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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Wendell Phillips
Words: 180 / Pages: 1

.... right's, labor reform, and temperance. In 1865 he attacked the Constitution. He attacked it because it supported slavery. He had married Ann Terry Greene. Greene had been taught by William Lloyd Garrison. Garrison and Phillips became friends. As the Civil War approached he became more and more certain that violence must be employed to abolish slavery. When the war came he was at the head of the emancipation movement. In the years after the war Wendell Phillips demanded that actions be taken to protect blacks and loyal whites in the South. He also became more involved in workers rights. His speeches and lectures soon b .....

Florence Nightengale
Words: 929 / Pages: 4

.... unusual of a woman in this time. Florence knew she wanted to help others on her own, but had no idea what she could do. Florence refused to marry several suitors, and at the age of twenty-five told her parents that she wanted to become a nurse. Her parents were appalled at this decision because the idea of nursing was associate with working class women and it was not considered a suitable profession for well-educated women. While the family conflicts over Florenceā€™s future remained unsolved it was decided that Florence would tour Europe. In her travels, Florence undertook months of nursing training, unbeknownst to her family. Florence returned .....

Elizabeth Arden
Words: 371 / Pages: 2

.... already had but what it could have. Therefore, she spent much of her time perfecting current products and creating new and innovative products. Her downfalls though were her violent temper, she was a very demanding and difficult employer who easily blew up at hr employees and was often too proud and arrogant to apologize. In 1904, Arden began her career in cosmetics working at the Eleanor Adair shop. Later in 1909, she opened her own shop and facial cream line. In 1914, at a time when women scorned make-up and women who did wear it were gossiped about terribly, Arden opened a new cosmetic line. Where many others had failed in the past, her products .....

William Butler Yeats
Words: 2895 / Pages: 11

.... nationalism fuelled mainly by hatred for Britain, through the rebirth and regeneration of an ancient Irish culture, based on myth and legend. Instead, he found that the response of the newly emerging Irish Catholic middle class to their work, varied between indifference and outrage. On the one hand, their indifference was displayed by their refusal to fund a gallery for the Hugh Lane collection of Art, and on the other hand, they rioted in outrage at Synge’s Playboy of the Western World. The tension between Yeats’ ideal, and the reality is developed in the Fisherman and September 1913. Both these poems deal with Yeats attempts to bring .....

Martin Luther King Jr. 4
Words: 583 / Pages: 3

.... struggle against “the forces of injustice” (Ansbro, 233): violence or nonviolence. He decided against violence for obvious reasons. During this time in America, the African American community represented only ten percent of the total population. King felt that this made it impossible for African Americans who lack access to weapons to successfully wage a violent revolution against the white majority. Any attacks by the civil rights workers or their followers would surely result in counter attacks by the segregationists, resulting in the injury and deaths of many of King’s followers. With these points in mind, King came to the c .....

Henry Ford
Words: 1269 / Pages: 5

.... was very creative and liked to work with tools. However, he hated doing chores and he always wanted to make things easier to do in life. This would be Henry's motto in life, always wanted to make things easier to do in life, at home or work. Ford was so creative that in 1893, he built his first engine and in 1896, he completed what he called the quadricycle, which ran for several years and sold it for $200. Ford had his second car finished in 1898 which was lighter and stronger than most cars around then. Soon enough many automobile companies were looking for somebody like Ford to help get their company going. However, Ford would go into automobile .....

Prophet Muhammad
Words: 5283 / Pages: 20

.... reliable, and trustworthy. It signified the highest standard of moral and public life. Abu Daud writes that a merchant promised to meet him at a place to discuss something concerning trade. The merchant forgot to keep his promise and could not reach the place at the time agreed upon. When three days later the merchant passed from the place of their meeting he found the Prophet (s) standing there to fulfill his part of the promise. When Muhammad (s) was twenty-five years old, a rich merchant widow asked him to take a caravan of merchandise for trade to Syria. Soon after this trip, she proposed to Muhammad (s) through a relative for marriage. Muham .....

Henry Ford
Words: 998 / Pages: 4

.... cars for a mass market. The answer that Ford and the American consumer were looking for was the Model T. The Model T, a small, sturdy four-cylinder car with an attractive design and a top speed of 45 mph, hit the market in 1908. It’s success came from it’s attractive price, at $850, and more than 10,000 were sold in the first year alone. It was easy to operate, maintain, handle on rough roads, and immediately became a success. Along with success came expansion, and in 1910 he established another assembly plant in Highland Park, Michigan. Through interchangeable parts, standard manufacturing, and a division labor, the demand g .....

Gaius Marius: Savior.. Or Destroyer?
Words: 2481 / Pages: 10

.... most of this period, insight into Marius' day-to-day political activities is difficult. However this much is certain, his military reforms, such as offering la nd to veterans and accepting army volunteers from the capita censi, while saving Rome in the short run, ultimately led to the downfall of the Republic. Born into an unimpressive equestrian family, Marius found himself better suited to the life of a warrior than that of a philosopher. He had little tolerance for the aesthetic, finding more use with the sword than the pen. He cut his military teeth under Scipio Aemilianus in the Numantine war In Spain c.134, making an excellent impressio .....

Carl Gauss
Words: 1509 / Pages: 6

.... set to teaching himself how to read by sounding out the combinations of the letters. Around the time that Carl was teaching himself to read aloud, he also taught himself the meanings of number symbols and learned to do arithmetical calculations. When reached the age of seven, he began elementary school. His potential for brilliance was recognized immediately. Gauss's teacher Herr Buttner, had assigned the class a difficult problem of addition in which the students were to find the sum of the integers from one to one hundred. While his classmates toiled over the addition, Carl sat and pondered the question. He invented the shortcut formula on the sp .....

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