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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Autobiography Of Owen Archer
Words: 1145 / Pages: 5

.... the church officials have to report to the king directly. My wife Lucie had warned me about a terrible dream that she had before we left about Ned and I. Her dreams were usually right in one way or another. The dream was of a burning town, with Ned and I standing in it, and the citizens were accusing us of a crime and they were taking Ned away. I had a bad feeling about the journey mainly because I knew there would be fighting and I had only one eye and a lot of scars but I was afraid because many soldiers come back with lost limbs or sometimes even worse. I love my Lucie and I didn’t want to lose anything. WE followed a long, windy trail and .....

Words: 1243 / Pages: 5

.... hurt your father. If you do so than you are disrespecting laws within your city. Of course you will get convicted for this, and it doesn’t change the idea that you acted against the city. follows by explaining what is taught to each citizen. You are told that you were born with certain laws. Your father and mother brought you to the world in which they live and thus you should respect and obey by their rules. The laws were already there. That means, that your mother and father are as important as the city and you should respect the city as so. describes the city and its laws more preciously. You don’t have the same rights as your .....

A Short Biography Of Benjamin Franklin
Words: 1627 / Pages: 6

.... Ocean. Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706. He was the fifteenth child in a family of seventeen kids. His parents, Josiah and Abiah Franklin, were hard working devout Puritan/Calvinist people. Josiah Franklin made candles for a living. Since the Franklins were so poor, little Benjamin couldn't afford to go to school for longer than two years. In those two years, however, Franklin learned to read which opened the door to further education for him. Since he was only a fair writer and had very poor mathematical skills, he worked to tutor himself at home. Benjamin Franklin was a determined young man. As a boy, he taught hi .....

John A. MacDonald
Words: 419 / Pages: 2

.... into politics in 1843 when he was a city alderman in Kingston, Ontario. He was elected to be the conservative person for Kingston in the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada. All through the 1860's, he worked in support of the Confederation, he made up an agreement called the British North American Act which was an agreement to united the five provinces in the Maritimes. After this he was appointed Prime Minister of Canada and then won the federal election the next year in 1867 for the Conservative Party. He wanted to build a strong nation so he began the Intercolonial Railway in 1871 that ran from Halifax to the Pacific Coast, and inclu .....

Tony Kronheiser
Words: 1219 / Pages: 5

.... common man can relate. He is The Washington Post's Jerry Seinfeld. He blends the slang of the street man with the poetic verbs and fluid adjectives of an English teacher. For example, in "In A Real Fixe," Kornheiser says, "George was beginning to suspect that we had entered (doo-doo, doo-doo). . . The Nouvelle Dining Zone." Most people who have watched the Twilight Zone before can relate this statement as a reference to the famous TV show, so Kornheiser's slang was effective in grabbing the reader, even if a large majority of them have no idea what the word "nouvelle" means. Kornheiser uses an array of such adjectives throughout his pieces but he .....

Words: 360 / Pages: 2

.... eliminate a problem in Olympia, Washington and Miami, Florida at the same time. Because of their similar problems. Another teaching of Confucius is to put aside military conquests and focus on the good of the country. The US definitely needs to do this. Every day on television we see poor, famined children persuading us to support their struggle. Them commercials should be outlawed. The commercials should be on the poor famined kids in the United States. We have our own poverty problem in our country. We should take care of that before we solve another countries problem. The U.S. has also money and military force in the middle east. Sure we get some .....

WEB DuBois's Influence On Literature And People
Words: 1062 / Pages: 4

.... that they have had been denied. It has not been our fault. Rather we have been the blamed and blamed ourselves for this lack of "economic progress", as it is called. We are rather ashamed that we have not developed more millionaires and more big business. (Paschal 154) DuBois believed that assimilation was the best means of treating discrimination against blacks in the 1920's. Education was a key to a diverse and cultural society. DuBois being a well-respected intellectual and leader, worked to reach goals of education and peaceful resolutions between the races and classes. DuBois felt that the black leadership, o .....

Leonhard Euler
Words: 639 / Pages: 3

.... a medical lieutenant in the Russian navy from 1727 to 1730. In St Petersburg he lived with Daniel Bernoulli. He became professor of physics at the academy in 1730 and professor of mathematics in 1733. He married and left Johann Bernoulli's house in 1733. He had 13 children altogether of which 5 survived their infancy. He claimed that he made some of his greatest discoveries while holding a baby on his arm with other children playing round his feet. The publication of many articles and his book Mechanica (1736-37), which extensively presented Newtonian dynamics in the form of mathematical analysis for the first time, started Euler .....

Martin Luther King
Words: 512 / Pages: 2

.... under pressure but to persevere because the day will come when King's dream is recognized. Dr. King's dream is "…a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers." In his speech Dr. King hopes to persuade the "Great America" to abolish all racial prejudice. Dr. King uses many different but effective methods to convince the reader of his point. King uses the words from an old Negro spiritual, the famous line, "Free at last! free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!" (505) This phrase serves as an exclamation point on an e .....

The Beliefs Of Martin Luther King Jr.
Words: 4992 / Pages: 19

.... achievement and peace were what motivated him. King is not great because he is well known, he is great because he served as the cause of peace and justice for all humans. King is remembered for his humanity, leadership and his love of his fellow man regardless of skin color. This presence of strong moral values developed King’s character which enabled him to become one of the most influential leaders of our time. Integrity is a central value in a leader’s character and it is through integrity that King had vision of the truth. The truth that one day this nation would live up to the creed, “all men are created equal”. No man contribute .....

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