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Biographies Essay Writing Help

The Life And Work Of Chaim Potok
Words: 588 / Pages: 3

.... as an instructor at the University of Judaism 1957 to 1959. He was on the faculty of the Teachers Institute, Jewish Theological Seminary from 1964 to 1965. He was also editor-in-chief of the Jewish Publication Society of America 1965 to 1974. He is currently the chairman of the Publication Committee at The Jewish Publications Society. Chaim Potok also served his people and religion through all of his writings which are all in some way related to or involve Judaism. Now, to go in-depth into his writings. First, his novels. The first novel Potok wrote was The Chosen, which won him the Edward Lewis Wallant award, in 1969, here is a quotation about .....

Should Eisenhower Be Praised For His Foreign Policies?
Words: 875 / Pages: 4

.... even scared to use nuclear weaponry. Although all of these factors seem to make for a clever and peaceful leader they would have been more effective if Eisenhower had backed them up to the end and not allowed his plans to become corrupted. He claimed to have halted nuclear weapon testing and yet within two years the atomic stockpile had tripled. He also warned against overspending while he was doing just that with defense budgets. At this point his plans were failing but when Dulles came into the picture he not only didn’t go through with his plans but he actually changed them completely. Truman was known for being soft on communism, however, h .....

Agatha Christie
Words: 1345 / Pages: 5

.... to her parents, Fred and Mary Miller. She grew up in Torquay, Devon, England. She was taught at home by her mother and several tutors and governesses, never attending a real school. As a child, Miller kept herself occupied by inventing games to play with her siblings. Not being around other children besides her siblings made Miller a shy child. She was not outspoken in her thoughts, so she expressed her feelings in music. Later in life, she would turn to writing as a means of expression (Yaffe Agatha Miller’s first husband was Archibald Christie, who was a World War I fighter pilot. The newlywed Mrs. Christie worked as a .....

Chistopher Reeves
Words: 718 / Pages: 3

.... his work as a professional actor. "Scheduling gigs around my classes." By nineteen-seventy-six he was starring with Katherine Hepurn on Broadway, and had become in such demand that he gave up his last year at Julliard. After screen testing for the nineteen seventy-eight movie Superman, he was given the lead role as Clark Kent/Superman. Reeve was an outstanding Superman both on and off the screen. He made Clark Kent/Superman a believable character, says Reeves "somebody you can take home and introduce to your parents". This part was just like Reeve, A down home good boy with good brains and a great heart. Reeves went onto appear in a tot .....

Teddy Bear
Words: 892 / Pages: 4

.... into a wealthy family, but he too struggled--against ill health. When Theodore was about 12, his father told him that he would need a strong body to give his mind a chance to develop fully. The next year, while on a trip to Maine, Theodore was tormented by two mischievous boys. He felt ashamed because he was not strong enough to fight back. Roosevelt's father built a gymnasium in the family home, and Theodore exercised there regularly. He overcame his asthma and built up unusual physical strength. Roosevelt studied under tutors until he entered Harvard University in 1876 at the age of 18. He earned good grades in college. Roosevelt gr .....

Biography Of Christopher Columbus
Words: 406 / Pages: 2

.... swam to shore and took refuge in Lisbon. Settling there, where his brother Bartholomew Columbus was working as a cartographer, he was married in 1479 to the daughter of the governor of the island of Porto Santo. Diego Columbus, the only child of this marriage, was born in 1480. Based on information acquired during his travels, and by reading and studying charts and maps, Christopher concluded that the earth was 25 percent smaller than was previously thought, and composed mostly of land. On the basis of these faulty beliefs, he decided that Asia could be reached quickly by sailing west. In 1484 he submitted his theories to John II, king of Portugal, .....

Samuel Adams
Words: 1097 / Pages: 4

.... of intellectual endowments; nor did all render to their country, in those perilous days, the same important services. Like the luminaries of heavens each contributed his portion of influence; but, like them, they differed, as star differeth from star in glory. But in the constellation of great men, which adorned that era, few shone with more brilliancy, or exercised a more powerful influence than ." (Fradin 98) People like to hear the story of Samuel Adams for two reasons. First it is a story of the greatest hero in American history full of much triumph and fighting for the common good. Also they like to hear of how he was a failure in every s .....

Franklin D. Roosevelt
Words: 480 / Pages: 2

.... have a respectable retirement, the recovery was slow and he lost the use of his legs permanently. In 1928 Roosevelt was persuaded to run for New York governor by, then governor and Democratic nominee for president. He won that election and in 1932 he won the party's presidential nomination. Despite his opponents claiming that he was physically and mentally unfit for the presidency, he flew to Chicago and pledged to the people at the Democratic National Convention, a New Deal. That expression, a symbol of an era in American history, represented a cluster of ideas formulated by the candidate and his Brain Trust, a group of advisors recruited from New .....

John Muir: His Achievements/Journeys
Words: 1579 / Pages: 6

.... on foot to walk from Louisville to Florida, a distance of 1,000 miles. In Florida, he planned to catch a boat for South America because he was eager to observe the plants of southern lands. This was known as the thousand-mile walk. During his journey, he would stop to collect plant samples and write about his observations in his journal. John was weak from the trip and thought that he would need much more energy to travel to South America. He decided to visit Yosemite Valley, where he would regain his strength. He took up the job as a herder there and began to explore the area. Then he got a job as guide to the Yosemite. Muir quickly became .....

Comparison Of Nicholas I And Nicholas Ii
Words: 939 / Pages: 4

.... the Napoleonic wars and favored reform in Russia. This uprising occurred in the month of December and the rebels became known in Russian history as “Decembrists.” The new czar ordered the principal leaders killed and the rest exiled to Siberia. He felt there was something wrong with the government of the country, and he thought that Russia needed more discipline rather than liberal reform. Nicholas ordered the codification of Russian laws, reformed finances, and attempted to set limits to serfdom. He made the censorship of newspaper and all opinion even stricter than before, and set up a secret police organization with spies throughou .....

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