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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Czar Nicholas II
Words: 711 / Pages: 3

.... worked out in his private gym daily, he would always be seen as slight and wiry. Because his legs were so short, most people agreed that he looked most regal when mounted on horseback. He always wore his brown hair parted on the left. His beard, also brown, was streaked with golden highlights as if the sun had reached out and stroked it with a kindly finger. The Czar had a nervous habit of brushing his mustache up with the back of his hand. In time, this gesture would become his distinct signature. Because of his sheltered life under the fear of terrorists, Nicholas grew up secluded from the world. Unfortunately, this caused him to never had the self .....

The Philosopher, Aristotle
Words: 1163 / Pages: 5

.... of his life. The law in Athens came from a group of about five thousand men who were the land holders in the city. In this group an individual must be heard in order to defend himself and others in need. This was accomplished by those trained in rhetoric. Therefore those who taught this art stood to obtain a lot of wealth from their endeavors. These were known as sophists with whom much contempt was held by such philosophers as Socrates. "The greatest school of Rhetoric in all Greece was at this period held in Athens by the renowned Isocrates, who was at the zenith of his reputation."(Collins p. 11) A competitor with this school was Plato's .....

Thomas Jefferson: The Man, The Myth, And The Morality
Words: 753 / Pages: 3

.... article “Thomas Jefferson and the Character Issue”, the question should be reversed: “...This was of asking the question... is essentially backward, and reflects the pervasive presentism of our time. Consider, for example, how different the question appears when inverted and framed in more historical terms: How did a man who was born into a slave holding society, whose family and admired friends owned slaves, who inherited a fortune that was dependent on slaves and slave labor, decide at an early age that slavery was morally wrong and forcefully declare that it ought to be abolished?” (Wilson 66). Wilson also argues that Jefferson kne .....

Jimmy Carter
Words: 796 / Pages: 3

.... lb. football at Annapolis. - Life-long tennis player - Plays softball, billiards, bowls, fishes, hunts( especially wild turkey, quail, and dove) - Rode a motorcycle before entering politics - To keep in shape, rides a bicycle, jogs, plays tennis. - Dances with Rosalynn - Favorite spectator sport is basketball Breakfast - Orange juice, coffee, fruit, and cereal. Sometimes pancakes. Food - Sirloin steak, medium rare - Any kind of fish or poultry - Corn bread - Any vegetables except beans - Salad with Roquefort dressing - Frozen yogurt Hymns - The Navy Hymn "Eternal Father Strong to Save" - "Amazing Grace" .....

Presidential Anomalies
Words: 654 / Pages: 3

.... 1860, candidate Abraham Lincoln was elected President and had to preside over America’s greatest crisis. He was reelected in 1864 and saw the Civil War come to a successful conclusion. At his second inaugural address, Lincoln said “with malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; bind up the nations wounds.” Shortly after the war’s end, a fanatical Confederate sympathizer, John Wilkes Booth, assassinated him. In 1880, Ohio Congressman James A. Garfield won the election despite a very slim lead in popular votes, however, won easi .....

Edgar Allen Poe
Words: 1064 / Pages: 4

.... was pure luck that Mrs. Frances Allan, the wife of a merchant in Richmond learned about the Poe babies. She had no children of her own and liked handsome little Edgar a lot more than his sister. She took him home with her, and another family took his little sister Rosalie. Mrs. Allan would have liked to adopt Edgar, but her husband was unwilling to commit himself. At that time people thought acting was immoral. John Allan could not help regarding the little son of actor parents as a questionable person to inherit his name and the fortune he was busy accumulating. He was willing however, to support the child, and in time came to be proud of Edgar's g .....

John F.Kennedy: Biography
Words: 1403 / Pages: 6

.... went to high school at Canterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut. In 1931 he transferred from Canterbury to Choate Academy in Wallingford, Connecticut. In 1935 Kennedy graduated from Choate Academy when he was 18 years old. When he graduated he was voted "Most likely to succeed." By his fellow class mates. Kennedy went to College at Princeton University, but he developed Jaundice, a disease where ones liver becomes bad and the poisons in your body back up, and was forced to drop out of the university. A year later, when Kennedy felt better, in 1936 he entered Harvard University. Kennedy's major was in government and international affair .....

Susan Smith
Words: 1533 / Pages: 6

.... Susan met her future spouse David Smith, at the age of nine- teen. The couple later went on to have two children, Michael and Alex. She was described as "well-known and well-liked" by her friends, neighbours and relatives. None of her friends or neighbours could have expected Susan Smith to commit such a horrible crime. The event took place in a small town in Union, South Carolina. On October 25th Susan Smith explained that she was "heading east on Highway 49 when she stopped at a red light at Monarch Mills about 9:15 p.m., and a man jumped into the passenger seat." She described the man "as a black male in his late 20s to early 30s, wearin .....

The Life Of Henry Ford
Words: 2795 / Pages: 11

.... did he study his father's machines, but any other he could find in his community. Henry was very interested in finding how the energy of steam was controlled and put to work. There was an old, deserted sawmill near the Ford farm that stirred Henry's interest every time he passed it. One afternoon, he picked up a few tools and headed for the old mill to find how steam was regulated to enable the saws to work. He examined the steam ports and saw how the slide valve controlled the steam. Shortly afterwards, as Henry and his father were going into town, they met a huge, steampowered vehicle on the road. Henry had his father stop so he could talk t .....

Donald Trump
Words: 817 / Pages: 3

.... book that he was very talented in the area of decision making. He knew exactly when to buy or sell his assets to maximize his profits. Trump starts of by listing his top ten comeback tips. Some seem ridiculous, but apparently they work. He suggests things such as playing golf, being paranoid, going with your gut instinct, and always having a prenuptial agreement. The first chapter explains briefly his rise to the top and the rest of the book tells how he survived the low period and eventually regained his status. One of the main reasons for Donald’s downfall was the plummeting value of his vast real estate assets. He claims that his i .....

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