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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Words: 751 / Pages: 3

.... the single word vixerunt ("they are dead"), received a tremendous ovation from all classes. He was hailed by Catulus as pater patriae, "father of his country". This was the climax of his career. At the end of 60, declined Caesar's invitation to join the political alliance of Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey, and also Caesar's offer in 59 of a place on his staff in Gaul. When Publius Clodius, whom had antagonized, became tribune in 58, was in danger, and in March fled Rome. In 57, thanks to the activity of Pompey and particularly the tribune Milo, he was recalled on August 4. landed at Brundisium on that day and was acclaimed all along his route .....

Marco Polo
Words: 1778 / Pages: 7

.... coincided with the greatest extent of Mongol conquest of Asia(Li Man Kin 9). Ruled by Kublai Khan, the Mongol Empire stretched all the way from China to Russia and the Levant. The Mongol hordes also threatened other parts of Europe, particularly Poland and Hungary, inspiring fear everywhere by their bloodthirsty advances. Yet the ruthless methods brought a measure of stability to the lands they controlled, opening up trade routes such as the famous Silk Road. Eventually ,the Mongols discovered that it was more profitable to collect tribute from people than to kill them outright, and this policy too stimulated trade(Hull 23). Into this favorable .....

Louis XIV, The Sun King
Words: 1025 / Pages: 4

.... battle, however, was sacrificing his love for Mazarin's niece for politics. In 1660 he married the daughter of the king of Spain to bring peace between the two countries. Mazarin died March 9, 1661. On March 10, Louis claimed supreme authority in France. Not since Henry IV had such a claim been made. Louis saw himself as God's representative on earth, therefore, infallible. He oversaw roadbuilding, court decorum, defense, and disputes within the church. He had the support initially of his ministers, then that of the French people. He had given France the image it desired-youth and vitality surrounded by magnificence. Louis won the favor of the nobles .....

Biography Of Benjamin Franklin
Words: 1043 / Pages: 4

.... young Benjamin. He promised to back Franklin in his own printing business and sent Ben to England to get a printing press. The governor didn't keep his promise and Franklin was stranded in England. Franklin spent a year and a half in England and worked in a few different printing houses. He returned to Philadelphia and soon was back in the printing business. In 1728, Franklin and a partner, Hugh Meredith, opened their own print shop. They printed a newspaper called The Pennsylvania Gazette. He married Deborah Read in 1730. They had three children, two boys and one girt. One of Franklin's sons later became governor of New Jersey. He worked as .....

Ronald Reagan
Words: 1056 / Pages: 4

.... began an acting career that spanned more than 25 years. He played in more than 50 films, including "Knute Rockne"-All American (1940), "King's Row" (1942), and "Bedtime for Bonzo" (1951). Early political career Reagan's first political activities were associated with his responsibilities as a union leader. As union president, Reagan tried to remove suspected Communists from the movie industry. When the U.S. House Committee. Began an investigation in 1947 on the influence of Communists in the film industry, Reagan took a strong anti-Communist stand testifying before the committee. Reagan emerged on the national politic .....

William Tecumseh Sherman
Words: 1361 / Pages: 5

.... at West Point, he graduated in 1840. During the Mexican War, Sherman was posted in San Francisco. He resigned his commission in 1853 to become a partner in a bank there. Prior to the outbreak of hostilities between the North and the South, was Superintendent of the Louisiana State Seminary and Military Academy at Alexandria, Louisiana. After the war, the school moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana and became Louisiana State University (LSU). Talk of the secession from the Union was rampant. On January 18, 1861, Sherman resigned his position stating that he preferred to maintain his allegiance to the Constitution as long as a fragment of it survived. .....

Babe Ruth 2
Words: 553 / Pages: 3

.... such an altruistic man. Many loved the man and a lot hated him but none of that mattered as long as the children idolized him it was worth it. It was also when Babe Ruth was coming home from a football game. That a man burst out of the audience and yelled “ my boy, my boy… he’s dying, just sign this it would mean the world to him” but not only did he sign the ball but he also visited him in the hospital After a eccentric conversation with Johnny Sylvester. Babe promised to hit a home run for the kid but Johnny Sylvester declined he didn’t only want one home run he wanted two. So Babe laughed and promised, in the next ga .....

Carol Causs
Words: 1515 / Pages: 6

.... alphabet. Carl then set to teaching himself how to read by sounding out the combinations of the letters. Around the time that Carl was teaching himself to read aloud, he also taught himself the meanings of number symbols and learned to do arithmetical calculations. When Carl Gauss reached the age of seven, he began elementary school. His potential for brilliance was recognized immediately. Gauss's teacher Herr Buttner, had assigned the class a difficult problem of addition in which the students were to find the sum of the integers from one to one hundred. While his classmates toiled over the addition, Carl sat and pondered the question. He invente .....

Daniel Boone
Words: 521 / Pages: 2

.... and Indian War. There he met John Finley, a hunter who had seen some of the western wilds, who told him stories that set him dreaming. But Boone was not quite ready to pursue the explorer's life. Back home on his father's farm he began courting a neighbor's daughter, Rebecca Bryan, and soon they were married. In 1767 Boone traveled into the edge of Kentucky and camped for the winter at Salt Spring near Prestonsburg. But the least explored parts were still farther west, beyond the Cumberlands, and John Finley persuaded him to go on a great adventure. On May 1, 1769, Boone, Finley, and four other men, started out. They passed Cumberland Gap and on the .....

Helen Keller
Words: 1572 / Pages: 6

.... wherever she went, hanging onto her skirts. She touched and smelled everything she came across and felt other people's hands to see what they were doing. She copied their actions and was soon able to do certain jobs herself, like milking the cows or kneading dough. She even learnt to recognise people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She could also tell where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the feel of the ground under her feet. By the age of seven she had invented over 60 different signs by which she could talk to her family. If she wanted bread for example, she would pretend to cut a loaf and butter the sl .....

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