1

.... at Luneburg and at 19 organist at Arnstadt. Subsequent appointments included positions at the courts of Weimar and Anhalt-Kother, and finally in 1723, that of musical director at St Thomas's choir school in Leipzig, where, apart from his brief visit to the court of Frederick the Great of Prussia in 1747, he remained there until his death. Bach married twice and had 21 children, ten of whom died in infancy. His second wife, Anna Magdalena Wulkens, was a soprano singer; she also acted as his amanuensis, when in later years his sight failed. Bach was a master of contrapuntal technique, and his music marks the culmination of the Baroque polyphonic styl .....

Robert Johnson
Words: 2894 / Pages: 11

.... was born on May eighth, 1911, in the heart of the Mississippi Delta. Robert was the eleventh child born to Mrs. Julia Dodds. Robert’s mother described little Robert as a playful little boy, who "Always used to be listenin, listenin to the wind or the chickens cluckin in the backyard or me, when I’d be singin round the house. And he just love church… Little Robert set on my lap and try to keep time, look like, or hold on to my skirt and sort of jig up and down and laugh and laugh." (Lomax, 14) Thus, Robert was first introduced by his church into the world of music and was forever captured by its beauty. Mrs. Johnson didn’t have much tr .....

Pierre De Fermat
Words: 836 / Pages: 4

.... the people would not believe them. He did not seem to have the intention to publish his papers. It is probable that he revised his notes as the occasion required. His published works represent the final form of his research, and therefore cannot be dated earlier than 1660. Mr. discovered many things in his lifetime. Some things that he did include: -If p is a prime and a is a prime to p then ap-1-1 is divisible by p, that is, ap-1-1=0 (mod p). The proof of this, first given by Euler, was known quite well. A more general theorem is that a0-(n)-1=0 (mod n), where a is prime to n and p(n) is the number of integers less than n and prime to it. -An .....

Niccolo Machiavelli
Words: 1089 / Pages: 4

.... necessities and he had to function as an ambassador with unimportant assignments. On May 1500, with a more important assignment he was sent to the king of Fr ance and lived away from Italy for six months. After he returned to his country he was assigned to many important political jobs in Toscana. One of the most important of these jobs was the one he got on 1502, June and November, when Valantino tried to separate the unity of Florence with the help of the rebellions by Arezzo and Valdi. Machiavelli examined the policy by Caesar Borgia closely and carefully : Vitellozzo Vitelli, Oliverotto da Fermo, Signore Pagolo and Duke Gravina's killing whic .....

General George Custer
Words: 844 / Pages: 4

.... and by insubordination brought about a terrible disaster and let slip the opportunity for administering a crushing defeat to the Indians (Brady, 219). George Custer definitely disobeyed Terry’s orders and put his men in danger. If Custer would’ve just continued on his path then there would’ve been a better chance of a success at the Little Big Horn battle. Not only did George Custer disobey his orders by going off his ordered path, but he attacked a day early. If Custer had followed Terry’s orders he would have reached the Indians on the day Gibbons men rescued Reno (Brady,221). The fact that Custer made a decision to attack early put .....

Muhammed Ali 2
Words: 290 / Pages: 2

.... as a wanderer. By the time he was eight he lost both his mother and his grandfather. Muhammad came under the care of a famous trader named Abu Talib, and is reputed to have accompanied him on trading journeys to Syria. About 595, on such a journey, he was in charge of the merchandise of a rich woman, Khadijah , and so impressed her that she offered marriage. She is said to have been about 40, but she bore Muhammad at least two sons, who died young, and four daughters. Muhammad appears to have been of a reflective turn of mind and is said to have adopted the habit of occasionally spending nights in a hill cave near Mecca. The poverty and misfortunes .....

Jackie Robinson 2
Words: 572 / Pages: 3

.... to play modern major league baseball. From 1947 to 1956, mostly as a second baseman, Robinson batted .311 in 1382 games. He was also a daring baserunner. In 1962 Robinson was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame, the first black player so honored. After leaving baseball, Robinson was vice president of a restaurant chain in New York City. From 1964 to 1968 he served as special assistant for civil rights to Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York. Robinson starred in the motion picture The Jackie Robinson Story (1950) and was the author, with Alfred Duckett, of I Never Had It Made (1972) ROBINSON, Jackie (1919-72). The first black player in either .....

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