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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

The Scarlet Letter
Words: 430 / Pages: 2

.... tall and proud. During this time, Hester’s emotions, at full integrity, mirroring her appearance. When Hester is being questioned upon the scaffold, her virtue shines through when she refuses to name the partner of her sin. In the next example, Hester’s pride and stature both seem to dwindle in accordance to her appearance. Within the next seven years, Hester has gone through a change both physically and emotionally. The book describes to have absorbed all the rebellious and fiery qualities of Hester, leaving a cold and lonely woman, her tenderness “crushed so deeply into her heart that it can never show itself more.” At the same time, Heste .....

A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man: Conflicting Desires Within A Doctrine
Words: 865 / Pages: 4

.... girl that Stephen wanted to marry when he was younger. She is described to have ivory hands and golden hair, which confuses Stephen with the phrases, "Tower of Ivory" and "House of Gold" which is part of the Roman Catholic Litany of Our Lady. Later when Stephen is at school, he again thinks about Eileen. Stephen gets his first sensual experience from Eileen when she puts her hand into his pocket and touches his hand. Stephen gets quite confused with the terms of the Litany of Our Lady so he starts to associate the "Tower of Ivory" and "House of Gold" to Eileen. The way James Joyce describes the scene, "She had put her hand into his pocket where h .....

Catcher In The Rye: Holden Portrayed As A Troubled Young Man
Words: 910 / Pages: 4

.... Reveling in innocence, perfectness, and being untouched by change is the most comfortable pattern of living for Holden: "In chapter 5 when Holden is waiting for Ackley to get ready to go to town, he looks out of the window of his room, opens it, and packs a snowball from the snow on the window ledge. He begins to throw it at a parked car, but doesn't because the car "looked so nice and white". Then he aims at a fire hydrant, but stops again because that also looks "too nice and white". Finally he decides not to throw it at anything and closes the window...What Holden sees through the window is for him a visual embodi .....

The Glass Managerie
Words: 721 / Pages: 3

.... a cigarette. He addresses the audience . then Tom says: Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion. In the above quote, Tom wants to tell the audience the main characteristic of him in the play is to escape. The last sentence of the above quote, he says "I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion" which means I like to hide the truth and run away from reality. This example shows whenever he think about escaping or wanting to escape, he will always si .....

The Yellow Wallpaper: What The Hell????
Words: 297 / Pages: 2

.... sense to me. The pattern with the woman seems to be related to the way she is being treated by her husband, John. John is very protective of her wife because she is in all reality a very sick woman. She feels trapped because of this and the way she sees the paper must be an indication. She stays up late at night and hours on end during the day to stare at worthless, tattered, yellow wallpaper. This story really bored me to death. All I could think of was, "when is this story going to be over?" I remember having a highly active imagination as a child but this is ridiculous. She sees mushrooms sprouting and women shaking bars and she's a middle .....

The House On Mango Street, The Benedictine Rule
Words: 817 / Pages: 3

.... to her family, but when they moved into the house on mango street she was not as excited. She describes the house as small and red with tight steps in front. She also complains that she has to share a bedroom with her Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, and Nenny. Esperanza is not satisfied with the life that she was given, and is destined to improve and achieve past the expectations set forth by her environment. The writing style used in The House on Mango Street is a very indirect way of narrative. The author presents to the reader many different stories, stories that if taken at face value could be see as details alone. These stories are short nar .....

Of Mice And Men 5
Words: 639 / Pages: 3

.... wife, he knows exactly where to go, due to the fact that he did something wrong. George tells Lennie before they arrived at the ranch, "if you just happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an' hide in the brush" (15). George separates from the group and went to the area stated to Lennie if he got in trouble. The readers' perspective would think that George did Lennie a favor in shooting him to put Lennie out of misery or suffering caused by the other characters. Therefore, since he knew Curley would not give up till Lennie was dead, he took the responsibility of killing him in a tactful way. Another w .....

The Concrete Dangers Of Abstra
Words: 2728 / Pages: 10

.... ambition, or the more complex effects caused by illusion. In more precise terms, Shakespeare makes a comment on this subject, as his portrayal of Macbeth’s gradual deterioration clearly leads to the reader’s understanding of the dangers of illusion. In fact, even before the appearance of the main character, the prevalence of this theme can already be noticed in the first scene, through the obscure and deranging apparition of the three witches. In effect, the three “Weird Sisters” are the generators of Macbeth’s illusions, and it can already be seen that the source of these predictions cannot be entrusted. More specif .....

Lord Of The Flies : Summary Of Conclusion
Words: 616 / Pages: 3

.... boys, led by Ralph would survive. They would not be so threatened by nature, lack of food, shelter and such other things, they could survive it, but I think that their biggest threat would be Jack's group of hunters who seem adamant on damage and violence and drifting away from the real world. Jack is the kind of character who is defined as a psychotic person who was refrained from his true genetic personality and yearning for violence because of the standards to which he was born. He was a rich and went to a private school where he could not be himself. The school was very strict and therefore not allowing any of the boys to do things that t .....

Summary Of Lord Of The Flies
Words: 1559 / Pages: 6

.... the aeroplane and survived the crash. Last to arrive are the choir, who are described as a "black catterpillar moving along the beach." On closer examination is is found that there is a wide variance in the age of the boys, from about 6 to 12 years of age. From here on in the book the younger boys are simply referred to as the "littluns" and the older boys as "bigguns" although the younger children are referred to more collectively in the story. Ralph is elected chief of the group and his first action is for Jack, Simon and himself to go on a scout to check if the island is really and island or is attached to anything else, they find that it is .....

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