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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Henry James
Words: 1046 / Pages: 4

.... in 1843 was in New York City, his parents were purposly rootless, and by the age of eighteen he had already crossed the Atlantic six times. He avoided participation in the Civil War because of a poor back and began a role which he would maintain throughout his life and writings, one of a detached observer rather than participant in the American social scene. (Matthiessen 14) The first phase of James' writing begins when he is twenty-one, in 1864 and continues until 1881. He was extremely popular during this time, especially during after publication of a short story Daisy Miller, which is concerned with the destruction of a naive American girl b .....

Francesco Petrarch
Words: 1993 / Pages: 8

.... had another brother, who died at a very young age. His mother died when he was 15 years old, which was consequently when some of his earliest works have been recorded. At the age of 22, Francesco's father passed away, which caused Francesco to attain a career. Giovanni, his son, was born illegitimately in 1337. The relationship between the two was disappointment to Francesco. He describes him as: "Intelligent, perhaps even exceptionally intelligent, but he hates books" He let Giovanni live with him till he could no longer stand the sight of him and sent him to live in Avignon, at the age of 20. It wasn't until just before Giovanni's d .....

The Life And Work Of Robert Browning
Words: 1197 / Pages: 5

.... away from atheism and the extreme phases of his liberalism. The things he learned from the books he read would largely influence his poems later in his life. His earlier poetry was regarded with indifference and largely misunderstood. It was not until the 1860's that he would at last gain publicity and would even be compared with Alfred Lord Tennyson, another very famous poet of the time. Some of his early poetry was influenced by his unusual education. The poet also had an anxious desire to avoid exposing himself explicitly to his readers. The first poem he wrote called Pauline, was written in 1883 at the age of twenty-one, but he did not .....

A Dictionary Of Modern Revolut
Words: 334 / Pages: 2

.... warfare techniques . Che became a expert in these tactics. All members were arrested for practicing these techniques but released within a months time. The revolutionary army over threw the president Batitsa and began their dream of totally egality through Communism. Che was named second in command and sat along side with Fidel who became his closet advisor and friend. Che was dropped from the Communist establishment in 1965 by Castro but nor officially. Che's whereabouts were not known for many months. In truth Che had been planning what would be his last revolutionary strike. This strike to be held in Bolivia to stop the suffering and dictatorsh .....

Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Words: 602 / Pages: 3

.... when he was 12, and the boy was apprenticed to a printer. An apprentice works for someone in order to learn a trade. This was the first step toward his career as a writer. In 1857 he apprenticed himself to a riverboat pilot. He became a licensed pilot and spent two and a half years at his new trade. The river swarmed with traffic, and the pilot was the most important man aboard the boat. He wrote of these years in 'Life on the Mississippi'. The Civil War ended his career as a pilot. Clemens went west to Nevada and soon became a reporter on the Virginia City newspaper. Here he began using the pen name Mark Twain. It is an old river term meaning .....

Elizabeth Blackwell
Words: 460 / Pages: 2

.... At first, she had trouble because no medical school would admit her because of her gender. Because of this, she studied privately with doctors in Philadelphia and in the South. In 1847, Elizabeth was admitted to the Geneva Medical School of Western New York. This decision brought about much criticism but Elizabeth persevered and pursued her dream. In 1849, she graduated from Geneva Medical School at the top of her class. After this, she went to Paris (which at this time was the medical Mecca) to take advanced studies, but she was not permitted to study here either. She was then forced to enter a large maternity hospital as a student midwife. Here sh .....

Comparison Of Marcus Garvey And David Duke
Words: 1066 / Pages: 4

.... Garvey founded the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). The objectives of the UNIA were to promote racial pride, create colleges and universiteies for blacks, and establish world-wide commercial ventures. (Rogoff 67). Garvey founded the UNIA because during his frequent ravels he observed that black people were being mistreated, especially when it came to work. He observed the inferior status of black workers around the world. In an attempt to help relieve the plight of these workers he founded the UNIA. The UNIA was, in fact, the first, dominant black interest group, even before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored .....

Words: 384 / Pages: 2

.... or better known as a "Robber Baron", and was also called the "oil baron," exercised his genius in devising ways to circumvent competition. came to dominate the oil industry by brining a new energy and overwhelming strategy into his business. With one upward stride after another he organized the Standard Oil Company, which was the nucleus of the great trust that was formed. showed little mercy in his business dealings. He believe primitive savagery prevailed in the jungle world of business, where only the fittest survived or as you taught us (Social Darwinism) :-). Anyway, he pursued the policy of "ruin or rule." His oil monopoly di .....

Martin Luther
Words: 598 / Pages: 3

.... neither the church nor the state has the authority over the "individual conscience". He strongly believed that everyone is a free spokesperson in his relation with God. Luther believed that all the church authorities from the pope down must be overthrown. Luther placed emphasis on personal Bible study. He was the first to bring personal Bible study to the life of the "common people". Because Luther had found the true way of salvation by studying the Bible, he wanted all the people to have the same opportunity. However, the Bible was not written in German, thus the people had to rely on what the Catholic Church thought about its content and doctr .....

Marie Antoinette
Words: 511 / Pages: 2

.... people didn't have any bread to eat. She laughed and just said, "Let them eat cake, then!". Whether or not she really said this, the truth of the matter was that this story portrayed the way she really thought. She was either completely naive about the problems of the common people, or she thought that they were of no value. In 1774, Louis XV died, and his son Louis XVI became the true King. People were dying of starvation and most of the people were blaming it on the Queen Mari Antquonette. On Oct, 5 during the French revolution, thousands of people marched from Paris to Versailles (The Palace) to present there food demands to the king. Th .....

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