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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Margaret Atwood
Words: 692 / Pages: 3

.... reading, Atwood also began to write. By the age of six, Atwood was writing "poems, morality plays,comic books, and an unfinished novel about an ant" (qtd. in "Author Profile"). Ten years later, Atwood decided that she onlywanted to write. She wanted "to live a double life; to go places I haven't been; to examine life on earth; to come to knowpeople in ways, and at depths, that are otherwise impossible; to be give back something of what [I have] received" (qtd. in "Author Profile"). Two years after this life-altering decision, Atwood entered Victoria College at the University of Toronto. She received her bachelor's degree from Victoria .....

Biography: St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
Words: 694 / Pages: 3

.... contact with the first Jesuits who had come to Spain, Bl. Peter Faber among others, but it was apparently impossible to carry out his purpose of entering the Society , as he was without education, having only had an incomplete year at a new college begun at Alcala by Francis Villanueva. At the age of thirty-nine he attempted to make up this deficiency by following the course at the College of Barcelona, but without success. His austerities had also undermined his health. After considerable delay he was finally admitted into the Society of Jesus as a lay-brother, 31 January, 1571. Distinct novitiates had not as yet been established in Spain, and Alfons .....

Karl Marx 6
Words: 459 / Pages: 2

.... workers. Owners, he predicted, would increase their profits by paying their workers as little as possible, so workers would be increasingly impoverished. Eventually the wealth of the owners and poverty of the workers would lead to a revolution. But Karl Marx was wrong; conditions in England did not cause the proletariat (working class) to rise up and kill the bourgeoisie (prosperous middle class). Because life overall improved for the workers, there was no need for them to rise up and fight. “During the 1800s, Parliament gradually passed a series of social and economic reforms. Many laws were designed to help the men, women, and children w .....

Laura Secord
Words: 1078 / Pages: 4

.... Laura had moved there she met a young man named James Secord. After dating for a long period of time, James asked Laura to marry him. They married in 1797 at the Church of England. They were very wealthy. Laura was a big help to James in his business since she came from such an affluent family. By 1812, the Secord's had five children, two servants, a small pleasant house and a wealthy store. When they first got married, they lived in St. Davids and after being married for a while they moved to Queenston. Laura did not work but James was a Merchant. Life was good for Laura, James and their family, and it seemed the future held nothing but .....

Critical Biography On J. D. Salinger
Words: 1526 / Pages: 6

.... stories. "Salinger was the greatest mind ever to stay in prep school." -Norman Mailer (qtd. in "Salinger" SSC 291) The story of J. D. Salinger begins in downtown New York, NY, where he was born on January 1, 1919. Little is known about his early childhood, but his parents; Sol and Miriam, were known to be of upper-middle class stature and the family dwelled in downtown New York. As Salinger began to attend junior high school, his grades began to drop so his parents decided to send him to Valley Forge Military Academy, which is located in Pennsylvania. While enrolled in Valley Forge, Salinger's IQ level was tested at 115, which is slightly above a .....

Dinner With Bill Gates
Words: 1339 / Pages: 5

.... room, an enormous lounge of some kind furnished with an indoor volleyball court, arcade and a pool. Giton and I were simply amazed. This guy had an amusement park in his living room. There were some young boys on the volleyball court, playing a game. I couldn't help but notice a middle-ages guy, dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a sports coat, watching the game with furious intensity. I turned to the servant, our guide, I suppose, and asked him who this man was. "Oh that's Master Gates, the proprietor of this house. You'll be dining with him shortly." The servant led us through this room, past the pool and into a narrow corridor. T .....

Benjamin Banneker
Words: 468 / Pages: 2

.... and moon would rise and set, how the weather would change from season to season and when eclipses would occur. Banneker accurately predicted a solar eclipse in 1789. There were many white scientists in Bannekar’s day that taught themselves astronomy and published their own almanacs. They didn’t think it was possible for a black man-free or slave-to be smart enough to calculate the movements of the stars the way Banneker did. Banneker was determined to create an almanac that would be the first of its kind. Therefore, he spent close to a year observing the sky every night. He plotted the cycles of the moon and made careful notes. He .....

Carol Causs
Words: 1515 / Pages: 6

.... alphabet. Carl then set to teaching himself how to read by sounding out the combinations of the letters. Around the time that Carl was teaching himself to read aloud, he also taught himself the meanings of number symbols and learned to do arithmetical calculations. When Carl Gauss reached the age of seven, he began elementary school. His potential for brilliance was recognized immediately. Gauss's teacher Herr Buttner, had assigned the class a difficult problem of addition in which the students were to find the sum of the integers from one to one hundred. While his classmates toiled over the addition, Carl sat and pondered the question. He invented .....

Words: 627 / Pages: 3

.... 1808. The French troops stopped the riots, but the nationalistic spirit was not lost. For the next five years there was warfare in Spain. British troops came to aid Spain. This led to the defeat of Joseph, death of thousands of French troops and it inspired patriots and nationalists of other lands to resist Napoleon. This war between 1808 and 1813 is called The Peninsular War. In Germany, anti-French feelings broke out. But the French invasions carried German nationalism beyond the small ranks of writers. In 1807 writers attacked French occupation of Germany. This nationalistic feeling spread to the Prussians. In 1806 the Prussians were defeated .....

Karl Marx
Words: 1207 / Pages: 5

.... to move from Bonn to Cologne. As the paper became more and more revolutionary and widely read, the government decided to censor, and eventually suppress it. The paper was banned in March of 1843. At this time, it had more than 3,400 subscribers from all over Germany. was married to his childhood friend Jenny von Westphalen, in 1843. Later in the fall of that year Marx along with another Left Hegelian, Arnold Ruge, moved to Paris and began publication of a radical journal entitled Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher. However due to the problems in publishing such a radical paper, only one issue appeared. Karl met his closest friend in September of 1844, w .....

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